Title: Spatial Epidemiology Methods
1Spatial Epidemiology Methods Used in the
Evaluation of Cancer Clusters in Utah
Sam LeFevre Environmental Epidemiology
Program Utah Department of Health (801)
538-6191 slefevre_at_utah.gov Wayne
Ball Environmental Epidemiology Program Utah
Department of Health
- Environmental Epidemiology Program
- Utah Department of Health
- www.health.utah.gov/enviroepi
- Utah Cancer Registry
- University of Utah
- www.uuhsc.utah.edu/ucr
- Environmental Public Health Tracking Program
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- www.cdc.gov/nceh/tracking
- Small Area Health Statistic Unit
- Imperial College London
- www.sahsu.org
- 1996 Environmental Epidemiology
- Program established in Utah
- 1998 SaTScan software
- 1999 SpaceStat
- 2002 Applied for Environmental Public Health
- Tracking Grant funds from CDC
- 2003 RIF demonstrated at a EUROHEI conference
in Sweden - 2004 RIF re-engineered
- 2004 Utah acquires and prepares data
- 2005 First implementation and pilot study
5(No Transcript)
6The Study Area
- 11 Zip Codes
- 143 Census Block Groups
- 247,000 Persons
7Methods Setup
8Definition of Cancer Type
Utah Cancer Registry (SEER) Site Code
13 Lung and Bronchus 36 Non-Hodgkins
C34 Lung and Bronchus 9050-9055 Mesothelioma
C34 Lung and Bronchus C45 Mesothelioma
20 Cervix 36 Non-Hodgkins
C53 Cervix
C53 Cervix
28 Kidney Renal Pelvis
C64 Kidney C65 Renal Pelvis
C64 C65 Kidney Renal Pelvis
Number of Cases in the Study Area (Exposed and
Unexposed Populations) from 1990 through 2000
9Standard Population
Utah 2000
US Std 2000
World Std 1991
10Median Income
SDI Deviation from Mean of Median Income 1 lt
1.0 STD Below Mean 2 1.0 0.5 STD Below
Mean 3 0.5 Mean 4 Mean 0.5 STD Above
Mean 5 0.5 1.0 STD Above Mean 6 gt 1.0 STD
Above Mean
11Residential Tenure
Deviation from Mean Percentage
of SDI Population at Residence more than 5
years 1 lt 1.0 STD Below Mean 2 1.0 0.5 STD
Below Mean 3 0.5 Mean 4 Mean 0.5 STD Above
Mean 5 0.5 1.0 STD Above Mean 6 gt 1.0 STD
Above Mean
- Lung and bronchus
- Kidney and renal pelvis (with covariate)
- SaTScan
- Lung and bronchus
- and a whole bunch of other types
13Lung and Bronchus
Observed is the number of cases in the
potentially exposed population RR Relative
Risk LCL 95 Lower Confidence Limit UCL 95
Upper Confidence Limit SDI Socio-Economic
Deprivation Index (ranked Median Income) RT
Residential Tenure (ranked median)
14- Disease Mapping
- Relative risk for each small area
- Adjusted and/or smoothed
- Multiple adjustments
- Risk Mapping
- Identifies potentially exposed population using
distance bands - Relative risk for the exposed population
15Weber County
Hill AFB
Davis County
The Great Salt Lake
Weber County
Weber County
Hill AFB
Hill AFB
Davis County
Davis County
The Great Salt Lake
The Great Salt Lake
16Kidney and Renal Pelvis
Observed is the number of cases in the
potentially exposed population RR Relative
Risk LCL 95 Lower Confidence Limit UCL 95
Upper Confidence Limit SDI Socio-Economic
Deprivation Index (ranked Median Income) RT
Residential Tenure (ranked median)
17Kidney and Renal Pelvis
18Kidney and Renal Pelvis
Weber County
Hill AFB
Study Area
Davis County
The Great Salt Lake
19Layton Brain Cancer Study
Observed is the number of cases in the
potentially exposed population SIR Standardized
Incidence Ratio RR Relative Risk LCL 95
Lower Confidence Limit UCL 95 Upper Confidence
Limit SDI Socio-Economic Deprivation Index
(ranked Median Income)
Weber County
Hill AFB
Study Area
Davis County
The Great Salt Lake
24(No Transcript)
25Lung Cancer Risk in Surrounding Neighborhoods
26Lung Cancer Risk in Surrounding Neighborhoods
27- News Release
- April 5, 2007
- ... in the two-mile radius study area ...
cancers of the respiratory system ... were
elevated. - ... exposure from the processing facility not
likely a significant factor ...
28Childhood Leukemia High Traffic Roads
- 28,279 Census Blocks
- 465 children with leukemia (ALL AML)
- 11,212,093 child (0-14 years age)-years 1973-2001
- 2,514 km high traffic density roads
- 1,436 UDOT monitoring points
29Risk Assessment
All Childhood Leukemia
30Line Source Air Dispersion Model
Q Source strength (emission per distance) ? Wind
direction relative to line source ? Wind
speed ?Z Vertical dispersion factor a
xb H Effective source height
31Monticello Uranium Tailings
32Study Results
- Between 1973 2003, the overall cancer rate was
lower than expected based on state rates. - Lung cancer was elevated for one period (8 cases,
RR 2.39 95 CI 1.02-4.34) - All other cancers types that could be associated
with exposure to the tailings were not elevated.
- Differences in methods used and data setup
applied did not alter the findings or conclusions
of the study - RIF Relative Risk generally slightly more
conservative than SIR method - RIF allows the flexibility to follow leads
derived from analysis
34Your Turn