Title: Michael Doran
1Time Evolution of Dark Energy(if any )
- Michael Doran
- Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Universität Heidelberg
2Dark energy (a.k.a. quintessence)
3(Semi-) Known Dark Energy Properties
- D.E. does not cluster on scales within horizon,
because canonical - D.E. not coupled or very weakly coupled to
matter - Cosmological constant fits all observations
- Descriptions in terms of modified Einstein
action and scalar fields possible and related
4Extracting information on
5Effects of dark energy I -- Geometry
- Additional component changes expansion history
and horizons. - Geometrical tests include
- Acoustic scale of the CMB
- Baryon acoustic oscillations at low redshifts
- Luminosity distance at low redshift
from SNe Ia - Luminosity distance up to from ?-ray
bursts (?) - Angular diameter distance using shape of
6Effects of dark energy II -- Couplings
- If D.E. coupled to baryons
- mediates additional fifth force (hence very
restricted) - might be linked to running coupling constants
- If D.E. coupled to cold dark matter acts like
self-interaction for dark matter, i.e. enhances
clustering. Caution
exchange. -
7Effects of dark energy III -- Structure growth
- Not coupled Suppresses growth of linear matter
perturbations because additional non-clustering
component is present. - Consequences?
- Gravitational potential decays during matter
domination if D.E. present ISW effect in
CMB - The longer a mode is inside the horizon, the
more it gets suppressed if D.E. present.
However, all modes inside horizon at
matter-radiation equality are equally
suppressed. Up to running spectral
index then equal suppression. - Rough rule of thumb 10 dark energy during
structure formation 50 less
9Linear Power Spectrum
Early Dark Energy
10Counterintuitive More structure at higher
- Conditions for collapse roughly the same as in
-CDM - Yet, even after collapse of some halo starts,
linear theory fluctuations grow less compared
to -CDM - So linear overdensity corresponding to
collapsed object is lower than in -CDM - Same non-linear structure with lower
11.. more non-linear structure at higher redshift
Mass Function rel. toLCDM
Halo Mass h-1 Msun
12Early Dark Energy influences the CMB ...
R.R. Caldwell et. al. (2003)
13Dark Energy influences structure growth...
- Linear fluctuations grow less with dark energy.
- CMB normalized, early dark energy predicts more
non-linear structure at higher redshifts compared
to standard cosmological constant. M.
Bartelmann, M.D., C. Wetterich (2005)
Mass Function rel. to LCDM
Halo mass
14.. more non-linear structure at higher redshift
Mass Function rel. toLCDM
Halo Mass h-1 Msun