Software Architecture Laboratory SAL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Software Architecture Laboratory SAL


SAL in brief. Base and applied research in the software architectures area ... SAL 'numbers': Seven scientists and a variable number of external collaborators ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Software Architecture Laboratory SAL

Software Architecture LaboratorySAL
  • Head of the lab. Professor Francesco Tisato
  • Web site

SAL in brief
  • Base and applied research in the software
    architectures area
  • Main objective define, develop and experiment
    architectural models, methodologies and tools
    facing the challenges of emerging application
  • Research activity is supported byMIUR, EU,
    Regione Lombardia, Consorzio Milano Ricerche
  • SAL numbers
  • Seven scientists and a variable number of
    external collaborators
  • About 20 workplaces
  • 60 articles in proceeding of international
    conferences and in international journals
  • 10-15 graduated students per year

SAL activities
  • SAL activities range from basic research to
  • basic researchaimed at defining innovative
    architectural models
  • pilot projects aimed at developing prototypal
    platforms that both reify the devised models and
    experiment emerging technologies
  • applications aimed at transferring the acquired
    knowledge into solutions of concrete problems
    through tight collaboration with productive
    realities and final users
  • experiences gained from applicative projects
    provide the insight of emerging and critical
    issues, which influence the SAL research themes

SAL topics
  • Research areas
  • Space awareness
  • Time awareness
  • Architectural reflections
  • Application domains
  • Prevention and management of emergencies
  • Traffic monitoring and control
  • Environmental monitoring and control
  • Supply chain
  • Video surveillance
  • Adaptive information systems
  • GIS (Geographic Information Systems)
  • Robotics
  • Projects
  • SAL is - and has been - involved in several
    research projects

SAL approach
Research Areas
Exploit architectural models to meet domain needs
Tune research themes according to domain needs
Application Domains
Develop concrete architecturesto solve real
Recognize emerging needs from project experience
SAL research areas
  • Complex IT systems are aware of
  • time
  • space
  • themselves
  • Time awareness
  • Reasoning about time
  • Time-driven behavior
  • Space awareness
  • Locating objects in virtual spaces
  • Behaving according to spatial location
  • Self awareness architectural reflection
  • Observing and controlling the system itself QoS,
    behaviour, resources (power, MIPS, memory,
    bandwidth, devices...)
  • Adaptive behavior via architectural reflection

SAL focus
Time Awareness
Space Awareness
Self Awareness
Projects some examples
  • InSyEme Integrated System for EmergencyThe
    project aims at studying and experimenting
    innovative methodologies and tools for the
    realization of integrated systems oriented to
    prevention and management of emergencies caused
    by natural disasters.
  • Funding MIUR-FIRB
  • PartnersUniversity of Roma La Sapienza,
    University of Florence, University of Pisa,
    Politecnico of Milan, Consorzio Milano Ricerche,
    University of Salerno

Projects some examples
  • TRADE Tracking RFID-based Agents in Distributed
    EnvironmentsThe research project aims at
    defining innovative technologies, models,
    algorithms, and solutions to support and improve
    some of the processes involved in the Supply
    Chain. Activities focus on different sensor
    devices (RFID and cameras) to obtain information
    from actual material flow.
  • FundingRegione Lombardia-Metadistreti
  • PartnersSEAM S.p.A., Microsystems, Siemens
    Informatica, Consorzio Milano Ricerche

Projects some examples
  • MAIS Multichannel Adaptive Information
    SystemsThe goal of the MAIS project is the
    development of models, methods and tools that
    allow the implementation of multichannel adaptive
    information systems able to provide services with
    respect to different types of networks and of
    access devices.
  • FundingMIUR-FIRB
  • PartnersCefriel, Engineering Ingegneria
    Informatica S.p.A., Politecnico of Milan,
    STMicroelectronics S.r.l., University of Lecce,
    University of Roma La sapienza, University of
    Roma Roma Tre

Projects some examples
  • ESCORT European Standard Controller for
    Intersections with Advanced Road Traffic
    SensorsThe goal of the ESCORT project is to
    define and develop a standard interface (SIM/IPS)
    that enables the interconnectivity of
    heterogeneous applications and devices at the
    intersection level.
  • FundingEC
  • PartnersConsorzio Milano Ricerche, Project
    Automation, ETRA, INRETS, ATM Milano

SAL permanent staff
  • Francesco TisatoFull Professor and Head of the
  • Daniela MicucciResearcher
  • Claudia RaibuletResearcher
  • Marzia AdorniJunior research fellow
  • Diego BerniniJunior scientist
  • Christian TosiJunior scientist
  • Marco ZanoniJunior scientist

Recent publications
  • Book chapters
  • M. Adorni, et. Al., Reference Architecture and
    Framework, Mobile Information Systems
    Infrastructure and Design for Adaptivity and
    Flexibility, Chapter 2, Barbara Pernici (ed.),
    Springer, 2006, pp. 25-46
  • M. Adorni, et. Al., The MAIS Approach to Web
    Service Design, Advanced Topics in Database
    Research, Vol. 5, Chapter XI, Keng Siau (ed.),
    Idea Group Publishing, 2006, pp. 187-204
  • International journals
  • D. Micucci, G.D. Sorrenti, F. Tisato, and F.M.
    Marchese, Localisation and World Modelling an
    Architectural Perspective, in International
    Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (ARS),
    Special Issue on Software Development and
    Integration in Robotics, Volume 3, Number 1, pp.
    79-84, March 2006
  • F. Arcelli, C. Raibulet, F. Tisato, M. Adorni,
    Designing Ubiquitous Systems through
    Architectural Reflection, IEEE Pervasive
    Computing Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems Journal,
    Ubiquitous System Software Vol. 3, No. 3, Works
    in Progress Section, July-September 2004, pp. 58

Recent publications
  • International conferences
  • M. Adorni, D. Micucci, and F. Tisato, RA3
    Enabling Adaptivity via a Reflective
    Architecture, In Proceedings of the IASTED
    International Conference on Software Engineering
    as part of the 26th IASTED International
    Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics, February
    2008, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 214-219
  • S. Ceriani, C. Raibulet, L. Ubezio, A Java
    Mobile-Enabled Environment to Access Adaptive
    Services, In Proceedings of the 5th Principles
    and Practice of Programming in Java Conference
    (PPPJ 2007), ACM Press, Lisbon, Portugal,
    September 5th, 2007, pp. 249-254
  • D. Micucci, M. Oldani, and F. Tisato, Time-Aware
    Multi Agent Systems, In Proocedings of Multiagent
    Systems and Software Architecture (MASSA). D.
    Weyns and T. Holvoet (Eds.), September 2006,
    Erfurt, Germany, pp. 71-78
  • C. Raibulet, F. Arcelli, S. Mussino, M. Riva, F.
    Tisato, L. Ubezio, Components in an Adaptive and
    QoS-based Architecture, In Proceedings of the
    ICSE 2006 Workshop on Software Engineering for
    Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS 2006),
    IEEE Press, Shanghai, China, May, 21st-22nd,
    2006, pp. 65-71
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