Title: Multiplayer NES Emulator Play Over a Network
1Multiplayer NES Emulator Play Over a Network
- David Quaid and Andrew Flynn
- CS 78 Networks
- Professor Andrew Campbell
2NES Multiplayer Emulator
- Used open-source java emulator that only
supported single-computer functionality - Supported multiplayer, but only two users using
the same computer on the same system
3Overview of original code
- NESCafe open source emulator
- Available at www.davieboy.net/nescafe/
- 48,000 lines of java code.
- Java Preprocessor used for C-style include
directives - Available at http//www.vortoj.com/sjpp/readme.htm
4The Problem of Synchronization
- Multiplayer video games have serious real-time
demands. - More than a few hundred mss delay means
seriously compromised playability. - Inherent Sources of Error / Lag
- Transferring information across a network is much
slower than local computation. - Internet traffic is bursty
- RTT is likely to change with time.
- No objective Frame of Reference
- Impossible to synchronize system clocks exactly
5Design Philosophy / Principles of Multiplayer
Game Programming
- UDP only
- TCP retransmission is too late!
- Frequent / Redundant transmission of controller
state used instead. - Timer (rather than event) driven protocol.
- Periodic re-synching of relevant state
information. - Demanded by unpredictability in delays.
- Dont transmit deltas
- Button up / button down events are dangerous.
- Absolute States exchanged instead.
6Design Philosophy Continued
- Problem Cant get rid of inherent lags
- Player 1 (Server player) always has the upper
hand on game states and controller input - Player 2 (Client player) still has advantage for
own controller input - Games likely to fall out of synch.
- Solution Estimate delays for other player, and
introduce them locally.
7Challenges Unique to NESCafe
- Low granularity of Game State
- Binary memory vs. Standard Object Oriented Design
- Saving and Loading States takes time
- 65-120 ms
- High potential for corruption of Game State
- CPU must be paused while loading and saving
- Cannot load new JoyPad states during Game State
loads - Solution Buffered JoyPads
8Original Idea
9Why original idea was abandoned
- Sending graphics across in the form video is not
feasible. Screen size is 256x240, and 4 bits are
required to represent color. So 4 256 240
/8000 (bits per KB) 30K per frame. This is
too much, even when compressed - Reasonable playability would require 15 frames
per second, which would require 500K/second. - Not as challenging!
10Revised Idea
11Benefits of new idea
- Sending JoyPad and Game States requires much less
bandwidth - More multiplayer in approach since both players
are running their own process. - Gives a more level playing field between the two
12Theory Applied to PracticeOur strategy for
- Distinction between Server and Client
- Server (Player 1) Role
- Responsible for estimating RTT
- Sends JoyPad state at 10ms period
- Sends Game state at 1500ms period
- Client (Player 2) Role
- Does not initiate transactions
- Only responds to JoyPad states.
13Packet Structure
14Delay strategies
- Server keeps track of running RTT
- When server sends either Game State or JoyPad
State, server waits ½ RTT so that server and
client load the state at approximately the same
time - Additional delay for JoyPad input based on next
expected send - Uses Exponential Weighted Moving Average
15Exponential Weighted Moving Average
- EstimatedRTT (0.875 EstimatedRTT)
(0.125 SampleRTT)
16Delay Strategies (cont.)
- Problem Because of bursty nature of internet and
the uncertainty of estimating RTT, it is
impossible to maintain perfect synchrony between
server and client sending only JoyPad movements - Solution Periodically send entire Game state
information in order to re-synch two emulators
17NESCafe states
- JoyPad State
- 1 byte of information
- 1 bit for each button on the JoyPad
- Bitwise operators determine which button is being
pressed - Game State
- Entire memory state of emulator
- Includes JoyPad, graphics, and place currently in
game ROM - Compressed size usually about 7K
18Player 1 FSM
Do not transfer JoyPadBuf to JoyPad
Do not transfer JoyPadBuf to JoyPad
Put Player 1 JoyPad In JoyPadBuf
Put Player 1 JoyPad In JoyPadBuf
Save complete
Timer triggers load
Keep track of last Player2 JoyPad
Keep track of last Player2 JoyPad
Timer triggers save
Load complete
Normal Play
19Player 2 FSM
Timer triggers load
Do not transfer JoyPadBuf to JoyPad
Put Player 1 JoyPad In JoyPadBuf
Normal Play
Keep track of last Player2 JoyPad
Load complete
20Lessons learned
- Maintaining synchrony is difficult to achieve in
a real time playing environment - UDP with redundant transmissions is better than
TCP with retransmissions - Local delays heuristic to synchronization
(counterintuitive) - FSMs are your friend (honest)
21And the final lesson learned
22(No Transcript)