Improving the Performance of TCP Vegas and TCP SACK: Investigations and Solutions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Improving the Performance of TCP Vegas and TCP SACK: Investigations and Solutions


TCP SACK was proposed to solve issues with New Reno when multiple packets are lost in a window. However under some conditions SACK too perform badly. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Improving the Performance of TCP Vegas and TCP SACK: Investigations and Solutions

Improving the Performance of TCP Vegas and TCP
SACKInvestigations and Solutions
  • By
  • Krishnan Nair Srijith
  • Supervisor A/P Dr. A.L. Ananda
  • School of Computing
  • National University of Singapore

  • Research Objectives
  • Motivation
  • Background Study
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
  • Section 1- TCP variants over satellite links

Outline (Cont.)
  • Section 2 - Solving issues of TCP Vegas (TCP
  • Section 3 - Improving TCP SACKs performance
  • Conclusion

Research Objectives
  • Study performance of TCP over satellite links.
  • Study TCP Vegas and suggest mechanisms to
    overcome limitations.
  • Study TCP SACK and suggest mechanisms to overcome

  • TCP is the most widely used transport control
  • TCP SACK was proposed to solve issues with New
    Reno when multiple packets are lost in a window.
  • However under some conditions SACK too perform
  • Overcoming this can enhance SACKs efficiency.

Motivation (Cont.)
  • TCP Vegas is very different from New Reno, the
    most commonly used variant of TCP.
  • Vegas shows greater efficiency, but there are
    several unresolved issues.
  • Solving these issues could produce a better
    alternative to New Reno.

Transmission Control Protocol
  • The most widely used transport protocol, used in
    applications like FTP, Telnet etc.
  • It is a connection oriented, reliable, byte
    stream service on top of IP layer.
  • Uses 3 way handshake to establish connections.
  • Each byte of data is assigned a unique sequence
    number which has to be acknowledged.

TCP (Cont.)
  • Major control mechanisms of TCP
  • Slow Start
  • Used to estimate the bandwidth available by a new
  • Congestion Avoidance
  • Used to avoid losing packets and if and when
    packets are lost, to deal with the situation

  • Was proposed to overcome problems when multiple
    packet are lost by New Reno within a single
  • In SACK, TCP receiver informs the sender of
    packets that are successfully received.
  • It thus allows selective retransmission of lost
    packets alone.

Section 1
  • Studied performance of TCP New Reno and SACK over
    satellite link.
  • Paper-
  • Effectiveness of TCP SACK, TCP HACK and TCP
    Trunk over Satellite Links - Proceedings of IEEE
    International Conference on Communications (ICC
    2002), Vol.5, pp. 3038 - 3043, New York, April 28
    - May 2, 2002.

TCP over Satellite
  • There are several factors that limit the
    efficiency of TCP over satellite links.
  • Long RTT
  • Increase time in slow start mode,decreases
  • Large Bandwidth-delay product
  • Small window sizes causes under utilization.
  • High Bit Error Rates
  • TCP assumes congestion and decreases window.

Experimental Setup
Experimental Setup (Cont.)
Results - SACK
  • Emulator setup with no corruption
  • RTT of 510 ms was introduced by the error/delay
    box to simulate the long latency of the satellite
    link of 10Mbps bandwidth.
  • TCP maximum window size was varied from 32 KB
    through 1024KB.
  • Files of different size were sent from client to

Results- SACK (Contd.)
Goodput for 1MB and 10MB file transfers for
different window sizes - no corruption
Results SACK (Contd.)
  • Goodput generally increases with increase in
    window size.
  • However for the window size of 1024KB, the
    goodput decreases in both cases, but more in the
    New Reno case.
  • This is because, when the window size is set
    larger than the bandwidth-delay product of the
    link (652.8KB), congestion sets in and the
    goodput falls.

Results SACK (Contd.)
  • Emulator setup with corruption
  • Packet errors of 0.5,1.0 and 2 were
  • RTT was kept at 510ms.
  • Files transfers of size 1MB and 10MB were carried
    out with varying window sizes.

Results SACK (Contd.)
Goodput at 1 corruption
Goodput for 10MB file at different corruption
Results SACK (Contd.)
  • Again, the 10MB file transfer goodput decreases
    when window size is increased beyond 652.8KB
    because of the presence of congestion in addition
    to corruption.
  • SACK is able to handle this situation better and
    provides a better goodput.

Result - SACK (Contd.)
  • Satellite Link
  • The goodput increases as window size is
    increased, as long as the window size is kept
    less than the bandwidth-delay product.
  • SACK performs better than New Reno for both the
    file sizes as well as for all the window sizes

Goodput in KBps for 1MB and 10MB file transfers
for varying window size satellite link
  • The performance of TCP SACK was compared with
    New Reno in a GEO satellite environment.
  • It was shown that SACK performs better than New
    Reno unless the level of corruption is very high.

Section 2
  • Studied the limitations of TCP Vegas and proposed
    changes to overcome them (TCP Vegas-A).
  • Paper-
  • TCP Vegas-A Solving the Fairness and Rerouting
    Issues of TCP Vegas - accepted for Proceedings
    of 22nd IEEE International Performance,
    Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC)
    2003, Phoenix, Arizona, 9 - 11 April, 2003.

TCP Vegas
  • Proposed by Brakmo et al. as a different form of
    TCP congestion mechanism.
  • It uses a different bandwidth estimation scheme
    based on fine-grained measurement of RTTs.
  • The increment of cwnd in TCP Vegas is governed by
    the following algorithm

TCP Vegas (Cont.)
  • Calculate
  • Expected_rate cwnd/base_rtt
  • Actual_rate cwnd/rtt
  • Diff expected_rate actual rate

cwnd 1, if diff lt a
cwnd 1, if diff gt ß
cwnd, otherwise
a1 ß3
Issues with TCP Vegas
  • Fairness
  • Vegas uses a conservative scheme, while New Reno
    is more aggressive.
  • New Reno thus attains more bandwidth than Vegas
    when competing against it.
  • Furthermore, New Reno aims to fill up the link
    space, which Vegas interprets as sign of
    congestions and reduces cwnd.

Issues with Vegas (Cont.)
  • Vegas was proposed by Hasegawa et al. to tackle
    this issue.
  • However, this method assumes that an increase in
    RTT is always due to presence of competing
  • Furthermore, it introduces another parameter
    count(max), whose chosen value is not explained.

Issues with TCP Vegas (Cont.)
  • Re-routing
  • Vegas calculates the expected_rtt using the
    smallest RTT of that connection (baseRTT).
  • When routes change during the connection, this
    value can change, but Vegas cannot adapt if this
    new smallest RTT value is more than the original
    one, since it cannot know whether the change is
    due to congestion or route change.

Issues with Vegas (Cont.)
  • Vegas assumes RTT increase is due to congestion
    and decreases cwnd, just opposite of what it
    should be doing.
  • La et al. proposed a modification to Vegas to
    counter this problem, but their solutions adds
    more variables K,N,L,d and ?, whose optimum value
    is still open to debate.

Issues with Vegas (Cont.)
  • Unfair treatment of old connections
  • It has been shown that Vegas is inherently unfair
    towards older connection.
  • The critical window size that triggers a
    reduction in cwnd is smaller in older connection
    and larger in newer connection.
  • Similarly, critical cwnd that triggers an
    increase in congestion window is lesser for newer

Vegas-A Solving Vegas Problems
  • To solve these issues, a modification to the
    algorithm is proposed, named Vegas-A.
  • The main idea is to make the values of the
    parameters a and ß adaptive and not fixed at 1
    and 3.
  • The modified algorithm is as follows

Vegas-A algorithm
  • if ß gt diff gt a
  • if Th(t) gt Th(t-rtt) cwnd cwnd 1, a a1,
    ß ß1
  • else (i.e if Th(t) lt Th(t-rtt)) no update of
    cwnd, a, ß
  • else if diff lt a
  • if a gt1 and Th(t) gt Th(t-rtt) cwnd cwnd 1
  • else if a gt1 and Th(t) lt Th(t-rtt) cwnd cwnd
    1, a a-1, ß ß-1
  • else if a 1 cwnd cwnd1

Vegas-A Algorithm (Cont.)
  • else if diff gt ß
  • cwnd cwnd-1, a a-1, ß ß-1
  • else
  • no update of cwnd, a, ß

Simulation of Vegas vs. Vegas-A
  • Simulations used Network Simulator (NS 2)
  • Wired and satellite (GEO and LEO) links were
  • NS 2 Vegas agent was modified to work as Vegas-A

Wired link simulation
Simulated wired network topology
Wired simulation (Cont.)
  • Re-routing condition
  • Route change was simulated by changing RTT of
    S1-R1 from 20ms to 200ms after 20s into the
  • Bandwidth of S1-R1, R1-R2 and R2-D1 was 1Mbps and
    RTTs of R1-R2 and R2-D1 were 10ms.
  • Simulation run for 200 seconds.

Re-routing simulation
cwnd variation for Vegas and Vegas-A due to RTT
Throughput variation for Vegas due to RTT change
Throughput variation for Vegas-A due to RTT change
Bandwidth sharing with New Reno
  • S1 uses Vegas/Vegas-A while S2 uses New Reno.
  • S1-R1 and S2-R18Mbps, 20ms (RTT)
  • R2-D1 and R2-D28Mbps, 20ms (RTT)
  • R1-R2 800Kbps, 80ms(RTT)
  • S1 started at 0s and S2 at 10s.

Throughput of TCP New Reno and Vegas over
congested link
Throughput of TCP New Reno and Vegas-A
connections over congested link
Competing against New Reno
  • When 3 Vegas/Vegas-A connections and New Reno
    were used, Vegas-A was again found to obtain a
    fairer share of the bandwidth compared to Vegas.

Old vs. New Vegas/Vegas-A
  • 5 Vegas/Vegas-A connections were simulated
    starting at intervals of 50 seconds.

Bias against high BW flows
  • It has been shown that Vegas is biased against
    connections with higher bandwidth.
  • Simulations conducted to check if Vegas-A fares
  • 3 sources S1,S2,S3.
  • S1-R1128Kbps, S2-R1256Kbps,
  • S3-R1512Kbps, R1-R2 400Kbps

High BW flows bias (Cont.)
  • The table below shows that Vegas-A does indeed
    perform better than Vegas.

Retaining properties of Vegas
  • While trying to overcome the problems of Vegas,
    Vegas-A should not lose properties of Vegas.
  • One Vegas/Vegas-A connection simulated
  • S1-R11Mbps, 45ms RTT
  • R1-R2250Kbps, 45ms RTT
  • R2-D11Mbps, 10ms RTT

Retaining properties of Vegas (Cont.)
Comparison of New Reno, Vegas and Vegas-A
connections over a 100ms RTT link
Retaining properties of Vegas(Cont.)
  • The effect of changing buffer size on the
    performance of New Reno, Vegas and Vegas-A was
    studied next.
  • RTT was set to 40ms and bottleneck link BW was
    set to 500Kbps.

Retaining properties of Vegas(Cont.)
Comparison of New Reno, Vegas and Vegas-A
connections with different router buffer queue
Vegas-A on satellite links
  • Geo Satellite links
  • Uplink and downlink were 1.5Mbps each.
  • Terminals at New York and San Francisco.
  • Different PERs were simulated on the link.

Vegas-A on GEO Satellite
Performance on a GEO link
Vegas-A on GEO satellite
Vegas-A on LEO
  • Simulated using NS 2
  • 780Km altitude, orbital period 6206.9s
  • Interstellar separation32.72 degree
  • Terminal at Berkeley and Boston

Vegas-A on LEO links
RTT changes over LEO satellite link
(No Transcript)
  • Vegas-A was proposed to mitigate problems
    associated with Vegas.
  • It was shown that Vegas-A performs better than
    Vegas when competing with New Reno.
  • Vegas-A is able to overcome re-routing limitation
    of Vegas.

  • Vegas-A does not suffer from unfairness against
    old and high bandwidth connections issues.
  • Vegas-A performs better than Vegas in LEO and GEO
    satellite link.
  • At the same time, Vegas-A retains all good
    properties of Vegas.

Section 3
  • Studied the worst case limitation of TCP SACK and
    proposed change in the packet format to overcome
    the problem.
  • Paper-
  • Worst-case Performance Limitation of TCP SACK
    and a Feasible Solution - Proceedings of 8th
    IEEE International Conference on Communications
    Systems (ICCS), Singapore, 25 - 28 November 2002.

Limitation of SACK
  • TCP Options field can have a maximum length of 40
  • This limits the number of SACK blocks whose
    information the receiver can send, to 4.
  • Under certain error scenarios this limitation of
    TCP SACK leads to retransmission of successfully
    received packets.

Present SACK option format
The proposal
  • Send 32-bit sequence number for only the right
    edge of the 1st (A)
  • Represent each edge as offset from edge A. We
    denote them O12, O21, O22 On1, On2, where O12 is
    the offset of the left edge of first block from
    A, O21 O22 are respectively the right and left
    edges of the second block, and so on.
  • Find out the biggest number among these offsets
    (denote it by Omax). Let X be ?log2 (Omax)?
    (where ?x? is the smallest integer larger than

The proposal (Cont.)
  • Thus, we can represent all the offsets using 'X'
  • This number 'X' needs to be sent to the data
    sender within the SACK option fields.
  • The sequence numbers range from 0 to 232-1, the
    maximum value that X can take is 32.
  • Need 5 bits to send the value of X. To keep it
    simple, we allocate 1 byte for this purpose. This
    is the extra byte that the new format has after
    the Length field, labeled 'X'.

The proposal (Cont.)
  • The first field after 'X' will be the right edge
    of the 1st block - a 32-bit sequence number.
  • The next field (O12) is the offset of the left
    edge of the 1st block with respect to the right
    edge. We represent this number using X bits
    instead of the usual 32 bits.
  • All the offsets are computed with respect to the
    right edge of the 1st block, as this is the only
    absolute 32-bit sequence number that will be sent
    to the data sender.

The proposal (Cont.)
Simulation 1
  • The scenario explained earlier was simulated
    using NS and the List error model.

Simulation 1 (Cont.)
Simulation 2
  • The two-state Markov error model of NS was used
    to simulate the second scenario.
  • The values of the Markov matrix used are

Simulation 2 (Cont.)
  • The results above shows the throughput of SACK
    connections, when using the present and the
    proposed implementation.

  • Current SACK implementation has the limitation of
    being able to send a maximum of only 3 or 4 SACK
    blocks with each ACK.
  • In this paper we proposed an alternate
    representation for the SACK blocks in the option
    field of the TCP segment for TCP SACK
    implementation to overcome this limitation.
  • Using examples and simulations, we showed that
    the modified implementation of SACK produces
    better TCP performance in terms of the throughput

  • Analyzed performance of TCP New Reno and SACK
    over satellite links.
  • Studied and suggested mechanisms to overcome
    limitation of TCP Vegas.
  • Analyzed performance of Vegas-A and showed that
    it works better than Vegas in wired and satellite

Conclusion (Cont.)
  • Studied and proposed mechanism to overcome SACK
  • Analyzed the new mechanism and proved that it
    does perform better than SACK.

Thank You
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