Title: Perspectives on Promoting Regional Renewable Energy Research and Development
1Energy Forum Zagreb, Croatia November 21, 2008
Perspectives on Promoting Regional Renewable
Energy Research and Development Mildred
Dresselhaus Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Cambridge, MA
Collaborators George Crabtree, ANL Michelle
Buchanan, ORNL Gang Chen, MIT
Perspectives on Promoting Regional Renewable
Energy Research and Development
- Introduction the energy challenge
- Strategies for impact
- Outlook to the future
3Demographic Expansion
Population (Billions)
4The World Energy Demand Challenge
energy gap 14 TW by 2050 33 TW by 2100
EIA Intl Energy Outlook 2004 http//www.eia.doe.g
Hoffert et al Nature 395, 883,1998
5Growing world energy needs
Energy demand and GDP per capita (1980-2002)
Primary energy per capita (GJ)
2000 13 TW 2050 30 TW 2100 46 TW
(Hoffert et al Nature 395, 883,1998)
40 of the worlds population is in the fast
developing regions.
GDP per capita (purchasing power parity)
6The Environmental Challenge
Climate Change 2001 T he Scientific Basis, Fig
J. R. Petit et al, Nature 399, 429, 1999
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
2001 http//www.ipcc.ch N. Oreskes, Science 306,
1686, 2004 D. A. Stainforth et al, Nature 433,
403, 2005
Tipping points on temperature and CO2 level
indicate urgency
7The ENERGY REVOLUTION (The Terawatt Challenge)
14 Terawatts
30 Terawatts
Source International Energy Agency
8Energy Alternatives and Growing Needs
solar, wind, hydroelectric ocean tides and
currents biomass, geothermal
energy gap 14 TW by 2050 33 TW by 2100
10 TW 10,000 1 GW power plants 1 new power
plant/day for 27 years
- no single solution
- Diversity of energy sources
- Different solutions are relevant for each country
- Increasing energy utilization efficiency and
energy conservation are vital components
9General Observations of WIREC 2008 (Washington
International Renewable Energy Conference 2008)
- 9000 participants from 113 countries including
103 ministers. The largest conference on
renewable energy to date. - Participants were optimistic about the future of
renewable energy. - Delegates showed an appreciation of the scale of
the energy problem, of global climate issues, and
of the increasing energy needs of a growing world
10WIREC pledges
11WIREC pledges (continued)
Perspectives on Promoting Regional Renewable
Energy Research and Development
- Introduction the energy challenge
- Strategies for impact
- Outlook to the future
13The Sun Our Ultimate Energy Source Energy in
Sunlight and Heat
- 1.2 x 105 TW delivered to Earth
- 36,000 TW on land (world)
Earths Ultimate Recoverable Resource of oil 3
Trillion (Tera) Barrels 1.7 x 1022 Joules 1.5
days of sunlight
San Francisco Earthquake (1906) magnitude
7.8 1017 Joules 1 second of sunlight
Annual Human Production of Energy 4.6 x 1020
Joules 1 hour of sunlight
14Solar Energy Challenges
500 - 3000 C heat engines electricity
generation process heat
50 - 200 C space, water heating
natural photosynthesis
artificial photosynthesis
.0002 TW PV (world) 0.30/kWh w/o storage
1.4 TW biomass (world) 0.2 TW biomass sustainable
0.006 TW (world)
1.5 TW electricity (world) 0.03-0.06/kWh
11 TW
2 TW space and water heating (world)
Major scientific and technological challenges
must be met to reach these goals.
15Why Nanostructured materials are an important
strategy forenergy-based applications
- New desirable properties are available at the
nanoscale but not found in conventional 3D
materials, e.g., materials parameters dependent
on size in the quantum limit - Higher surface area to promote catalytic
interactions - Independent control of nanomaterials parameters
which depend on each other for 3D materials.
16- Catalysts offer promises of exponential impact
- Catalysts allow common energy-related processes
to occur. - Catalysts have an exponential dependence
exp(-Ebarrier/kT) - Development of efficient inexpensive catalysts
will be key. - Modeling and simulation will play a significant
- Inspired by quantum chemical calculations, Ni
surface-alloyed with Au (black) is used to reduce
carbon poisoning of catalyst, as verified
17Theory can introduce new concepts for materials
- There is a need for low-temperature, highly
efficient and durable catalysts for large scale
hydrogen production. - New catalyst structures and compositions are now
being predicted a priori using quantum chemistry
and molecular dynamics. - Single metallic layers of one metal embedded
within a matrix of another metal produce
low-energy hydrogen scission and recombination. - Nickel within platinum can attach atomic hydrogen
weakly like copper and gold, while dissociating
molecular hydrogen rapidly like platinum and
rhodium. - This study may lead to breakthroughs in hydrogen
production, storage and combustion in fuel cells.
- Theoretical calculation of molecular hydrogen
undergoing dissociation over near-surface alloys.
- Small purple spheres hydrogen
- Blue spheres platinum atoms
- Red spheres nickel atoms
- Bicolor blue and red spheres platinum atoms
whose electronic properties have been
dramatically altered by the underlying nickel.
J. Zhang, et al, Angew. Chem. Int Ed. 44, 2132
(2005) Makrikakis, group, U.of Wisconsin
18High Throughput Combinatorial Screening
Combinatorial Materials Screening
Series Process vs. Parallel Process
(one at a time)
(up to a thousand at a time)
High throughput combinatorial screening methods
are widely applicable for optimizing alloying of
nanostructures for enhancing specific materials
- Wide applicability in energy research for both
experiment and theory
Gremaud et al. Adv. Mater. 19, 2813 (2007)
19Moores Law for semiconductor electronicsneeds
to be extended to energy
The huge global energy requirements focus
attention on scale and time frame.
Semiconductor Research Corporation
20200 Years of Luminous Efficacy for Various
Lighting Technologies
Jeff Y. Tsao, Solid-State Lighting Lamps, Chips
and Materials for Tomorrow, IEEE Circuits
Devices 20(3), 28-37 (2004).
21Moores Law for Photovoltaic Cells
Cell production (MW)
This growth rate must be accelerated in magnitude
and time to reach 1.5 TW by 2050
22Conclusions about Strategies
- Make serious investment in renewable energy
research and development now (2008-2020) to have
implementation by 2050 - Develop Near-term (2-5 years), Mid-term (5-10
years), Long term (more than 10 years) Energy
Strategies with periodic review - Establish collaborations between countries with
know-how and countries with potential for
development of a particular technology. - Give serious attention to develop some
transformational large impact technologies.
Perspectives on Promoting Regional Renewable
Energy Research and Development
- Introduction the energy challenge
- Strategies for impact
- Outlook to the future
24Energy a BIG Complex System
- no one dimensional solutions will work
- transition to renewable energy requires the
introduction of transformational technologies and
confluence of all elements working together
25Summary and Policy Issues
- Sustainable world energy supply is likely to be a
mix of transformational renewable energy
technologies - Emphasis must be given to the magnitude of global
energy needs and the urgent time factors.
Resources are required. - Strong interplay between basic and applied
sciences and the promotion of interdisciplinary
science are keys to success. - We need to train the next generation of
scientists and engineers to solve energy-related
problems, and give them enough resources for
success - Collaborations between academia, government and
industry are a key factor - The challenges and constraints are global and
complementary among different countries - International collaboration and networking must
be encouraged and supported