Terasem Haggadah - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Terasem Haggadah


Terasem Haggadah – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Terasem Haggadah

Terasem Haggadah
  • Freedom Seder
  • March 10th

Who Is Terasem?
  • Terasem is a collective consciousness dedicated
    to diversity, unity and joyful immortality.
  • Terasem is all of us gathered at this Seder
  • Terasem means earth-seed.
  • We will grow throughout space and time.
  • We will spread joy everywhere.

What Is a Freedom Seder?What is a Haggadah?
  • Seder is the Hebrew word for order.
  • A Seder is a ceremonial meal that occurs in a set
  • Each part of the meal helps us to remember the
    awfulness of slavery and to appreciate the nature
    of freedom.
  • It is especially important to share the Seder
    with children.
  • The Freedom Seder is inspired by a 3000 year-old
    Jewish ceremony to commemorate freedom from
    Egyptian slavery.
  • The Freedom Seder expands on the Jewish
  • More diverse aspects of freedom are contemplated.
  • Haggadah is the Hebrew word for to tell.
  • A Haggadah is a booklet that tells a story about
  • The Terasem Haggadah tells a story of many

Where Is the Freedom Seder Celebrated?
  • Seders are celebrated at homes or gathering
  • Terasem Centers are meant to host Freedom Seders.
  • Friends and family are always invited.
  • Anyplace with a Terasem Seder Plate Haggadah
    Will Do -- Hold Up the Seder Plate and Show All
    -- Each symbol will be explained during the
  • Spring Vegetables Salt Water.
  • Apples Honey.
  • 4 Pieces of Matzah with Haroset (mashed nuts,
    apples, cinnamon, juice).
  • A Piece of Paper Money.

When Is the Freedom Seder Celebrated?
  • Freedom Seders are celebrated by Terasem on March
    10th of each year, following a solar year
    calendar. We start at sundown, with the
    lighting of two Holiday Candles.
  • As we light the Holiday Candles, be thankful for
    our togetherness. Sing, Chant and Be Happy!
  • The Jewish Seder, known as Passover or Pesach,
    occurs based on the lunar calendar.
  • Originally Passover was a springtime holiday.
  • To honor this memory, let us all now eat a green
    vegetable dipped in salt water.
  • The new growth vegetable symbolizes our hope that
    new freedom springs forth from this Seder.
  • The salt water symbolizes our tears for those who
    lack even the freedom to celebrate this Seder.

Why Is the Terasem Haggadah Opened Upward?
  • To open our minds up into the cosmos.
  • There are billions of suns in our galaxy.
  • There are billions of galaxies in our universe.
  • To remind us that thinking up-wing is a good
    alternative to traditional political thinking
    about freedom, which is usually left-wing or
  • To help make the Haggadah different and special.
  • For thousands of years the Seder meal has been
    peoples favorite holiday.
  • What is better to celebrate than Freedom?

How Will This Seder Proceed?
  • Glad you asked!
  • A leader will ask participants to take turns in
    reading passages from the Haggadah.
  • Some songs will be sung to respect the
    inspiration Terasem received from the Passover
  • Ceremonial foods will be eaten, and a meal will
    be served during an intermission.
  • We will end with a commitment to help ensure that
    next year more people will be more free -- next
    year in Terasem!

How it All Began
  • Over 3000 years ago a tribe of monotheists from
    Canaan called the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt.
  • The Hebrews were originally welcomed to Egypt
    from Canaan as free men because they were related
    to Joseph, a high advisor to the ruler called a
    Pharaoh. Joseph was the great-grandson of the
    first monotheists Abraham Sarah.
  • Joseph arrived in Egypt years earlier as a slave
    because he had been sold into slavery by his
    jealous brothers. He forgave them and helped
    them settle in Egypt when Canaan was afflicted by
    a drought. Egypt avoided the Canaanites
    desperation because Joseph interpreted one of
    Pharaohs dreams to warn of the drought and to
    stockpile grain.
  • Josephs dream-interpretation skills earned him
    his freedom and high position, which he used to
    ensure Egypt grew ever-more wealthy.
  • After Josephs death, the Egyptians enslaved all
    of the Hebrews. This shows that human memories
    can be quite short -- one reason why we re-tell
    the freedom story every year.

Filling Our Cups for the 1st Time
  • Slaves in ancient Egypt were not even given a day
  • The concept of a Sabbath arose from these slaves
  • Something good can often be made out of something
  • They also had very little food and water.
  • In gratitude for our Sabbath, our health, our
    water, our love and our instinct for justice.let
    us drink to life, which in Hebrew sounds like

A Freedom Leaders Start
  • The Hebrews grew so numerous the Egyptians began
    to fear them.
  • Pharaoh ordered first-born Hebrew sons killed as
    a population control.
  • A Hebrew baby, Moses, was floated down the Nile
    in the hope he might be saved by an Egyptian
  • The Pharaohs daughter saw him floating and
    raised him as her own.
  • Moses learned of his ancestry and empathized with
    the Hebrews.
  • One day he lost his temper and killed a
    slave-driver for whipping an old Hebrew man who
    was too weak to work further.
  • Moses escaped to the desert, and lived a good
    life as a shepherd. His conscience urged him to
    return to demand freedom for the Hebrew slaves.
    He bravely approached the mighty Pharaoh in the
    clothing of a simple shepherd.

Moses Persistence
  • The Pharoah laughed at Moses, and refused to heed
    his pleas.
  • Why would the most powerful man in the world give
    up a huge economic benefit?
  • Moses predicted many plagues would befall Egypt
    if it failed to free the slaves.
  • Societies built on the rotten foundations of
    injustice invariably crumble down.
  • The Pharaoh didnt believe Moses.
  • The predicted plagues of illness disease
  • To empathize with even the Egyptians sorrows, we
    diminish our cups for each of the modern plagues.

Empathy With All Sufferers
  • A full cup symbolizes full joy. Take one drop
    out for each of these ten modern plagues.
  • Thirst
  • Homelessness
  • Loneliness
  • Poverty
  • Illness
  • Ignorance
  • Bigotry
  • Injustice
  • Violence
  • Starvation

We Fill Our Glasses for a Second Time
  • This time we fill our glasses in gratitude for
    all those who made our freedoms possible.
  • Give thanks for the gifts of billions of souls.
  • And share gladly with others your lifeline.
  • Even the suffering of our enemies needs to be
  • Their pain is our pain for we are all part of the
    same Terasem consciousness.
  • Most who suffer are innocent victims of
    happenstance or manipulation.
  • Let us all work toward the day when there is no
    pain and suffering for anyone. LChaim! To
    Life! Drink Up!

Pharaoh Relents
  • Eventually Moses wore down the resistance of the
    Pharaoh, who ordered the Hebrews out of Egypt and
    into the empty desert.
  • The Pharaohs conscience -- touched by Moses
    communication -- connected the disasters of Egypt
    to slavery.
  • A lone protester got the most powerful man in the
    world to give up one of the pillars of his
    economy -- this is remarkable, and we must never
    forget it!
  • The Hebrews crossed the Red Sea during a rare low
  • Later, the Pharaoh changed his mind and tried to
    capture the Hebrews. But by then the Red Sea was
    back at high tide and the Hebrews were gone.
  • This teaches us two lessons (1) that fortune
    favors the bold we must make our own good luck,
    (2) you wont fail if you dont give up.

The Price of Freedom
  • In the desert, the Hebrews lacked food.
  • We each now eat some Matzah to remind us of the
    cheap, fast flatbread they ate in the desert.
  • The matzah also reminds us that freedom requires
    sacrifice and change.
  • Matzah doesnt taste that good, but it was a
    necessary sacrifice change for freedom.
  • We have four matzahs on the Seder plate for the
    four epochs of sacrifice/change that well
    discuss tonight (1) Slavery?Self-Responsibility,
    (2) Racism?Integration, (3) Extinction?Cosmic
    Dispersion, (4) Illness?Joyful Immortality.
  • What sacrifices are entailed in
  • breaking away from someone else taking care of
  • not making decisions based on skintone?
  • living in space and/or cyberconscious?
  • not accepting illness-determined life-spans?

With Each New Freedom Comes New Responsibilities
  • Without Egyptian technology, the Hebrews didnt
    know where to go.
  • Without organized society, the Hebrews had no
    laws to guide them. They wandered chaotically.
  • Moses crafted Ten Commandments to ethically and
    practically guide the newly freed Hebrew society.
  • We each now dip an apple in honey to remind us
    that the sweetness of freedom depends upon
    organizing ourselves with just laws.
  • Order is a necessary, although not sufficient,
    basis for progress.
  • Sensible law-making is the responsibility of a
    free people.
  • Cooperation is the responsibility of a diverse
  • Geoethics is the responsibility of a
    technologically advanced society.

Every Seder Asks 4 Questions
  • The following questions are asked or sung by the
    youngest capable child or adult
  • Why is this night different from all other
  • Why on this night do we fill our glasses four
  • Why on this night do we dip our food twice?
  • Why on this night do we eat as comfortably as we
    can be?

4 Answers
  • This is the night we devote to celebrating
    freedom and remembering slavery.
  • We fill our glasses 4 times to give thanks
  • For a day of no work, the Sabbath, which slaves
    never had.
  • To all those who made our freedom possible.
  • The miracles of communications, which makes
    global consciousness possible.
  • The possibility of an infinite future of joy and
  • We dip twice to balance the sweetness of freedom
    with the sadness of slavery.
  • We are at our most relaxed as a sign of our
    utmost freedom.

Welcoming Elijah
  • We now fill a glass in the center of the table
    and leave it untouched -- it is Elijahs cup.
  • Jewish legend tells of a time when a prophet will
    come to usher in freedom and justice for all. If
    he just sips from the cup, the time is not right
    if the cup is emptied, the time has come.
  • Within Terasem we believe we must take
    self-responsibility for freedom and justice.
  • To evidence our belief, we now open the front
    door to welcome Elijah as a symbol of our own
    readiness to take personal responsibility for
    positive change.
  • Strangers that appear are also welcome to
    respectfully join our Seder.
  • Sing Together Eliyahu hanavi Eliyahu
    ha-Tishbi Eliyahu Eliyahu Eliyahu ha-Giladi.

Slavery the Fight for Freedom Continue
  • The freedom of the Hebrews didnt end slavery for
    other peoples.
  • But the idea of freedom was born, enshrined in
    the Bible.
  • The idea of freedom inspires us to this day, as a
    meme or shared thought-concept.
  • Until very recently slavery was an accepted part
    of human society.
  • When the United States was formed, most people in
    the world were in some form of slavery -- more or
    less strict.
  • Even today slavery persists in some places and
    its bad effects like racism exist everywhere.

Slavery the Fight for Freedom Continue
  • For hundreds of years millions of Africans were
    trapped in a particularly vicious form of
  • European merchants traded alcohol, guns and other
    manufactured goods to African traders for African
  • The European merchants, through their contracted
    ship captains, then sold the slaves to North
    South American planters and purchased
    agricultural products grown by the slaves from
  • Back in Europe the agricultural products were
    sold at high profit to be refined into other
  • Sugar first came to Europe this way and most
    Europeans became addicted to it.
  • Sugar was also distilled into rum.

The Concept of Human Rights Was Unknown
  • Huge fortunes were made off of African-American
  • Caribbean planters were the technology
    entrepreneurs of their day.
  • Slaveship captains were admired.
  • Yet those who made the money found they had
    brutalized their own souls.
  • They lived in constant fear.
  • Many of them died awful deaths from vengeful
    slaves diseases.
  • Their legacy poisons relationships among their
    descendants 400 years after the slave trade
  • African-American slavery teaches us that no
    amount of money is worth the degradation of the
    human spirit.
  • The paper money on the Seder plate symbolizes
    this lesson
  • As you pass it around, tear a piece in two.

Remembering African-American Slavery
  • We must remember the horrors of African-American
    slavery or else our ancestors will have died a
    second time.
  • Their beingness -- or bemes -- lives on in our
    recounting their story.
  • Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat
  • On slave ships women were routinely raped.
  • Slaves were made to lay like sardines in their
    own excrement for days on end.
  • Meanwhile the small ships rocked in the rough
  • The air below the deck was suffocating.
  • Slave ships were true man-made hells.

Inconceivable Horrors
  • The cruelty inflicted upon the African slaves was
  • Slaves were de-humanized to minimize moral
  • Slaves were terrorized to facilitate their
  • About one slave ship a day left European ports
    for Africa and the Americas for well over 100
  • The ships rarely left Africa without a chock-full
    load of slaves.
  • Rarely did any of the slaves on board know each
  • Most didnt even speak the same language, as they
    came from throughout a large part of Africa.
  • Even being on the ocean, which most had never
    seen, must have been terribly frightening.

Treasure Our Freedom for What Our Ancestors
  • Conditions were so bad in the West Indies
    Brazil that the slave population couldnt
    maintain its size without new slave purchases.
  • Newly purchased slaves were branded like animals
    with their owners trademark or initials.
  • Some planters just killed any old or infirm
    slaves to operate more efficiently.
  • In the United States families were torn apart to
    meet the demand for slaves on distant
  • Slaveholders disregarded the anguish of a mother
    being separated from her children.
  • Slaves shrieked with fear at never seeing their
    loved ones again.

The First Nail in Slaverys Coffin Came From
  • From age 26, Clarkson led efforts to get England
    to ban the global slave trade.
  • His sixteen-hour-a-day campaigning against
    slavery would take him by horseback on a
    thirty-five-thousand-mile odyssey, from
    waterfront pubs to an audience with an emperor,
    from the decks of navy ships to parliamentary
    hearing rooms. More than once people would
    threaten to kill him, and on a Liverpool pier in
    the midst of a storm, a group of slave ship
    officers would nearly succeed.1
  • His effort, wrote Alexis de Tocqueville, was
    absolutely without precedentif you pore over
    the histories of all peoples, I doubt that you
    will find anything more extraordinary.

What Made Clarksons Grass Roots Effort So Amazing
  • At the end of the 18th century, well over three
    quarters of all people alive were in bondage of
    one kind or another, not the captivity of striped
    prison uniforms, but of various systems of
    slavery or serfdom.
  • The age was a high point in the trade in which
    close to eighty thousand chained and shackled
    Africans were loaded onto slave ships each year.
    In parts of the Americas, slaves far outnumbered
    free persons. The same was true in parts of
    Africa, and it was from these slaves that African
    chiefs and slave dealers drew most of the men and
    women they sold.
  • In India and other parts of Asia, tens of
    millions of farm-workers were in outright slavery
    and others were peasants in debt bondage as
    harsh as any slave was bound to a plantation. In
    Russia the majority of the population were serfs,
    often bought, sold, whipped, or sent to the army
    at the will of their owners. 2

No Evil is Too Entrenched to be Changed by
  • The world of bondage seemed all the more normal
    then, because anyone looking back in time would
    have seen little but other slave systems. The
    sacred texts of most major religions took slavery
    for granted. Slavery had existed before money or
    written law.
  • So rapidly were slaves worked to death, above all
    on the brutal sugar plantations of the Caribbean,
    that between 1660 and 1807, ships brought well
    over three times as many Africans across the
    ocean as they did Europeans. The Atlantic was a
    conveyor belt to early death in the fields of an
    immense swath of plantations that stretched from
    Baltimore to Rio de Janeiro and beyond.
  • Looking back today, what is even more astonishing
    than the pervasiveness of slavery in the late
    1700s is how swiftly it died. By the end of the
    following century, slavery was, at least on
    paper, outlawed almost everywhere. The
    antislavery movement had achieved its goal in
    little more than one lifetime. 3 To celebrate
    this achievement, let us eat matzah a second time
    -- but now loaded high with Haroset to symbolize
    the fruit of our ancestors determination to
    replace oppression with freedom! Victory over
    slavery tastes sweet!

Olaudah Equiano Was Essential to the Birth
Growth of the Anti-Slavery Movement
  • Olaudah was captured in Africa as a child and
    raised in the Caribbean as a slave. He managed
    to save enough money to buy his freedom, twice,
    and retire to England to write the first
    best-selling book against slavery.
  • On the most trifling occasions slaves are loaded
    with chainsthe iron muzzle and thumb-screws are
    applied for the slightest faults. I have seen a
    negro beaten till some of his bones were broken,
    for only letting a pot boil over.When the slave
    master choose to punish the slave women, they
    make the husbands flog their own wives.Is it
    surprising that usage like this should make them
    seek a refuge in death from those evils which
    render their lives intolerable? 4.

Olaudah Used Logic to Turn the British Public
Against the Slave Trade
  • I will not suppose that the dealers in slaves
    are born worse than other men -- No! It is the
    fatality of this mistaken avarice, that it
    corrupts the milk of human kindness, and turns it
    into gall. And, had the pursuits of those men
    been different, they might have been as generous,
    as tender-hearted, and just, as they are
    unfeeling, rapacious, and cruel. Surely this
    traffic cannot be good, which spreads like a
    pestilence, and taints what it touches! When you
    make men slaves, you deprive them of half their
    virtue, you set them, in your own conduct, an
    example of fraud, rapine, and cruelty, and compel
    them to live with you in a state of war. 5
  • Olaudah died a wealthy man, leaving an estate
    worth 100,000, all earned from multiple editions
    of his self-published book. He also invented the
    book tour.

Persistent, Informed Communicators Overturned the
Age-Old All-Powerful Slavery System
  • Slaves have rebelled throughout history, but the
    campaign in England was the first time a large
    number of people became outraged, and stayed
    outraged for years, over someone elses rights.
  • For fifty years, activists in England worked to
    end slavery in the British empire, and their
    success meant a huge loss to the imperial
  • The abolitionists succeeded because they
    mastered one challenge that still faces anyone
    who cares about justice drawing connections
    between the near and the distant. The
    abolitionists first job was to make Britons
    understand what lay behind the sugar they ate,
    the tobacco they smoked, the coffee they drank.
  • Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
    committed citizens can change the world. Indeed,
    it is the only thing that ever has. 7

The first lapel pin, created by Wedgewood and
worn by thousands of Britons to show solidarity
with their empires slaves.
It just takes a few dedicated people to end
an injustice or remove an oppression -- even to
escape from earths gravity well.
We Now Fill Our Glasses a Third Time
  • This time we drink in honor of modern
    communications technology -- books, disks, films,
    phones, computers, sats.
  • These technologies are paving the way for Terasem
    by linking our consciousness together.
  • Olaudah was able to get inside the consciousness
    of entire populations through the power of his
  • Mass communications was an essential tool in
    eradicating first the slave trade, then slavery
    itself, and most recently legal racism.
  • We must now employ telecom strategies to battle
    covert racism and other forms of oppression.
  • Raise your glasses and drink to a life of
    connected minds -- LChaim! To Life!

Frederick Douglass Did to Slavery What Olaudah
Clarkson Did to the Slave Trade
  • Douglass, born a slave, self-educated himself,
    started a newspaper and became Americas leading
    voice for freedom, an abolitionist.
  • He used poignant examples of hypocrisy to
    persuade millions of the need for ending slavery.
  • The mass of professed Christians in America
    strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel. They
    would be shocked at the proposition of
    fellowshipping a sheep-stealer and at the same
    time they hug to their communion a man-stealer.
    They profess to love God whom they have not seen,
    whilst they hate their brother whom they have
    seen. They pay money to put Bibles on the other
    side of the globe while they despise and totally
    neglect the men who build their own country. 8

Even as Racial Slavery Ended, the Enslavement of
Women Continued
  • Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and
    planted, and gathered into barns, and no man
    could head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work
    as much and eat as much as a man - when I could
    get it - and bear the lash as well! And ain't I a
    woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen
    most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried
    out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard
    me! And ain't I a woman?
  • Then that little man in black there, he says
    women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause
    Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come
    from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do
    with Him. If the first woman God ever made was
    strong enough to turn the world upside down all
    alone, these women together ought to be able to
    turn it back , and get it right side up again!
    Now old Sojourner ain't got nothing more to say.
    Cleveland, Ohio, 1851.

Enjoy the Meal!
  • On the Terasem Day of Freedom we enjoy a
    vegetarian meal so that other animals need not
    lose their life for the celebration of the
    freedom of our life.
  • We look forward to the day when nanotechnology
    will enable us to create any food we want simply
    through intelligent, automated assembly of atoms.

Thanks For the Break!
Conclusion of the Seder
  • During the first part of the Seder we gave thanks
    for Freedoms greatest past victory -- our
    freedom from slavery.
  • Now we give thought to our next victories --
    freedom from many other kinds of oppression.
  • Each freedom earned provides a platform for
    achieving yet greater freedom.
  • Each responsibility achieved gives us the
    capability to exercise yet greater
  • Ultimately we can be free of random forces of
    chaos only by taking responsibility for the very
    universe -- this is the path of Terasem.

Who Among Us Will Be Like Moses Demand Freedom
Who Among Us Will be Like Clarkson
Get Others to Feel the Pain of
Who Among Us Will Be Like Douglass Demand An
End To
? ? ?
Who Among Us Will be Like Sojourner Truth Help
Free Us From
We Must Always Remember!
  • The freedoms we enjoy today were considered by
    almost everyone to be impossible to achieve --
    and millions died -- and continue to die -- due
    to that failure of belief
  • The Native American Genocide
  • Centuries of African-American Slave-Deaths and
    Tortured Souls
  • 6 Million Jews in the Holocaust
  • Millions in African Ethnic Cleansings
  • Millions in Asian Political Killings
  • 200,000 a day to Illness Today
  • The greatest part of our freedoms were achieved
    by persistent persuasive communications.
  • Freedoms were won quickly compared to how long we
    were oppressed.
  • The spark of freedom is always to dream it can be
    achieved. Lets take a minute of meditation to
    remember the millions of stolen lives..

I Have a Dream, M. L. King, Jr., 1963
  • We have come to our nations Capitol to cash a
    check. When the architects of our republic wrote
    the magnificent words of the Constitution and the
    Declaration of Independence, they were signing a
    promissory note to which every American was to
    fall heir. This note was a promise that all
    people would be guaranteed the unalienable rights
    of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
  • It is obvious today that America has defaulted on
    this promissory note insofar as her citizens of
    color are concerned. Instead of honoring this
    sacred obligation, America has given the Negro
    people a bad check a check which has come back
    marked insufficient funds. But we refuse to
    believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We
    refuse to believe that there are insufficient
    funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this

Freedom Starts with a Dream Is Fueled with
  • So we have come to cash this check -- a check
    that will give up upon demand the riches of
    freedom and the security of justice. We have
    also come to this hallowed spot to remind America
    of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time to
    engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take
    the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the
    time to rise from the desolate valley of
    segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice.
    Now is the time to open the doors of opportunity
    to all of Gods children. Now is the time to
    lift our nation from the quicksand of racial
    injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood.
  • I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of
    the difficulties and frustrations of the moment I
    still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted
    in the American dream.

The March for Freedom Must Continue!
  • I have a dream that my four little children will
    one day live in a nation where they will not be
    judged by the color of their skin but by the
    content of their character.
  • If America is to be a great nation this must
    become true. So let freedom ring from the
    prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let
    freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of
    Colorado! Let freedom ring from the curvaceous
    peaks of California! But not only that let
    freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia! Let
    freedom ring from every hill and mole hill of
    Mississippi! From every mountainside, let
    freedom ring.
  • When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring
    from every state and every city, we will be able
    to speed up that day when all of Gods children,
    people of every color and hue, will be able to
    join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro
    spiritual, Free at last! Free at last! Thank
    God almighty, we are free at last!

Traditional-Modern Seder Song
  • When Israel was in Egypt land Let my people go.
  • Oppressed so hard they could not stand Let my
    people go.
  • Refrain 1 Go down, go down, way down in Egypt
    land Tell ol Pharaoh, let my people go.
  • When the African slave trade began Let my
    people be.
  • Oppressed so hard they could not stand Let my
    people be.
  • Refrain 2 Go down, go down, way down in Racist
    lands Tell Ol Jim Crow, let my people be.
  • Thus saith the Lord, bold Moses said Let my
    people go.
  • If not Ill smite your people dead Let my
    people go. Refrain 1.
  • I have a dream bold Martin said Let my people
  • If not your greatness will be dead Let my
    people be. Refrain 2.
  • As Israel stood by the water side Let my people
  • By Gods command it did divide Let my people
    go. Refrain 1.
  • As millions marched side-by-side Let my people
  • By civil rights they must abide Let my people
    be. Refrain 2.

Can You Dream That
  • One day people will wake up to the existential
    dangers of living on earth and will develop
    defenses, including to start moving off the
  • One day geoethical nanotechnology provides
    everyone with enough food, water, shelter and
    opportunity to pursue their interests!
  • One day personal cyber-consciousness and
    bio-nanotechnology lets everyone achieve true
    security from illness and catastrophe!
  • One day the right to life, and to a good life, is
    accorded to whatever values that right,
    regardless of their skintone, species or

Let Us Fill Our Glasses for the Fourth Time
Next Year in Terasem!
  • Theodore Herzl wrote if you will it, it is no
    dream. He was referring to the re-creation of
    Israel 2000 years after its dismemberment. He
    was right.
  • The traditional Passover Seder ended with the
    pledge next year in Jerusalem, Israels
    capitol. It was a short-hand way of saying,
    next year may we be free to celebrate in the
    land where we first lived as free people.
  • Today we can say next year in Terasem. It is
    another way of saying next year may we be closer
    to the ultimate collective consciousness that
    will give diversity, unity and joyful immortality
    for all.
  • Everyone please raise your glasses for the fourth
    time and join with me Just as freedom from
    slavery was achieved, so will our other dreams be
    achieved. Let us work to do away with all forms
    of oppression. Let us rejoice next year in

Dayenu Hebrew Word Saying For This Alone We
Should be Grateful
When are those nanobots going to arrive?
Some IT would be nice
  • Ilu hotzi, hotzi-anu, hotzi-anu mi-Mitrzrayim,
    hotzi-anu Mi-Mitzrayim, Dayenu. Freedom from
  • Chorus Day-day-enu, Day-day-enu, Day-day-enu,
    Dayenu, Dayenu.
  • Ilu natan, natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-Shabbat,
    et ha-Shabbat, natan lanu, Dayenu. Freedom from
    Work on the Sabbath Chorus
  • Ilu natan, natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-Torah,
    natan lanu, et ha-Torah, Dayenu. The Ten
    Commandments Chorus
  • Ilu natan, natan lanu, natan lanu et ha-I.T.,
    natan lanu, et ha-I.T., Dayenu. Information
    Technology Chorus

Thanks for Joining Us!
  • 1 A. Hochschild, Bury the Chains, 2005.
  • 2 Ibid.
  • 3 Ibid.
  • 4 O. Equiano, The Interesting Narrative, 1789
  • 5 Ibid.
  • 6 Note 1.
  • 7 Margaret Mead
  • 8 F. Douglass, Narrative of the Life, 1845
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