Title: About ISEDC activities and short
1About ISEDC activities and short term tasks
2Centres Goals
- research and exchange of information to
increase efficiency of sustainable energy
development policy and energy poverty
elimination - rapprochement of the targets of
energy strategy of the different countries - cooperation with international
organisations and different countries
in sustainable energy development - elaboration and application of new methods
of analysis and trends assessment in world
energy, drafting scenarios of sustainable energy
3Centres Tasks
- Sustainable energy development through
efficiency of energy consumption - 2. Global energy security
- 3. Socio-natural environment and energy
(from environmental security to environmental
- These Tasks to be implemented through
- - International cooperation
- - Expert and research activities
- Project and investment activities
- Educational activities.
4International cooperation
- participation in energy dialogues,
including, Russia-EU - collaboration
with international organisations,
including, the G8, UNECE, IEA, SCO and
others - organisation of international
conferences on global sustainable energy
challenges - interaction with the Embassies
of UNESCO member - countries.
5Research Activity
- - implementation of studies on sustainable
energy development, energy poverty, environment
protection in Russia - - participation in international projects
(above mentioned issues) - - expert assistance of conferences,
seminars, round tables - - consultancy services to energy companies.
6Educational Activity
- - ISEDC development as UNESCO Center of
excellence in renewable energy education - - assistance to UNESCO in implementation
of the UN Decade for Education for
Sustainable Development - - assistance to UNESCO in implementation of
educational programmes for the member -
countries - - Strengthening institutional and professional
capacity in sustainable and renewable energy of
UNESCO member-countries.
7Project Investment Activity
- identification of investment projects in
energy efficiency and energy saving - assistance to the Russian regions regarding
attracting investments for the implementation of
energy projects - creation of the database and transfer of new
energy saving technologies to developing
countries - assistance to the Russian energy efficiency
agencies in the development of cooperation with
the foreign energy centers on the basis of
cluster approach.
8Results achieved
1. Completion of the first cycle of the
joint ISEDC / UNESCO education programme 2.
Drafting proposals for the Russia - EU Energy
Dialogue, Russia - China energy cooperation, the
SCO energy club activities, the Gas
Exporting Countries Forum within the Ministry of
Energy of RF research contract 3. Organisation
in cooperation with UNESCO of the ministerial
conference Energy in the changing world,
drafting the UNESCO energy ministers Call to
the Participants of the G8 Summit in
Heiligendamm 4. Organisation of
business-seminars Investments in energy
saving projects in Rostov-on-Don, Petrozavodsk,
Cheboksary in 2008.
9- 5. Development of bilateral relations with
the leading energy agencies, in particular
in France, the Netherlands (within the
framework of the intergovernmental agreements) - 6. Publication
- Energy Bulletin (quarterly edition)
- Global energy security
- Energy efficiency, small and renewable energy
- National report of the RF on the implementation
of St.Petersburg Plan of - Action - Global Energy Security.
- 7. Elaboration of background papers for
Thematic Group for the Russia-EU Energy Dialogue
and the G8 - 8. Assistance in implementation of
investments projects in Russia, application
of new technologies and fund-raising for
renewable energy projects, in particular for the
tide and wind power units.
10Future Plans
1. Organisation of international events
- - second international ministerial conference
with the UNESCO support Energy efficiency and
energy saving as instruments to overcome the
economic crisis - - international conference in Nigeria Energy
poverty alleviation - - international conference Humanitarian
aspects of energy - - international Conference Analysis of
trends and world oil market forecast and
its influence on energy producers and
consumers economies.
112. Publishing and analytical activity
- edition of annual analytical yearbook
Global energy and sustainable development
(White Paper) - quarterly edition of
Energy Bulletin - research for the Ministry
of Energy of the RF and other Russian and
international organisations
- papers for UNECE, UNIDO, IEA and others
- establishment of the Energy Efficiency Projects
Fund (with UNECE) - - Roadmap for the Ministry of energy of the
123. Educational activities
- - continuation of educational programme
in Russian universities and companies for
advanced training for the specialists from
developing and emerging economies - - implementation of educational project
for children and teenagers -Sustainable
energy Sustainable world.
13Executive Director
Organisational Structure
Deputy Executive Director
Management, Publishing and PR Activities
Strategic planning and partnerships
Educational Activities
Project and Investment Activities
Research and Expert Activities
14 Thank you for your attention!