The Subprime Mortgage Crisis

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The Subprime Mortgage Crisis


... borrowers, down 38% from the fourth quarter of 2006 and down 90% for subprime borrowers. ... by more than 104 Million dollars in the third quarter of 2006. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Subprime Mortgage Crisis

The Subprime Mortgage Crisis
  • . More than 20 of subprime loans originated in
    2005 and 2006 are seriously delinquent
  • 13 of the loans originated in 2007 are
  • One result has been a sharp contraction in credit
    for mortgage borrowers, down 38 from the fourth
    quarter of 2006 and down 90 for subprime
  • The number of vacant homes listed for sale, 2.2
    Million was up 39 from a year earlier.
  • Home prices have fallen by 12.5 since their
    high in July 2006.
  • Projections by Fitch Rating Agency are that 43
    of recent subprime loans will be lost to
  • It is estimated that 2 million people could lose
    their homes,.
  • It is also estimated that 14 million households
    will have negative equity

Causes of the Subprime Crisis
  • One of the major factors contributing to the
    crisis was the fact that interest rates were
    below 3 continuously from September 2001 to May
    2005 having been below 3 for only 5 months of
    the previous decade.
  • moral hazard of originator zip codes where
    there was much demand in the nineties showed the
    growth in subprime and the large distribution
    immediately after origination
  • Demand for A rated paper by institutional

. 70 of the loans originated by New Century
had low initial teaser rates.
  • More than 40 of the loans were underwritten on a
    stated income basis. These are so called liar
    loans because there is no need to verify claimed
  • Another common loan product which offered a
    high degree of risk was so called 80-20 loans
    which are involved two separate loans to do the
    same transaction a first lien of 80 and a
    second lien of 20 resulting in a combined
    finance of 100 of the value of the property.
  • New Centurys Chief Credit Officer noted in 2004
    that New Century had no standards for loan
  • Instead of whether borrowers could meet their
    obligations under the loans, the predominant
    standard was whether the loan could be sold or
    repackaged in the secondary market

New Century did not account for loans that needed
to be repurchased
  • by ignoring the backlog from older loans and
    interest which needed to be paid to investors.
  • understated the repurchase reserves by more than
    104 Million dollars in the third quarter of 2006.
  • Several interviewees claimed that KPMG actually
    suggested the changes to the repurchase reserve
  • classic problems in corporate governance
    including a dysfunctional board, an audit
    committee which failed to focus on issues, a lack
    of internal controls and a flawed internal audit

CDOs are resecuritizations
  • Like RMBS Collateralized Debt Obligations have
    tranches thus theres double securitization
  • Internal interest rate spread external credit
    enhancement for Senior Tranches as well as junior
    tranche subordination
  • Many other derivatives used at all levels
    including swap to fixed rate for ARMs.
  • SIVs are off balance sheet but reputational risk
  • ABS CDOs used derivatives to take on more BBB
    tranches than actually existed

Credit rating agencies are to blame
  • 1 Rating agencies appear to have seriously
    underestimated that amount that needed to be
    placed in junior tranches in order to secure
    senior tranches.
  • 2 The disparity in default between structured
    finance ratings and firm specific ratings has
    been as great as 10 to 1.
  • 3 Of more than 198 tranches (parts of CDOs)
    downgraded between October and early December
    2007, the median downgrade was seven notches and
    30 were downgraded 10 notches
  • 4 whereas on the entire Moodys data base of
    corporate bonds since 1970, no Aaa bond was
    downgraded more than six notches to A in a single

Moodys earnings rose 375 over the last six years
  • net income rose from 159 Million in 2000 to
    425 Million in 2004
  • Structured Finance accounted for 43 of Moodys
    earnings whereas a few years ago it had been in
    the single digits
  • Approximately, 90 of fees are paid for by the
    issuer 2006

CRA Problems
  • CRAs are immune from liability as the publishers
    of financial information
  • Since rating agencies are paid to issue a
    rating, they have a weak incentive to update that
  • Did not downgrade until 07 but aware of problem
    in 06
  • Underwriters can forum shop
  • The CRA is relying on the statements of mortgage
    originators and underwriters. Due diligence
    should be for CRA
  • Forum Shopping

14 Million Homes have negative equity
  • Different from other recessions
  • Foreclosure can cost from 20 to 50
  • Servicers have incentive to modify mortgages
  • The Pooling and Service agreements generally give
    servicers the right to modify contracts if such
    modifications are in the interests of the lenders
  • Servicers should look to the interest of the
    bondholders as an aggregate

Second liens mean the first might not be
  • Widespread foreclosure is a game of musical
  • But lower prices mean some rewarded for not
    biting off more than they can chew
  • FHA Secure provides some FHA refinancing
  • Hope Now relates only to 08 and 09 resets not in

Federal Reserve Board announced changes to Reg Z
(truth in lending)
  • Creditors would be prohibited from engaging in a
    pattern or practice of lending without
    considering borrowers ability to repay.
  • Creditors would be required to verify the income
    and assets they rely upon in making a loan
  • Prepayment penalties would be allowed only in
    certain circumstance No prepayment penalties
    for sixty days before a possible payment increase
  • Creditors would have to establish escrow accounts
    for taxes and insurance

Treasury Blueprint and new Legislation for Anti
Predatory Lending
  • Treasury blueprint calls for federal mortgage
    originator regulator
  • Legislation would require ability to repay,
    borrowers benefit financially no steering
  • And holder in Due Course rule modified making
    Wall Street firms liable in some circumstances

Housing Stablization Bill 300 Billion in New FHA
  • 35 debt to income ratio to prevent gaming
  • 3 loan loss reserve for FHA
  • 2 closing costs
  • Bring LTV ratio to 90 of appraised value. Thus
    85 paid to lender
  • Government to share profits greater of 3 or
    100 of profit in year 1 going down to 20 in
    year 5, 0 thereafter

Housing Stablization Bill
  • Eligibility restricted to owner occuped
  • Senior loan must originate before 2007
  • Extinguishes all prior loans but doesnt deal
    with problem of junior liens
  • Assesses lender compliance and rates of
  • Bulk sale or auction process to be studied
  • Additional bill 15 Billion dollars in
    Neighborhood Stablization

Other Proposals
  • Keep the risk of redefault with the
    securitization trust Schemes to penalize lender
    if redefault or delinquency
  • FDICs Shiela Bair proposed Gov. to pay down 20
    of principal which is amortized after five years
    and paid back. Lender to pay interest on 20 for
    five years
  • This proposal goes to ability to pay rather than
    negative equity
  • GSEs should raise new capital and have new

Additional Bills
  • Bill to amend bankruptcy code to allow cram down
    of amount owed on principal residence.
  • Bill to define servicers duties to make it
    easier for servicers to modify mortgages
  • Both intended to overcome three obstacles to
    servicer modification tranche warfare, servicers
    overwhelmed piggy back junior liens

Loan Modifications as of January
  • Seven out of ten mortgages not in any workout
  • 2/3 of loan modifications not completed in the
    following month
  • Number of delinquent loans stacking up from 21
    to 28
  • Only 4 of loans that reset in January February
    received loan modifications of more than five
    years although more of those in negotiation have
    permanent modification

Bear Stearns Bailout and Financial Fall out
  • 29 Billion in guarantee of Bear assets JP Morgan
    assumes a billion in liability
  • Investment Banks now perform functions of banks
    Treasury Blueprint would give Fed access to books
    and records in crisis not enough for democrats
  • Require investment banks to hold more capital. 10
    to 1 rather than 33 to 1 like Bear Stearns (Alan

Investment banks under Fed Umbrella
  • Investment banks have access to discount window
  • Term lending facilities accepts RMBS as
  • Strengthen capital requirements for investment
    banks from 33 to 1 (Bear Stearns) to about 12 to
    1 (Alan Blinder )

Financial Stability Forum International Basel
  • raise Basel II capital requirements for certain
    structured financial instruments
  • Introduce additional capital requirements for
    default and event risk in trading books of banks
    and securities firms
  • Strengthen the capital treatment of liquidity
    facilities to off balance sheet entities
  • capital requirements for highly rated tranches of
    CDOs of ABS

FSF Continued
  • VAR models not sensitive to asset class
  • Reputational Risk to be Considered Require
    banks to hold capital for off balance sheet SIVs
    (Alan Blinder)
  • Reconsider role of CRA in internal as well as
    ratings based approach
  • Central Bank Cooperation Liquidity plan across
    border Swap Agreements plan to deal with weak
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