Title: Migration to the new RIPE Database
1Migration to the new RIPE Database
- Andrei Robachevsky
- ltandrei_at_ripe.netgt
- Current status of the RIPE Database
- New version of the Database
- Migration timeline
- More information
3RIPE Database Status
- Contains
- IP allocations/assignments
- Domain registry
- Routing registry
- 3.7 Million objects
- 75 person, 10 inetnum, 0.65 route
- 6,700 updates/day
- 770,000 queries/day (9 queries/s)
- 38 IP addresses, 1 IP prefixes
4RIPE Routing Registry
- 24500 routes, 4000 aut-nums
- 13500 routes are not announced
- 6454 routes are not registered
- 60 of all registered routes are foreign
(non-RIPE ASN or IP space) - Routing Registry Consistency Check Project
- identify bad data
- help to correct it
- keep it up-to-date
- http//www.ripe.net/ripencc/pub-services/rrcc
5New version of the Database
- Supports RPSL (RFC2622)
- Extended syntax
- New objects and attributes
- Supports RPS-auth (RFC2725)
- New authorization rules
- Supports RAToolset
- Code is completely rewritten
- New database format
- New version of mirroring protocol
- New access control
6RPSL Support
- Extended syntax rules are applied to all object
types - New objects
- as-set (as-macro), route-set (community)
- peering-set
- filter-set
- rtr-set
- New attributes
- member-of
- mbrs-by-ref
7RPS-SEC support
- New authorization rules
- route creation
- aut-num
- hierarchical names
- New object
- as-block
- New attributes
- mnt-routes ltmnt_namegt rpsl list of prefixes
ANY - referral-by ltmnt_namegt
- auth-override YYYYMMDD
8RAToolset Support
- New queries
- -l ltip rangegt
- -x ltip rangegt
- -K
- RtConfig -protocol bird
- Patch is available
- to parse RIPE-style comments ()
9New software
- Mainly in C
- RDBMS as a back-end
- Transaction support
- In-memory radix tree for IP lookups
- also more and less specific lookups for reverse
delegation domains - Automatic access control
- separate accounting for public and contact data
- New version of NRTM protocol
10Who will be affected ?
- Query users
- new query flags
- Update users
- new syntax rules
- new authorization rules
- Scripts
- new object format and syntax
- new/modified objects and attributes
- access control
- NRTM clients
- new software
- new version of the mirroring protocol
11Transition timeline - Updates
Updates in RIPE-181 to ltauto-dbm_at_ripe.netgt
Updates in RPE-181 to ltauto-181_at_ripe.netgt
Updates in RIPE-181 to ltauto-dbm_at_ripe.netgt
Updates in RPSL to ltauto-dbm_at_ripe.netgt
Updates in RPSL to ltauto-rpsl_at_ripe.netgt
Updates in RPSL to ltauto-rip_at_ripe.netgt
Updates in RPSL to lttest-dbm_at_ripe.netgt
Day Y
Day Z
Day X
X23 April
Y14 May
Z15 October
Proposed dates
12Transition timeline - Queries
Querying RIPE DB in RIPE-181 at whois.ripe.net 43
RIPE-181 v2.x
Querying RIPE DB in RPSL at rpsl.ripe.net
43 Additional flags available
Querying RIPE DB in RPSL at whois.ripe.net
43 Additional flags available
RPSL v3.0
Day X
13Transition timeline - NRTM
Mirroring RIPE DB in RIPE-181 at whois.ripe.net
RIPE181 v2.x
Mirroring RIPE DB in RPSL at rpsl.ripe.net 4444
Mirroring RIPE DB in RPSL at whois.ripe.net 4444
RPSL v3.0
Day X
14Prototype servers
- Near real-time mirror of the RIPE Database
- whois -h rpsl.ripe.net
- contains live RIPE Database in RPSL format
- Test server for submissions
- mail ltauto-rip_at_ripe.netgt
- whois -h rpsl.ripe.net -p 4343
- rpsl.ripe.net, port 4444
- discuss with ltripe-dbm_at_ripe.netgt
15More Information
- RIPE-181 to RPSL Migration page
- http//www.ripe.net/rpsl
- Documentation
- Transition to the RIPE DB v3.0
- Whois Queries in the RIPE DB v3.0
- Updates in the RIPE DB v3.0
- Error codes in the RIPE DB v3.0
- Software
- New whois client ftp//ftp.ripe.net/ripe/dbase/re
imp/whoisRIP-1.0.tar.gz - Server software v3.0http//www.ripe.net/ripencc/p