Title: Tanana Valley Watershed Association
1Tanana Valley Watershed Association
Est. 2006
2Mission Statement
The mission of the Tanana Valley Watershed
Association is to promote and improve the health
of the Tanana Valley watershed through education,
restoration, collaborative research, and diverse
community involvement
3(No Transcript)
5Chena River Chena Slough 1938
Chena River Chena Slough 1938 to 2002
Persinger Rd
Peede Rd
6Chena River Chena Slough 1949
Persinger Rd
Peede Rd
7Chena River Chena Slough 1978
Persinger Rd
Peede Rd
8Chena River Chena Slough 2002
Persinger Rd
Peede Rd
9Channel Migration is a Natural Process
10Channel Migration is a Natural Process
Flood Control Project
11Channel Migration is a Natural Process
12Healthy Riparian Zones Can Slow this Natural
Riparian Zones are the transitional areas between
the aquatic and terrestrial environments (streamsi
de vegetation).
13Costs of Fighting Natural Channel Migration
14Chena River at University Ave.
15Lower Chena River
16Upper Chena River
17Downtown Chena River
18(No Transcript)
19(No Transcript)
20Salcha River
21Salcha River
22Dittman Slough
23Dittman Slough
24Tanana River Rikas Roadhouse
25Tanana River Rikas Roadhouse
26Noyes Slough
27Noyes Slough
28Chatanika River
29Chatanika River
30Chena River
31Chena River
32Chena River
33Chena River
34Chena River
35Fairbanks North Star BoroughRiparian Management
- There are Concerns.
- Many Concerns can be Addressed by Planning.
- The Boroughs Regional Comprehensive Plan
Recognizes a Need.
36Fairbanks North Star BoroughRiparian Management
The nonprofit Tanana Valley Watershed Association
(TVWA) proposes to partner with the Borough
Planning Department to formulate a Riparian
Management Plan for the Boroughs consideration
and potential implementation.
37Fairbanks North Star BoroughRiparian Management
- Grants
- Partners for Fish and Wildlife (20,000)
- Fairbanks Soil Water Conservation District
(1,000) - Others as opportunity arises
- Volunteers from TVWA
- In Kind Support from Agencies
38- The TVWA Proposes to Formulate this Riparian
Management Plan by
- Using current riparian-corridor scientific
research. - Considering existing riparian regulations in
Alaska. - Soliciting public comment on the appropriate use
and management of riparian corridors. - Developing a GIS-based inventory of riparian
corridors in the Borough. - Preparing specific guidelines suitable for
formulating zoning ordinances.
39- The TVWA Proposes to Formulate this Riparian
Management Plan by
- Using current riparian-corridor scientific
research. - Considering existing riparian regulations in
Alaska. - Soliciting public comment on the appropriate use
and management of riparian corridors. - Developing a GIS-based inventory of riparian
corridors in the Borough. - Preparing specific guidelines suitable for
formulating zoning ordinances.
40- Using current riparian-corridor scientific
research. - Considering existing riparian regulations in
- Duration 5 months
- Product Report and bibliography summarizing
available information - Estimated Cost 11,000 plus printing
41- The TVWA Proposes to Formulate this Riparian
Management Plan by
- Using current riparian-corridor scientific
research. - Considering existing riparian regulations in
Alaska. - Soliciting public comment on the appropriate use
and management of riparian corridors. - Developing a GIS-based inventory of riparian
corridors in the Borough. - Preparing specific guidelines suitable for
formulating zoning ordinances.
42- Soliciting public comment on the appropriate use
and management of riparian corridors.
- Duration Throughout entire process
- Products
- At least three public meetings (near beginning,
middle, and end of process) held by geographic
region within the Borough - At least one brochure explaining benefits of a
Riparian Management Plan - Estimated Cost ?, would like a trained
facilitator, printing costs
43- The TVWA Proposes to Formulate this Riparian
Management Plan by
- Using current riparian-corridor scientific
research. - Considering existing riparian regulations in
Alaska. - Soliciting public comment on the appropriate use
and management of riparian corridors. - Developing a GIS-based inventory of riparian
corridors in the Borough. - Preparing specific guidelines suitable for
formulating zoning ordinances.
44More than 9,000 miles of waterways in the Borough
- Developing a GIS-based inventory of riparian
corridors in the Borough.
- Duration 6 months, maybe more
- Product ArcGIS compatible files and maps for
planning and public education - Estimated Cost Covered by the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (at least in part)
45- The TVWA Proposes to Formulate this Riparian
Management Plan by
- Using current riparian-corridor scientific
research. - Considering existing riparian regulations in
Alaska. - Soliciting public comment on the appropriate use
and management of riparian corridors. - Developing a GIS-based inventory of riparian
corridors in the Borough. - Preparing specific guidelines suitable for
formulating zoning ordinances.
46- Some Riparian Features to Consider When
Recommending Buffer/Setback Widths
- Protecting Homes and Structures
- Existing Improvements
- Private and Public Ownership
- Greenbelts and Public Access
- Adjacent Land Use
- Streambank Erosion Potential
- Glacial and Non-Glacial Streams
- Floodwater Storage
- Sediment and Pollutant Filtering
- Fish Habitat
- Wildlife Habitat
47- Preparing specific guidelines suitable for
formulating zoning ordinances.
- Duration 12 months, maybe more
- Products
- Consensus based recommended riparian
buffers/setbacks and management activities - Riparian Management Plan, including GIS-based
maps - Prepare zoning ordinances
- Estimated Cost ?, TVWA volunteers, Borough
staff time
48Riparian Management PlanDraft Timeline
49- To Begin This Work and Ensure a Successful
Outcome, the TVWA Seeks to Work Closely in
Partnership with
- FNSB Planning Commission
- Chena Riverfront Commission
- Cities of Fairbanks and North Pole
- State and Federal Agencies
- Fairbanks Soil and Water Conservation District
- Property and Business Owners
- Public
50Fairbanks North Star BoroughRiparian Management
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