Title: Making Thesauri Work for the Semantic Web
1Making Thesauri Work for the Semantic Web
Alistair Miles Brian Matthews Michael Wilson
- Introduction
- Thesaurus Interchange Format (TIF)
- Thesaurus Tools
Slide 2
- Semantic Web Advanced Development for Europe
- Research Development
- Demonstration Dissemination
- Partners
- HP Labs
- Stilo
Slide 3
4TIF for the Semantic Web
- RDF Schema
- Concept-based
- Extensible
Slide 4
5TIF Overview
Slide 5
6TIF Classes
7TIF Built-In Properties
Slide 6
8 Concept-Relation
Slide 6
9 Concept-Equivalence
Slide 6
10TIF Data
ltrdfRDF xmlns"http//www.w3c.rl.ac.uk/2003/07/2
2-tif" xmlnsdc"http//purl.org/dc/elements
/1.1/" xmlnsrdfhttp//www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rd
f-syntax-ns xmlbasehttp//www.rl.ac.uk/sophi
a/gt ltThesaurus rdfabout"GCL"gt
ltdctitlegtGovernment Category Listlt/dctitlegt
ltdcdescriptiongtList of categories used for
government metadata.lt/dcdescriptiongt
lt/Thesaurusgt ltTerm rdfabout"GCL?termA-leve
ls"gt ltvaluegtA-levelslt/valuegt
lt/Termgt ltConcept rdfabout"GCL?concept607"gt
ltcodegt607lt/codegt ltpreferred
ltnonPreferred rdfresource"GCL?termGun20licensi
ng"/gt ltnonPreferred rdfresource"GCL?term
Handguns"/gt ltbroader rdfresource"GCL?co
ncept564"/gt ltrelated rdfresource"GCL?co
ncept598"/gt ltrelated rdfresourceGCL?co
ncept827"/gt ltinexact rdfresource"GCL?co
ncept111"/gt ltpartial rdfresource"GCL?co
ncept222"/gt lt/Conceptgt lt/rdfRDFgt
Slide 7
11Term-Based Extension
Slide 8
12TIF-S Built-In Properties
Slide 9
13Generating TIF-S from TIF
- TIF-S as derived relations
- Mapping rules
- Use Closed World Machine (CWM)
Slide 10
14TIF Summary
- RDF Schema
- Concept-based
- Mono- or Multi- lingual
- Extensible framework of properties
- Term-based extension (TIF-S)
- Exploit strengths of both models
Slide 11
15Thesaurus Tools
- Low-level
- Http server SophiaLite
- Java API Thes
- User-level
- Thesaurus browser SophiaMultilingua
Slide 12
- Http thesaurus server
- Http get parameters
- ?concept
- ?term
- ?data topconcepts / topterms / allconcepts
/ allterms - Return RDF thesaurus data
Slide 13
17SophiaLite Architecture
Http Client
Http (params)
Http (RDQL)
Jdbc / http
RDF Store
RDF Files
Slide 14
18Thes Java API
- Link to UML
- Implementation
Slide 15
- Thesaurus Viewer
- Demo
- Leverage SW tools for powerful lightweight apps
Slide 16
20Future Work
- Using OWL for validation and inference
- Thesaurus web service
- Publish datasets
- More user-level applications
- Use existing thesauri to enhance web experience
- Ontology migration
Slide 17
- Alistair Miles a.j.miles_at_rl.ac.uk
- TIF on the web
- http//www.w3c.rl.ac.uk/SWAD/thesaurus/tif/tif.htm
l - SWAD-Europe Thesaurus Activity
- http//www.w3c.rl.ac.uk/SWAD/thesaurus.html
Slide 18