Title: Robert Buck Evanson
1Robert Buck Evanson
- By Tyler J. Groves
- Full Transcript
- Buck was born on June 6, 1938. He was born in
Kingwood, WV. He served the U.S. Navy for 20
years, and worked for Bruceton Farm Service as
General Mechanic for 20 years. He has 6 sisters,
Luella, Gladys, Hazel, Norma Jean, Patty Joe, and
a brother Core Jane. His wifes name is Sue Ann
Bishop Evanson. His - daughters name is
- Elesa Lynn Evanson.
3Major Events in history
Many things happened in Bucks life since he was
born. World War 2 began when he was one. He was 3
when the U.S. joined the war. In the year 1945
World War 2 ended. The NATO was formed in 1949.
In 1964 the Civil Rights act was passed. The
Apollo 11 was launched in 1969. The Vietnam War
ended in 1975. George W. Bush was elected
President in 2000. 2001, terrorists attack U.S.
4Describe the recreation to you growing up?
- We didnt have TV or videos, so we spent our
time playing football, baseball, kickball, taffy
pull, square dancing, tag, sled riding, and
horseback riding.
5What are some of the most of interesting memories
you have growing up?
- Probably working on the farm with my father
with horses and digging in coal mines at a very
young age.
Bucks father gt
6What was your biggest accomplishment?
- I made the Varsity basketball team as a
freshman. I was a starter and the top scorer. I
was the - only one in my
- family who
- finished high
- school.
7What event in history do you remember the most
and why?
- In 1961 the USSR launched a spacecraft into
space with a monkey aboard for testing purposes
prier to men being sent. I was stationed in Rota,
Spain in an aircraft squadron, and my flight crew
was selected to follow the Russian pickup ship.
We took pictures of it from our aircraft.
Buck gt
9My Thanks
- I would like to thank everybody that helped me
with my project. Mrs. Kent for letting us do the
project, my dad for driving me and helping me,
and Buck for letting me interview him.