Title: Reduce Diesel Emissions for Clean Air
1Get on the Bus
- Reduce Diesel Emissions for Clean Air
Presentation at EPA National Retrofit
Conference June 4, 2004 By Lynne Cayting Maine
Department of Environmental Protection
2School Bus Program- Yr. 1
- EPA ARC Diesel Committee
- Joint letter (DEP DOE) to Superintendents
- Invitation to MAPT Conference
- MAPT Position Policy Statement Ratified
- TDs workshop on health impacts
- DEP used social marketing to change idling
3Doing My Share...Campaign
- Used Social Marketing Strategies
Research- Identified effective strategies,
identified barriers conducted baseline survey of
attitudes and behaviors of TDs Getting
Commitment - Asked TDs and drivers to commit to
no-idling for healthier air - provided pledge
cards Establishing NORMS - Spotlighted on DEPs
Honor Roll school districts that implemented a
no-idling guideline Prompts/Reminders of Desired
Behavior - Provided magnets, key chains, tip
cards and pledge cards Evaluate Results - Post
survey results and celebrate successes in DEP
news bulletin
4Doing My Share
- No-Idling Promotional Materials
- Driver tip sheet with inspection checklist
- Driver pledge card with no-idling reminder
- No-idling reminder magnet
- Fact sheets
- Contact Maine DEP for materials
5School Bus Program - Yr 2
- School officials praised by EPA Administrator
for reducing diesel exhaust emissions
- DEP highlighted exemplary schools
- Using signs in schoolyard route planning
software - Student funded biodiesel pilot project in
Portland - Implementing no-idling guideline
- Rewiring safety lights
6Change in Idling Time
7School Bus Program - Yr. 2
- Promoted additional strategies
- for reducing emissions
- Relocate parking lots/loading zones
- Shorten route length (purchase software)
- Place no-idling signs in schoolyard
- Increased engine maintenance
- Rewire safety lights
- Retrofit buses with emission controls
- Use ultra-low sulfur diesel or alternative fuels
- Install Webasto-type heaters
- Replace bus fleet with cleaner engines
8Clean School Bus USA
- Purpose to demonstrate DOC technology on most
commonly used engines in Maine fleet, - Applied for DOCs most cost effective retrofit
technology for PM reduction, - Unique collaboration with DOE, DEP, MAPT, ARC,
- DEP invites Honor Roll districts to participate
- statewide application.
9(No Transcript)
10Lessons Learned
- Certain engines already equipped with DOCs
(Cummins and CAT, 2004 C-7 engines). - Certain engines have defeat devices which turn
off emission controls. (CAT and Cummins built
1993-1998.) - Wide geographic area discouraged vendors from
applying. - Database template needed to facilitate fleet
data collection. - More cost effective to train mechanics to do
installation. - Identified districts with central fueling depots
that could use fuel borne catalysts in the
retrofit demonstration project.
11Buses Ineligible for Retrofit
- Some Caterpillar engines are outfitted with DOCs
as OEM
12Retrofit Demonstration
- Surveys conducted by grant partner, Asthma
Regional Council
- Conduct baseline survey to identify potential
barriers/issues of concern such as exhaust back
pressure, warranty, durability, replacement
costs, and fuel economy. - Record data during installation and first year
of operation to address barriers, share results
with New England States. - Demonstrate feasibility of the technology for
school bus application for regional acceptance
and implementation. - Goal to encourage additional school districts
to purchase DOCs in year two of the contract at
this special pricing.
13Request for Proposals
- DEP contract stipulations
- Vendor provides equipment and mechanic training
or installation, direct to school districts. - Mechanic installation training will be provided
at the annual MAPT Conference. - Contractors will conduct workshop at MAPT annual
conference demonstrating retrofit technology to
conferees. - Contract to be in effect for two years and
available at this purchase price to all public
and private schools, state agencies, colleges and
14DOC Muffler plus Spiracle Crankcase Filter
Cost-Effective Solution
Spiracle Installed on School Bus
15Contract Award
- Contract selection based on
greatest reduction of PM emissions per
dollar spent. - Primary Award- Donaldson Corp. for DOC and
Spiracle crankcase filter system which will
reduce crankcase and tailpipe emissions by 40.
(without ULSD). - Secondary Award - Clean Diesel Technologies
Platinum Plus Purifier Three school districts
will conduct pilot program using FBC/DOC to
demonstrate potential 7 fuel savings and
reduction in elemental carbon.
16Where Do I Learn More?
Lynne Cayting Maine Department of Environmental
Protection Bureau of Air Quality 17 State House
Station Augusta, ME 04333 (207)
287-2437 lynne.a.cayting_at_maine.gov