Title: Su Houng Lee
1J/y Dissociation cross section in Vacuum and QGP
- Su Houng Lee
- Yonsei University
- Seoul , Korea
- Introduction on dissociation cross section in
different models - Progress in QCD calculations LO and NLO
- Dissociation due to thermal gluons and quarks
2Quarkonium Haron interaction in QCD
Important because a) J/y suppression is a
signature of QGP in Heavy Ion collision b)
J/y suppression can occur through dissociation
by hadrons in later stages of HIC,
need to know J/y hadron cross section
c) Recent lattice show J/y will survive in QGP
up to 2 T_c. need to know J/y parton
cross section
3J/y hadron cross section
1. Effective model
s1/2 (GeV)
2. Quark exchange model
3. LO pert QCD
4Progress in QCD calculations
5Basics in Heavy Quark system
1. Heavy quark propagation
Perturbative treatment are possible because
62. System with two heavy quarks
Perturbative treatment are possible when
7Perturbative treatment are possible when
8Historical perspective on Quarkonium Haron
interaction in QCD
- Peskin (79), Bhanot and Peskin (79)
- a) From OPE
- b) Binding energy e0 gtgt L
- Kharzeev and Satz (94,96) , Arleo et.al.(02,04)
- a) Rederive, target mass correction
- b) Application to J/y physics in HIC
9Rederivation of Peskin formula using
Bethe-Salpeter equation (Lee,Oh 02)
Resum Bound state by Bethe-Salpeter Equation
10NR Power counting in Heavy bound state
1. Perturbative part
11LO Amplitude
12However, near threshold, LO result is expected
to have large correction
13NLO Amplitude
14NLO Amplitude
Collinear divergence when q10. Cured by mass
15Mass factorization
Gluons whose kcos q1 lt Q scale, should be
included in parton distribution function
16NLO Amplitude
Higher order in g counting
17Application to Upsilon dissociation cross section
Fit quark mass and coupling from fitting to
coulomb bound state gives
18Total cross section for Upsilon by nucleon NLO
vs LO
Large higher order corrections Even larger
correction for charmonium
19What do we learn from NLO calculation ?
1. Large NLO correction near threshold, due
to log terms
2. Dissociation by quarks are less than 10
of that by gluons
Quenched lattice results at finite temperature
are reliable
20Total cross section gluon vs quark effects
With thermal mq mg 200 MeV
21Effective Thermal cross section gluon vs quark
22Effective Thermal width gluon vs quark effects
- We reported on the QCD NLO Quarkonium-hadron
dissociation cross section. - ? Large correction even for upsilon
system, especially near threshold
2. The corrections becomes smaller with
thermal quark and gluon mass of larger than 200
MeV ? The thermal widht of J/y becomes
1 GeV at T600 MeV
3. The dissociation cross section due to
quarks are less than 10 of that due to the
gluons. ? The quenched lattice
calculation of the mass and width of J/y at
finite temperature should be reliable.
Total cross section for open charm
CM energy
Meson exchange model Wei, Ko, Lee (03)
25LO ressult for y gluon, y-gluon dissociation
(Oh, Kim, Lee (02))
LO ressult for y nucleon, y-nucleon
dissociation (Oh, Kim, Lee (02))