Title: Extraplanar HI and its implications
1Extraplanar HIand its implications
- James Binney
- and
- Filippo Fraternali
- (Oxford Bologna)
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- The phenomenology of extraplanar gas
- The basic fountain model
- Galactic coronae
- Fountain/coronal interaction
- Prospects
- (Fraternali JB, 2006, 2007, MNRAS)
3Extra-planar gas in NGC 891
- Sancisi Allen 1979
- NH 5 1020 cm-2
- Swaters et al. 1997
- NH 7 1019 cm-2
- Oosterloo et al. 2005
- NH 1.7 1019 cm-2
- Sancisi Allen 1979
- NH 5 1020 cm-2
- Swaters et al. 1997
- NH 7 1019 cm-2
- Oosterloo et al. 2005
- NH 1.7 1019 cm-2
- Sancisi Allen 1979
- NH 5 1020 cm-2
- Swaters et al. 1997
- NH 7 1019 cm-2
- Oosterloo et al. 2005
- NH 1.7 1019 cm-2
4NGC891 Low rotation of extra-planar gas
Fraternali 2005
5NGC 2403
.Distance 3 Mpc .Type Sc .Inclination
62 .Non-interacting .Very similar to M33
6NGC2403 Extra-planar gas
Forbidden gas
130 km/s
Extra-planar gas
Fraternali, Oosterloo, Sancisi, van Moorsel 2001
7NGC2403 Non circular motions
Thin disc
Extra-planar gas
8Non-circular motions
9NGC 6946 Extra-planar gas and SF
Boomsma PhD 2005
10Extra-planar gas and star formation
11Summary (observations)
- Extra-planar gas detected up to 15 kpc from plane
- Rotation lower than the disc
- High velocities (100-200 km s-1)
- Link with star formation?
Too much gas for just accretion
12How common is halo gas?
- Halo gas (HI) found and studied in 7 galaxies
- NGC891, N2403, N6946, N253 (Boomsma et al. 2005),
- N4559 (Barbieri et al. 2005), UGC7321 (Matthews
Wood 2003), - NGC2613 (Irwin Chaves 2003).
13Dynamical models
Previous works
- A barotropic pp(r) fluid in a gravitational
field corotates (Poincaré, 1893)
- Hydrostatic models for non-barotropic fluid show
gradient in - rotation velocity but also high temperatures
- (Barnabé, Ciotti, Fraternali, Sancisi, AA,
- Galactic fountain gas circulation
(disc-halo-disc) - (Shapiro Field, ApJ 1976 Bregman, ApJ 1980)
- Ballistic models disagreement between predicted
gradient in - rotation velocity and H? data
- (Collins, Benjamin Rand, AA 2002)
14Fountain model(Shapiro Field, ApJ 1976
Bregman, ApJ 1980 Fraternali Binney 06 )
- Clouds ejected from circular orbits with
distributions in v, ? - Surface density / (HI)1.3
- Clouds move ballistically as in Collins,
Benjamin Rand, AA 02, but may not be visible
until zmax or rmax
- Axisymmetry exploited to build pseudo-data cube
- Clouds return to disk on first or second passage
through z0 - lt4 of SN energy needed
15Dynamical model
- Continuous flow of particles from the disc to
the halo
- Initial conditions distribution of kick
- Potential exponential discs bulge DM halo
- Integration in the (R,z) plane, then
distribution along ?
- At each dt projection along the line of sight
- Stop at the first or second passage through the
- Pseudo-cube to be compared with HI data cube
16Model constraint vertical distribution
Vkick 75 km s-1 Mhalo 2 109 M?
17N891 inflow/outflow
Travel times
Energy input lt4 of energy from SNe
18NGC 891 Lack of low angular momentum
Fast rotating gas
19NGC2403 lagging gas
Vkick 70 km s-1 Mhalo 5 108 M?
20NGC2403 inflow/outflow
Radial outflow
21Second-passage models
22Phase-change models
NGC 2403
NGC 891
Fast rotating gas
23Phase-change models
Vertical motions
24N2403 substructures
- Feedback efficient
(1/3 of baryons in galaxies) - Outflows from starburst galaxies observed
- If any gas bound to galaxies, it is at
T' Tvir' 106K
M82 (Chandra /Hubble/Spitzer)
26NGC 891 X-ray halo
- Fit isothermal halo (T2.7106K)
Strickland 04
27Cloud-corona interaction
- tcool À tflow D/v ' 1 Myr
(D100 pc, v 100 km/s) - Drag deceleration Cv2/L
C 1, Lm/(½¾) - So v(t)v(0)/(1t/tdrag) where
tdrag L/Cv(0) ' 300 tflow ' 300Myr - Hence drag significant for HI
28Impact on corona
- Rate of absorption of angular momentum
- For gas at zgt1.3kpc,
- ) tspin (2Mcorona/106M)Myr
- But Mcorona 3107(r/10kpc)M so
tspin 60(r/10kpc)Myr
29Inescapable conclusion
- Star-forming disks act like impellers of
centrifugal pumps - Must profoundly modify the structure of
X-ray corona
- Many arguments for accretion, including
- G-dwarf problem
- HI exhaustion
- Sustained star formation
- Net infall of HVCs around Milky Way
- Incoming gas not expected to have L parallel to L
of existing disk (warps)
31Accretion the fountain
- Suppose fountain clouds sweep up infalling gas so
- Then
- Results insensitive to (R,z) take constant
- Take mean vi either along z or along r with
Gaussian scatter around mean ¾ ' 50 km/s
32NGC 891
- Polar 2Gyr-1
- Radial 0.6Gyr-1
33NGC 891 (rotation)
- Good fits to data _at_ 3.9 and 5.2 kpc
34NGC 2403
- Produces asymmetry indicative of infall
- Polar 2 Gyr-1
- Radial 1.2 Gyr-1
P-v diags for minor axis and 2
35NGC 2403
- Star-forming galaxies cycle their HI through halo
several times over life - (NGC 891 hasgt25 of HI in halo)
- Simple fountain model fails because
(i) halo predicted to rotate too fast, and
(ii) halo predicted to show outflow
rather than inflow - X-ray emitting gas at Tvir exists around NGC 891
- HI halo must act on it like a pumps impeller
37Conclusions (cont)
- Adding low Lz infall at rate expected a priori
solves both fast-rotation and outflow problems of
simple fountain model - HI clouds need to gain mass at rate '1 Gyr-1
- Next steps
(i) to use model to explain HVC
population of the Milky Way
(ii) to understand
dynamics of X-ray gas