Title: History of Library Values
1 2Introduction
- History of Library Values
- Competing and Comparative Values Internationally
- Propagation of Library Values Should We, and if
so How? - Discussion
3History of Library Values (or, just how long
have we been navel-gazers?)
- Definition A value is an enduring belief that
a specific mode of conduct or end-state of
existence is personally or professionally
preferable to an opposite or converse mode of
conduct or end-state of existence. - Values in other professions
- The value of values, or why do we care?
- Why is this a recent discussion?
4Enlightenment and the Pursuit of Rationality
- The enlightenment a key period in the library
values debate?
5Early Value Discussions
- ALA Library Bill of Rights
- Ranganathans Five Laws
- Books are for use
- Every book its reader
- Every reader his book
- Save the time of the reader
- The library is a growing organism
6Early Value Discussions (cont.)
- Rothstein (1968)
- Values (Beliefs/Goals)
- Special Abilities
- Issues (Tensions, Dilemmas)
7Early Value Discussions (cont.)
- Finks (1989)
- Professional Values
- General Values
- Personal Values
- Rival Values
8Gormans Library Values
- Values are not fixed, they are often in conflict,
or are derived from conflict - A value is a preference
9Gormans Library Values
- Values
- Library as place
- Stewardship
- Service
- Rationalism
- Literacy and learning
- Equity of access to information
- Privacy
- Democracy
10Competing and Comparative Values Internationally
An historical example The Cold War
- Western vs. Soviet library values
11Competing and Comparative Values Internationally
Library values in Africa
- Many of the same issues under discussion
- Some see a need to focus on other value sets
- Oral traditions and the Griot
12Competing and Comparative Values Internationally
Library values in China
13Competing and Comparative Values Internationally
Library values in Europe
- State of librarianship
- Case study - Sweden
14Propagation of Library Values
Why do we care?
- Growing universality of librarianship
- Political changes worldwide provide opportunities
- Impact of the global marketplace
- Expanding boundaries of scientific and technical
15Propagation of Library Values
Cultural relativism and the arrogance of values
- Degrees of relativism continuum
- Radical cultural relativism
- Strong cultural relativism
- Weak cultural relativism
- Radical universalism
- Case study The Satanic Verses
16Propagation of Library Values
My view
- Some library values are inherent. Cultural
variation may allow for some legitimate
variation, but at a certain point librarians must
push back. If librarians are operating in a
system where they need help, what can we do?
17Propagation of Library Values
Who can we target?
- Libraries
- Librarians
- Library educators
- Governments (foreign and ours)
- Public/Patrons
- (Put our money where our mouths are)
18Propagation of Library Values
Methodology Consortia and Groups
- ALA International Relations Round Table
- CLA World Libraries Interest Group
19Propagation of Library Values
Methodology Library education
- International students
- Library systems
20Propagation of Library Values
Methodology Individual contacts
- Job share programs
- International volunteer opportunities
21Propagation of Library Values
Methodology Pressure on Governments and
international agencies
- Lobbying by national library associations and
international groups.
22Conclusion and discussion
- Gormans Values which can be relative, and by
how much? - Library as place
- Stewardship
- Service
- Rationalism
- Literacy and learning
- Equity of access to information
- Privacy
- Democracy