Title: Tin Shui Wai Government Secondary School
1Hong Kong Student Science Competition 2002
Fungi-New source of protein ??-?????
Tin Shui Wai Government Secondary School
2Why fungi may act as an alternative source of
protein from meat?
- Suitable for vegetarians
- Short of land for animal husbandry
- Higher production rate
- Relative low saturated fatty acid toxin
- Fit human digestive system more
- Contain cellulose, vitamins
- Can be use in medicinal aspect
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4- Section 1 Consumer survey
- Part 1 Survey on price
- Part 2 65 people were interviewed through
6- Section 1 Consumer survey
- Part 1 Survey on price
- Part 2 65 people were interviewed through
7Understanding of fungi
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10Section 2 Scientific research Part 1
Investigation on protein content Part 2
Identification of amino acids
11Kjeldahl Method
- Digestion
- Distillation
- Titration
12- Procedure
- 1.Ground and dried of sample
132.Refluxed with conc. H2SO4
heat Protein H2SO4(l) ? CO2(g)H2O(l)
143.Alkalization of mixture distillation of
ammonia (NH4)2SO4(aq)2NaOH(aq) ?2NH3(aq)
NH3 (aq) HCl (aq) ? NH4Cl (aq)
15- 4.Titration of excess HCl against NaOH
- NaOH(aq)HCl(aq)? NaCl(aq)H2O
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18Procedure 1.Digestion by reflux
2.Spotting of sample
193.Developing of solvent
20- Solvent front was marked filter paper was dried
- Sprayed with ninhydrin dried in oven
216.Rf values was calculated
23Social Effects ???, ??? and ??? have reasonable
high protein content with respect to meat
24 What is the advantages for substitute meat with
- Increase the total food supply
- Fungi recycle dead organic matter
- Suitable for developing countries
- Good way to get protein in places with
geographical problem - New source of protein for vegetarian
25 Further investigation
- More foodstuff can be investigated
- Other groups of nutrients can be checked
- Environmental factor affect the growth of fungi
- Two dimensional paper chromatography
- Effects on cooking processing
26Conclusion ???, ??? and ??? contain high protein
content and reasonable prices, they were found to
be a good alternative sources of protein.
27 Dishes of fungi
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29Thank you!!!