Title: CIS 403503 Accelerated DataFile Structures
1CIS 403/503Accelerated Data-File Structures
- Lecture 16
- Queue Implementation
- In this lecture, we will learn
- Queue Application
- Bank Teller Simulation
- Radix sort
- Queue Implementation
- STL queue implementation
- Array-based queue implementation
- Pointer-based queue implementation
3Queue Application
4Queue Scheduling
- Bank Teller Simulation
- Duration 1 hour
- A new customer is coming in every minute with
probability 0.9 - Single queue multiple tellers (5) whenever a
teller is free, take the next customer from the
queue. - Compute the average wait time
5The Customer
class Customer protected int arrivalTime
int processTime public Customer (int at
0) arrivalTime (at), processTime (2
(int)rand() 7) // are we done with our
transaction? bool done () return
--processTime lt 0 int arrival() return
arrivalTime int process() return
processTime // order by arrival time bool
operatorlt (const Customer c) const return
arrivalTime lt c.arrivalTime
- Arrival time
- Process time
6The Teller
class Teller public Teller()free (true)
bool isFree () // are we free to service
new customer? if (free) return true
if (customer.done()) free true
return free // start serving new
customer void addCustomer (const Customer c)
customer c free false
private bool free Customer
7Put it All Together
- include ltiostreamgt
- include ltqueuegt
- include ltcstdlibgt
- include lttime.hgt
- using namespace std
- class Customer
- protected
- int arrivalTime
- int processTime
- public
- Customer (int at 0)
- arrivalTime (at),
- processTime (2 (int)rand() 7)
- // are we done with our transaction?
class Teller public Teller()free (true)
bool isFree () // are we free to service
new customer? if (free) return true
if (customer.done()) free true
return free // start serving new
customer void addCustomer (const Customer c)
customer c free false
private bool free Customer
8Put it All Together
int main () srand(time(NULL)) const int
numberOfTellers 5 const int numberOfMinutes
60 double totalWait 0 int
numberOfCustomers 0 vectorltTellergt
teller (numberOfTellers) queueltCustomergt
line for (int t 0 t lt numberOfMinutes
t) if ((int)rand() 10 lt 9)
line.push (Customer (t)) for (int i 0 i
lt numberOfTellers i) if
(telleri.isFree () !line.empty ())
Customer frontCustomer line.front
() numberOfCustomers totalWait t -
telleri.addCustomer (frontCustomer)
line.pop () cout ltlt
"average wait " ltlt (totalWait /
numberOfCustomers) ltlt stdendl
9Radix Sort
- Sort d-digit numbers based on radix
- First the ones digit
- The tens digit
- The 10d-1 digit
10Radix Sort
- void radixSort(vectorltintgt v, int d)
- // support function for radixSort()
- // distribute vector elements into one of 10
queues - // using the digit corresponding to power
- // power 1 gt 1's digit
- // power 10 gt 10's digit
- // power 100 gt 100's digit
- // ...
- void distribute(const vectorltintgt v, queueltintgt
digitQueue, int power) - int i
- // loop through the vector, inserting
each element into - // the queue (vi / power) 10
- for (i 0 i lt v.size() i)
- digitQueue(vi / power)
10.push(vi) -
11Radix Sort
- // support function for radixSort()
- // gather elements from the queues and copy back
to the vector - void collect(queueltintgt digitQueue,
vectorltintgt v) -
- int i 0, digit
- // scan the vector of queues using
indices 0, 1, 2, etc. - for (digit 0 digit lt 10 digit)
- // collect items until queue
empty and copy items back - // to the vector
- while (!digitQueuedigit.empty())
- vi digitQueuedigit.f
ront() - digitQueuedigit.pop()
- i
12Radix Sort
- void radixSort(vectorltintgt v, int d)
- int i
- int power 1
- queueltintgt digitQueue10
- for (i0i lt di)
- distribute(v, digitQueue, power)
- collect(digitQueue, v)
- power 10
- include ltiostreamgt
- include ltiomanipgt
- include ltvectorgt
- using namespace std
- // output v, 6 elements per line
- void displayVector(const vectorltintgt v)
- int main()
- // vector to hold the data that is sorted
- vectorltintgt intVector
- randomNumber rnd
- int i
- // initialize vector with 50 random
numbers in range 0 - 99999 - for (i 0 i lt 50 i)
- intVector.push_back(rnd.random(100
000)) - // apply the radix sort and output the
sorted vector - radixSort(intVector, 5)
void displayVector(const vectorltintgt v)
int i for (i0 i lt v.size() i)
// output each element in
12 spaces cout ltlt setw(12) ltlt
vi if ((i1) 6 0)
// newline every 6 numbers
cout ltlt endl cout ltlt
14Queue Implementation
15STL-based Implementation
- STL list as the internal data structure
16Class Declaration
- include ltlistgt // list class used by object
composition - using namespace std
- // implements a queue
- template lttypename Tgt
- class miniQueue
- public
- miniQueue()
- // constructor create an
empty queue - void push(const T item)
- // insert an element at
the back of the queue. - // Postcondition the
queue has one more element - void pop()
- // remove an element from
the front of the queue. - // Precondition the
queue is not empty. if the - // queue is empty, the
function throws the
T front()
// return a reference to the front of the
queue. // Preconditon
the queue is not empty. if the
// the queue is empty, the function throws
the // underflowError
exception const T front()
const // constant
version of front() int size() const
// return the queue size
bool empty() const
// is the queue empty? private
listltTgt qlist //
a list object maintains the queue items and
- // the constructor has nothing to do. the default
- // constructor for the list class initializes
- // qlist to be empty
- template lttypename Tgt
- miniQueueltTgtminiQueue()
- // insert item into the queue by inserting it at
- // the back of the list
- template lttypename Tgt
- void miniQueueltTgtpush(const T item)
- qlist.push_back(item)
- // remove the item at the front of the queue
- // by erasing the front of the list
- template lttypename Tgt
- void miniQueueltTgtpop()
- // if queue is empty, throw
underflowError - if (qlist.size() 0)
- throw underflowError("miniQueue
pop() empty queue") - // erase the front
- qlist.pop_front()
- template lttypename Tgt
- T miniQueueltTgtfront()
- // if queue is empty, throw
underflowError - if (qlist.size() 0)
- throw underflowError("miniQueue
front() empty queue")
- template lttypename Tgt
- const T miniQueueltTgtfront() const
- // if queue is empty, throw
underflowError - if (qlist.size() 0)
- throw underflowError("miniQueue
front() empty queue") - return qlist.front()
- template lttypename Tgt
- T miniQueueltTgtback()
- // if queue is empty, throw
underflowError - if (qlist.size() 0)
- throw underflowError("miniQueue
back() empty queue") - return qlist.back()
- template lttypename Tgt
- const T miniQueueltTgtback() const
- // if queue is empty, throw
underflowError - if (qlist.size() 0)
- throw underflowError("miniQueue
back() empty queue") - return qlist.back()
- // return the queue size
- template lttypename Tgt
- int miniQueueltTgtsize() const
- return qlist.size()
- // is the queue empty?
- template lttypename Tgt
21Array-Based Queue
- Finite queue
- Test if queue is full
22The Declaration
- using namespace std
- const int MAXQSIZE 50
- template lttypename Tgt
- class bqueue
- public
- bqueue()
- // constructor. create an
empty queue with MAXQSIZE available slots - void push(const T item)
- // insert an element at
the back of the queue. - // Precondition count lt
MAXQSIZE. throws exception - // overflowError if the
queue is full - void pop()
- // remove an element from
the front of the queue. - // Precondition the
queue is not empty. throws
int size() const //
return the queue size bool
empty() const // is the
queue empty? bool full()
const private // array
holding the queue elements T
queueArrayMAXQSIZE // index of
the front and back of the queue
int qfront, qback // the number
of elements in the queue, 0 lt count lt MAXQSIZE
int count
- template lttypename Tgt
- bqueueltTgtbqueue()
- qfront(0), qback(0), count(0)
- template lttypename Tgt
- void bqueueltTgtpush(const T item)
- // is the array filled up? if so, throw
overflowError - if (count MAXQSIZE)
- throw overflowError("bqueue
push() queue full") - // perform a circular queue insertion
- queueArrayqback item
- qback (qback1) MAXQSIZE
- // increment the queue size
- count
- template lttypename Tgt
- void bqueueltTgtpop()
- // if queue is empty, throw
underflowError - if (count 0)
- throw underflowError("bqueue
pop() empty queue") - // perform a circular queue deletion
- qfront (qfront1) MAXQSIZE
- // decrement the queue size
- count--
- template lttypename Tgt
- T bqueueltTgtfront()
- // if queue is empty, throw
underflowError - if (count 0)
- template lttypename Tgt
- const T bqueueltTgtfront() const
- // if queue is empty, throw
underflowError - if (count 0)
- throw underflowError("bqueue
front() empty queue") - return queueArrayqfront
- template lttypename Tgt
- int bqueueltTgtsize() const
- return count
- template lttypename Tgt
- bool bqueueltTgtempty() const
- return count 0
- template lttypename Tgt
- bool bqueueltTgtfull() const
- return count MAXQSIZE
- Queue application
- Bank teller
- Radix sort
- Queue implementation
- STL-based
- Array based
28Possible Quiz Questions
- Whats time complexity of radix sort?
- Use STL queue
- StL/Array-based queue data structure