Title: Put Your Title Here
1- SDM Centers Scientific Workflow Environment
- http//sdm.lbl.gov/sdmcenter/
- I. Altintas5, S. Bhagwanani4, D. Buttler3, S.
Chandra4, Z. Cheng4, M. Coleman3, D. Colonnese4,
T. Critchlow3, A. Gupta5, W. Han1, L. Liu1, B.
Ludäscher5, C. Pu1, R. Moore5, A. Shoshani2, M.
Vouk4 - Georgia Institute of Technology 2. Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory 3. Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory - 4. North Carolina State University 5. San Diego
Supercomputer Center, UCSD
A modeling and execution environment for
scientific workflows
Scientific Workflow Example Promoter
Identification Workflow (simplified) Gene
workflow for understanding co-regulation
NEW APPROACH- Easy to Customize, Generic
Approach to Scientific Process Automation
OLD APPROACH- Custom-built Software
- Extends Ptolemy II for scientific workflows a
library of bioinformatics modules, a generic WSDL
module, user-driven workflow steering, local and
web service-based tasks, a GUI for designing and
executing workflows, and tracking workflow
execution, XML-based workflow description and
exchange language (currently MoML), Java-based
open source software, easy packaging and
installation on diverse platforms. - Planned extensions extended suite of data
transformation modules, Grid service-based tasks
and data streaming, XML Schema and OWL-typed
workflow signatures, data provenance.
Workflow Support Layer
Process Monitoring
Model Ptolemy II Process Network Domain
SciDAC Extensions to Ptolemy-II
Web Service adapter
Grid Service adapter
Web service invocation
Valid-AWF, EWF
Grid service Invocation / Data streaming
Validation Errors
Web Service
Workflow Planner (Data) Converters
Grid Service
Query Rewriting
Semantic type Checking
Data Type Conversion
Service Matching
Data-intensive sources, sensors
Genbank, Blast, etc.
- E.g., Perl-based ad-hoc CGI application
- Difficult to reuse, change, optimize and maintain
- Dependent on third-party software
ET schemas
ET Executable task- service AT Abstract
task (Mini workflow of ETs
Composition of ETs and ATs) AWF
Abstract workflow support EWF Executable
workflow support
Abstract Task (AT) Repository
Data Parameter Ontologies
Datatype Conversion Repository including
XWrap, Plus future extensions
Executable Task (ET) Repository, Registries,
and Libraries (e.g., generic WSDL Plugin), plus
future xtensions
() Planned are in red
This work was partially performed under the
auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the
University of California, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, under Contract W-7405-Eng-48
and under Contract No. DE-FC02-01ER25486 for