Title: Clinical attachments, learning technologies and PBL
1Clinical attachments, learning technologies and
Mira VogelElspeth AlsteadSam BrentonChris
FowlerPatricia RevestSue Tatum
2Project aims feedback from Year 3
We dont have much time let us teach to our
Make the scenarios more challenging
and more relevant to practice.
pg http//www.intermedia.uio.no/prosjekter/knowmob
ile/PBLgruppen.jpg http//www.sanz.edu/images/CB10
Improve and standardise resources.
3Background clinical attachments
- 10 different sites in East London, the City, and
Essex. - Diverse
- Teaching
- ICT provision
- Learning resources
- Diversity can be a strength.
- Diversity can be unnerving.
4Review of ePBL
- Available at http//www.smd.qmul.ac.uk/edudirect/e
pbl/doc/epblreview.xls - Covers process, learner roles, scaffolding,
student output, contact, technology. - Few needs assessments or evaluations.
Example on your handout
5Needs assessment consultation
Recruiting from 272 students and??? tutors in 10
NHS Trusts. Limitations on time and
resources Eventual strategy 5 tutor
interviews 4 student focus groups.
6Participants identified 4 tutor roles
if youve got a tutor who isnt really that
enthusiastic it kind of rubs off on the student
pick up more quickly those people who are not
achieving so well
make sure they are on the right track
get feedback from the tutor that, yes, wed
covered all the relevant information
naturally shy people I think thats always the
a bit of a boot
get people at ease and then get them to talk
you could have a very dysfunctional group who
dont really achieve anything
Source focus groups interviews, QMUL, 2004
7Opinions on learning technologies
Now Im not a sceptic but I think were in
danger of seeing this as a hammer. And once
youve got a hammer, everything becomes a nail.
The thing about the Internet is that you can
you can strike gold you can do really well, or
you can spend the entire day, like, just going
through stuff and not finding anything. (Student)
you cant train doctors now as you did even when
I started training you cant do it the same
way things are just different I dont think
its worth arguing whether its better or worse
its just different. (Tutor)
Source interviews, 2004
8Needs assessment ICT aptitude
Source survey, QMUL, 2002
9Needs assessment access to ICT
Source survey, QMUL, 2002
10Our ePBL model
Feedback on previous scenario
Receive next unfolding scenario
Benchmark progress
Receive ramifications on scenario
11Reactions to the ePBL model
- Enthusiasm
- Complex scenarios
- Realistic presentation
- Multimedia resources
- Communication channels with tutor, subject
experts, and each other - (Tutors) reallocation of tutor time
- Concerns
- Attendance and motivation - student culture
- (Students) face-to-face contact threatened?
- Going off track
- Covering the curriculum
- Subject expert and tutor roles timeliness?
- Access to computers
- Benchmarking progress
12A quick look at the prototype
Structured scenario
Release of extra material
13Evaluation of the prototype
- 3 groups of students (total 12)
- In year groups - Years 3-5 (2004-5)
- Worked through scenario in 1 hour
- 40 minute focus group
- Questionnaire
- Explored
- Usability
- Sequencing
- Group processes
- Facilitation issues
- Note taking and sharing (online or on paper?)
14Evaluation questionnaire (10 students)
- Structure ??
- Orientation ?
- Navigation ?
- Engaging ?
- Good way to learn? ??
- Good experience overall? ??
- Also
- Facilitation support early in module
- Monitoring attendance crucial
4-point scale ?? positive???? negative
15Evaluation focus group (12 students)
? Taking notes online Computer operator had too
much to do Doubts about reliable access Doubts
about facilitation working in practice
? Annotated imaging Level of detail Structure
Prompts PBL process Links with learning
objectives User-friendly Scenario Plus
To Do Group work Taking / sharing notes Layout
of equipment Attendance Facilitation Viewing
screen Pacing / timing
16Conclusions and further research
- Conclusions
- The ePBL model is attractive
- Engaging, challenging, well-structured, usable
- Keep it flexible
- Use in groups or individually
- Monitoring attendance is crucial
- Choice of group or individual work?
- Further research
- What parts of current PBL should we safeguard?
- Group work? Contact with tutor? 7-step process?
Setting objectives? - Evaluate with full cohort
- Representative
- Sequencing / pacing
17Steering group
- Dr Elspeth Alstead, Consultant Physician / Head
of Year 3 - Mr Sam Brenton, Learning Technologist
- Professor Christopher Fowler, Dean for Education
- Dr Patricia Revest, Head of Learning Resources
- Dr Sue Tatum, Common Learning Project?
- Ms Mira Vogel, Learning Technologist
- Queen Mary, University of London Barts and
The London, Queen Marys School of Medicine and
Dentistry ? North East London Workforce
Development Confederation (NHS)
18ePBL find out more
- http//www.smd.qmul.ac.uk/edudirect/epbl
- m.vogel_at_qmul.ac.uk
- mira.vogel_at_btopenworld.com
- Mira Vogel (Learning Technologist)
- Education Directorate
- School of Medicine and Dentistry
- Rm 1.36, Medical Sciences Building
- Queen Mary, University of London
- Mile End Rd
- London E1 4NS
- UK