Title: Can we build it
1Can we build it?
An Foras Feasa, Maynooth, 8/4/08
Lessons speculations on literary
- Professor Willard McCarty
- Kings College London
- staff.cch.kcl.ac.uk/wmccarty/
2- Lessons of history, 1957-1989
- The matchmakers tasks
- What the tools say
- Turning to confront the context
- Bridging discourse
- An improvisational companion to criticism?
3Herbert Simon, untitled lecture notes, Operations
Research Society of America meeting, 14 November
4Times Literary Supplement, 27 April 1962
5(No Transcript)
6Toronto Globe and Mail, 16 November 1965
8Computers and the Humanities 11 (1978) 211-15
9- Lessons of history, 1962-1989
- The matchmakers tasks
- What the tools say
- Turning to confront the context
- Bridging discourse
- An improvisational companion to criticism?
10Computers and the Humanities 11 (1978) 211-15
In Companion to Digital Humanities, ed.
Schreibman, Siemens and Unsworth (Blackwells,
11- Lessons of history, 1962-1989
- The matchmakers tasks
- What the tools say
- Turning to confront the context
- Bridging discourse
- An improvisational companion to criticism?
12- Lessons of history, 1962-1989
- The matchmakers tasks
- What the tools say
- Turning to confront the context
- Bridging discourse
- An improvisational companion to criticism?
13- Lessons of history, 1962-1989
- The matchmakers tasks
- What the tools say
- Turning to confront the context
- Bridging discourse
- An improvisational companion to criticism?
14- Lessons of history, 1962-1989
- The matchmakers tasks
- What the tools say
- Turning to confront the context
- Bridging discourse
- An improvisational companion to criticism?