Title: An Integrated Profiling Technique IPT and its accuracy assessment
1An Integrated Profiling Technique (IPT) and its
accuracy assessment
Ulrich Löhnert Meteorological Institute
University of Munich
2Ground-based atmospheric profiling
- Microwave remote sensing allows the retrieval of
high-quality temperature, humidity and
microphysical cloud parameters - long-term times series of cloud profiles are
necessary for the evaluation of NWP and climate
models - more accurate knowledge of cloud microphysics are
needed in order to better understand the
cloud-radiation interaction - continuous measurements of microwave profilers
may have the potential to partially substitute a
number of stations in an existing radiosonde
network - ground based remote sensors can perform important
benchmark measurements for satellite retrieval
KNMI, April 27, 2004
Get more accurate by
combining as much instruments as you can
difficult need to specialize in many instruments
do it in a physically consistent way
even more difficult need to calculate the
forward models !
KNMI, April 27, 2004
4Main instruments at the Cabauw site
Cloud radar (KNMI/GKSS) Advantage accurate
determination of cloud vertical
structure Disadvantage direct determination of
microphysical cloud parameters highly erroneous
Microwave radiometer MICCY (Bonn) Advantage
accurate LWP, temperature and humidity profile
Disadvantage very limited vertical resolution
concerning liquid water
Laser ceilometer (KNMI) Advantage accurate
determination of cloud base Disadvantage high
absorption within liquid cloud
KNMI, April 27, 2004
5Microwave profiler MICCY
MICCYs absorption characteristics are suited for
determining T, q, (and LWC) profiles
complex underdetermined inversion problem
Simplification linearization and discretization
- still an ambiguous problem
- KJ is ill-conditioned
further constraints required
KNMI, April 27, 2004
6IPT scheme (off-line)
19 MICCY brightness temperatures (TB)
dBZ profiles
lidar cloud base
- optimized profiles of
- Temperature (T)
- humidity (q)
Bayesian Retrieval
ground measurements of T, p, q
a priori LWC profile (model climatology)
a priori T und q profiles (nearest-by radiosonde)
measurement-consistent with respect to error
KNMI, April 27, 2004
y measurement vector (TB, dBZ, Tgr, qgr)
Forward model F K Jacobi-matrix
(dF/dx) xa a priori profile Se error
covariance matrix Sa a priori covariance
IPT equations (optimal estimation) derivable
from Bayesian probability theory condition
Gaussian distributed parameters
- solution is not exact, but rather probability
density - a priori profile stabilizes the solution
- iterative approach guarantees physical
KNMI, April 27, 2004
8Error covariance matrix Se
- 0.5 K random calibration error main
diagonal components - forward model error of RTO included in Se
(actual error is
unknown and is thus interpreted as the covariance
between the two standard microwave absorption
models of Rosenkranz 1998 and Liebe 1993)
main and off-diagonal components
no correlation
- 3 dBZ random error main diagonal components
- inclusion of error covariances due to a standard
attenuation correction for water vapor and liquid
water main and off diagonal components
- forward model error of dBZ-LWC relation included
main diagonal components
KNMI, April 27, 2004
9Covariance matrix Sa (off-line)
temporal interpolation
Operational radiosonde t to 12h in 30km
distance to Cabauw
Operational radiosonde t to in 30km distance to
Main diagonal components (Toper,i Tcab,i)2 Off
diagonal components (Toper,i Tcab,i)(Toper,j
Radiosonde at Cabauw t to 6h
KNMI, April 27, 2004
10Example Cloud Classification
KNMI, April 27, 2004
11IPT retrieval May 19, 2003
KNMI, April 27, 2004
12IPT retrieval May 19, 2003
KNMI, April 27, 2004
13IPT retrieval May 19, 2003
KNMI, April 27, 2004
14IPT evaluation T q (BBC1)
(IPT-DeBilt RS, interpol.)
KNMI, April 27, 2004
15IPT evaluation LWC (BBC1)
KNMI, April 27, 2004
16Comparison with Cabauw radiosondes (BBC2)
with clouds
KNMI, April 27, 2004
Thanks to A. Schomburg, U-Bonn
17Comparison with Cabauw radiosondes (BBC2)
with clouds
KNMI, April 27, 2004
Thanks to A. Schomburg, U-Bonn
18Comparison with Cabauw radiosondes (BBC2)
without clouds
KNMI, April 27, 2004
Thanks to A. Schomburg, U-Bonn
19Comparison with Cabauw radiosondes (BBC2)
without clouds
KNMI, April 27, 2004
Thanks to A. Schomburg, U-Bonn
20Comparison Cabauw radiosondes with LM (BBC2)
with clouds
KNMI, April 27, 2004
Thanks to A. Schomburg, U-Bonn
21Comparison Cabauw radiosondes with LM (BBC2)
with clouds
KNMI, April 27, 2004
Thanks to A. Schomburg, U-Bonn
- IPT is a method for deriving measurement-consisten
t profiles of T, q, and LWC using a combination
of remote and in-situ sensors in an optimal sense - Together with the cloud classification scheme,
IPT can be applied automatically - DT lt 1K, Dq lt 1 gm-3 overall
DLWC 20 - Temperature and humidity profiles derivable
during cloudy cloud-free cases! - Microwave absorption uncertainties present a
serious limitation
23Outlook A sophisticated IPT-evaluation using
RACMO output
- Apply IPT to RACMO model output and verify the
results with respect to the original model
parameters - No uncertainties due to absorption model
- Detailed and exact calculation of (error)
covariance matrices is possible - Consider accuracy issue w.r.t. a priori
radiosonde - distance
- Required working steps prior to IPT application
- Simulate MICCY brightness temperatures from model
parameters - Extract ceilometer radar parameters
- Determine a priori profiles of T, q, LWC
- Calculate (error) covariance matrices Sa, Se
KNMI, April 27, 2004
- Preparations are on-going for continuous IPT
application to the combined data set available at
Cabauw from August 2001 until today - Future extensions will include
- an algorithm merger product with other
complimentary retrievals (TUD, Reading ) - Ice-phase and mixed-phase micro-physics
- N, reff
- forward modelling of solar and infrared radiation
? - wind profilers ??
25Available IPT data
- updated BBC1 cloud classification scheme and T,
q, LWC retrievals available on the BBC data base - bbc.knmi.nl/BBC1/cabauw/microwaves/ubonn/daily/le
vel2av/ - (CLIWA-NET format)
- Refer to Readme file or me (uloeh_at_uni-bonn.de)
- BBC2 IPT data will follow in a matter of weeks
from now broadcast mail will be sent to all
26Questions concerning RACMO output
- How ist LWP calculated with respect to cloud
cover? - Is LWC an output parameter?
- At what time intervals are fresh analyses
available? - What are the typical forecast times, which are
openly available?
27Specific points
- has been previously carried out by Erik van
Meijgaard - Phase1 IPT without radar data
- Phase2 Use some kind of noisy Z-LWC relation
to simulate a realistic Z-LWC dependency from
RACMO - 3a. Off-line IPT (as done momentarily)
- Simulated radiosonde as T q a priori
- use temporally averaged T q profiles
assuming a 6h (12h) radiosonde time
difference from a grid point corresponding to
DeBilt - Sensitivity study concerning radiosonde time
interval and spatial distance - LWC a priori use existing 1D-model data?
- 3b. On-line IPT (as to be done in future)
- RACMO analysis/forecast as T, q, LWC a priori
KNMI, April 27, 2004
28Specific points
3b. On-line IPT (as to be done in future)
next available RACMO analysis/forecast as T, q,
LWC a priori (knowledge when forecasts are
available is crucial) 4a. Calculate covariances
as previosly shown 4b. Calculate covariance
matrices for T, q and LWC by evaluating
differences between existing radiosonde ascents
and previously run forecasts
KNMI, April 27, 2004