Title: Digitale medier: formidling og design
1Digitale medier formidling og design
- 8. februar
- Teorier om medier
- 10-12
- Gennemgang af Carey
- Instruktion i oprettelse af blog
- 13-14
- Øvelse Fælles statistik over mediebrug
- 14
- Kage
- 14.45
- Præsentation af gruppearbejde
3Carey A device for vivifying our studies (p. 14)
- Transmissionsmodellen
- den model, som næsten alle medievidenskabelige
modeller er enige om ( at lægge afstand til) - Ritualet
- det fællesskab, som kommunikationen muliggør
(communis ? communication/ community)
4Temaer i Careys tekst
- The religious origins of our conceptions of
communication - American vs. European views and beliefs
- Paradigms in science
- Communication as representation vs. communication
as creation - A power vs. an anxiety model of communication
within American social science
- Communication is a symbolic process whereby
reality is - produced,
- maintained,
- repaired, and
- transformed (p.23).
6Kommunikation som transport
- Før telegrafen
- kommunikation transport
- Efter telegrafen
- kommunikation transmission
- Dette skift betyder, at meddelelsen bliver revet
ud af sin kontekst og gradvist bliver til
information - Kommunikation er fordøjet information
- f(i)k, f(k)h, hvor iinformation,
kkommunikation, hhandling
Hayles, N. K. (1999). How we became posthuman
virtual bodies in cybernetics, literature, and
informatics. Chicago, Ill. University of Chicago
Press. ISBN 0226321460
7Behaviorisme og stimulus-respons (S-R) modeller
Hjernen som black box
Stimuli (input)
Respons (output)
- Ekstrem positivisme i opposition til den
freudianske psykoanalyse (Pavlovs hunde) - Individualistisk orienteret ligesom psykoanalysen
Skinner, B. F. (1938). The behavior of organisms
an experimental analysis. New York, London, D.
Appleton-Century Company.
8Carey Thought as a public and social phenomenon
- I wish to suggest that thought is
predominantly public and social. It occurs
primarily on blackboards, in dances, and in
recited poems. The capacity of private thought is
a derived and secondary talent, one that appears
biographically later in the person and
historically later in the species (p. 28).
Shannon, C. E., Weaver, W. (1963). The
Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana
University of Illinois Press. Original
Publication 1949, ISBN 0252725484. P. 7.
10Shannon Weavers tre niveauer af
- Level A. How accurately can the symbols of
communication be transmitted? - Level B. How precisely do the transmitted symbols
convey the desired meaning? - Level C. How effectively does the received
meaning affect conduct in the desired way?
Shannon, C. E., Weaver, W. (1963). The
Mathematical Theory of Communication. Urbana
University of Illinois Press. Original
Publication 1949, ISBN 0252725484. P. 4.
- Power models
- information theory (hvordan overfører man
information over en transmissionslinje mest
effektivt) - learning theory (behavioristisk/cognitivistisk/
konstruktivistisk) - influence theory (hvordan medierne påvirker os
til at gøre uheldige ting, feks optræde voldeligt
efter at have set en voldelig film)
12or anxiety model?
- Anxiety models
- cognitive dissonance theory (hvorfor vi kan tro
på noget trods beviser for det modsatte) - balance theory (hvordan tilsyneladende
uforenelige størrelser som Niels Olsen og
Levebrød smitter af på hinanden) - functionalism (alle menneskelige egenskaber er
designet med et bestemt formål for øje) or - uses and gratifications theory (folk bruger
medierne for at få et bestemt udbytte)
13Roman Jakobssons model
Kontekst (1) Meddelelse (6) Kontakt (4) Kode (5)
Afsender (2)
Modtager (3)
- Hvad fokuserer meddelelsen på?
- Den referentielle funktion
- Den emotive funktion
- Den konative funktion
- Den fatiske funktion
- Den metasproglige funktion
- Den poetiske funktion
Jakobson, R. (1960). Closing Statements
Linguistics and Poetics. In T. A. Sebeok (Ed.),
Style in Language. Cambridge, MA M.I.T. Press.
14Kommunikation som primær realitet
- One must examine communication as the primary
phenomena of experience and not as something
softer and derivative from a realer existent
nature (p. 26).
15Representation for and of reality
- A blueprint of a house in one mode is a
representation for reality under its guidance
and control a reality, a house, is produced that
expresses the relations contained in reduced and
simplified form in the blueprint. - There is a second use of a blueprint, however. If
someone asks for a description of a particular
house, one can simply point to a blueprint and
say, Thats the house. (P. 29)
16Optagelser til Gran Turismo
17(No Transcript)