Title: IPS Global Strategy for Peatland Management
1- Peat extraction in Germany
- subject to strict regulations and rules
- almost exclusively peat extraction from raised
bogs - peat is used for the production of growing media
for - commercial horticulture and potting soils for
the hobby - sector
- energypeat is almost no object in Germany
- peat extraction is conducted on 10 of the
German - raised bog areas
2- Bog Protection Programme of Lower Saxony (about
95 of German Peat Extraction) - inventory of all raised bog areas in the late
70ies - protection of about 54.000 ha of raised bogs in
a - close-to-natural-state and so-called
degenerated - bogs as nature reserves
- at least another 31.000 ha of raised bog areas
shall - be restored after peat extraction and
classified as - nature reserves
3Since 1981 in Lower Saxony only degenerated and
drained bogs with agricultural pre-use and under
the condition of rewetting and restoration after
extraction are granted extraction permits.
4- Permit procedures
- Investigations
- mapping of flora and fauna
- assessment of the stratigraphy
- surveying of the surface and drainage
- installation of ground water measuring points
- forecast of emissions according to BImSchG
- (German law on noise, air pollution,
vibrations) - estimation of the archaeological situation
5- Basic idea of permit procedure
- find measurements in order to avoid, reduce or
- compensate considerable disadvantageous effects
- on environment resulting from extraction
- find measurements to compensate the negative
- effects on nature and landscape
- Procedure is followed by large public hearings.
6- Content of permit
- the extraction period
- limiting factors on extraction, e.g. extraction
- borders and depth
- drainage measures
- restoration aims and measurements
- All permits given in the last 30 years include
rewetting as compensatory measurement.
7Surveillance Representatives of the nature
protection and, where appropriate, water
authorities usually verify once a year whether
the entrepreneur follows the rules laid down in
the permit. Representatives of labour
inspectorate and labour protection authorities
visit the companies without prior notice in order
to check measurements taken on labour safety.
Companies have to pay fees for state
8- Existing certifications
- certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001
- quality hallmark of the Dutch Foundation RHP
- environmental management system according to DIN
- EN ISO 14001
- product certifications within the quality
assurances of - the Quality Assurance Association Growing Media
9Conclusions on certification Companies do
already invest time and costs to a considerable
extent in order to fulfil the requirements on
extraction in an environmentally sound
way Certification shall not lead to further
restrictions and bureaucracy BTH/IVG is still
working on a final position on this project and
consequently is not able to make any financial