Title: CNMI Public School System Saipan, Tinian Rota
1 CNMI Public School System
Saipan, Tinian Rota
- CNMI Public School System Statistical Profile
SY04-05 - by Rita Hocog Inos, Ed.D.
- Commissioner of Education
- November 17, 2004
2Statistical Profile
- Schools
- Student Enrollment Ethnicity
- Faculty and Staff
3Statistical Profile
- Schools
- Head Start Program - 12 centers
- (Comprehensive Pre-school)
- 3 to 5 age group
- Elementary- 12 schools
- Kindergarten to grade 6
- Junior High School 4 schools
- 7th and 8th grade
- Senior High School 5 schools
- 9th grade through 12th grade
5School Accreditation Status
6 Student Enrollment by Island Beginning of
School Year 2004-2005
7Student Ethnic EnrollmentBeginning of SY
8 Student Enrollment by Grade Level Beginning of
School Year 2004-2005
9Faculty Staff SY 04-05
10CNMI PSS Teacher Credentials 2004-2005
11PSS Budget FY04
12Public School Cost Per Child Comparing CNMI to
US Average
National - total costs are actual expenditures
for 1992-2001 (Source NCES)
National - total costs 2002-2005 are projections
(Source NCES)
CNMI - total costs 1992-2003 are actual
expenditures (Source PSS FBO)
CNMI - total costs 2004-2005 are projections
(Source PSS FBO)
13PSS Operations Cost
14CNMI State Board of Education Goals and
Philosophy Institutional Goals for the PSS
(Policy 103)
- To offer equal educational opportunity for all
students in preschool through grade twelve by
providing optimum curriculum, instructional,
community service, and work experience in
academic and vocational programs based on the
different needs of students free from
preconceived roles or artificial constraints - To ensure the safety, welfare, and protection of
children from invasions of personal privacy while
in the care of the Public School System - To provide and assure maintenance of adequate
facilities for achieving the Commonwealth
instructional and personal goals - To provide adequate resources and recruitment
supervision policies for a systematic process of
personnel selection evaluation (such as clinical
supervision), and continuous improvement and
upgrading of all staff - To establish effective participation and
communication between parents, administrators,
teachers, students, and community for meaningful
and productive relationships - To provide for administrative flexibility and
sufficient autonomy to establish programs
suitable to each school community through
involvement of representatives of all segments of
the community in decision-making and sharing of
responsibility - To provide prompt, efficient and reliable support
services necessary to operate the schools and
instructional programs
1598 and BeyondPSS Strategic Priorities
- High Student Performance
- Quality Teachers, Administrators, Staff
- Safe and Orderly Schools
- Effective and Efficient Operation
16Comprehensive StudentAccountability Plan
Student Self Assessment
Teacher Assessment
PSS Statewide Assessments
17Student Academic Achievement
- Student Achievement Goals
- That 80 of our students are reading on or above
grade level by 2008 - That our students are scoring at the 50th
percentile or higher, on the SAT9/10 by 2010
- Student Achievement Results
- SAT 10 complete battery tests for SY03-04 show a
4 percentile increase over SY02-03 as 996
students, or 22 scored at the 50 percentile or
higher - Reading Diagnostic Assessment shows that 1,184
of our 4,561, or 26, of elementary school
students taking the reading pre-test in August of
SY 04-05 are reading on or above grade level.
18 CNMI Public School System State Initiatives
- Standards Based Education
- Highly Qualified Teachers
- Student Accountability Plan
- School Accreditation
- Reading First
- ERATE Technology Program
- Funding Public Education
- Special Education Improvement Plan
- Head Start Improvement Plan
- Universal Pre-School
- High School Reform
19Quality Teachers, Administrators Staff
- Recruit, Retention, Renewal of highly qualified
personnel - Teacher, Counselor, Administrator Performance
Assessment - Teacher, Counselor, Administrator Certification
- Non-certified Performance Assessment
- Professional and Staff Development
- Meeting the Highly Qualified Teacher Challenge of
the NCLB Act which requires all teachers by 2006
to possess at least a BA degree, have attained
full state certification, and passed a rigorous
test of subject matter competency
- Thank You
- Rita Hocog Inos, Ed.D. Commissioner of Education