Title: TreeBased Methods V
1Tree-Based Methods(VR 9.1)
STAT 6601 Project
- Demeke Kasaw, Andreas Nguyen, Mariana Alvaro
2Overview of Tree-based Methods
- What are they?
- How do they work?
- Examples
- Tree pictorials common.
- Simple way to depict relationships in data
- Tree-based methods use this pictorial to
represent relationships between random variables.
3Trees can be used for bothClassification and
Time to Next Eruption vs. Length of Last Eruption
Presence of Surgery Complications vs. Patient Age
and Treatment Start Date
Start gt 8.5 months
Start lt 8.5
Start gt 14.5
Start lt 14.5
Age lt 12 yrs
Age gt 12 yrs
Sex M
Sex F
4General Computation Issues and Unique Solutions
- Over-Fitting When do we stop splitting? Stop
generating new nodes when subsequent splits only
result in little improvement. - Evaluate the quality of the prediction Prune the
tree to ideally select the simplest most accurate
solution. - Methods
- Crossvalidation Apply the tree computed from one
set of observations (learning sample) to another
completely independent set of observations
(testing sample). - V-fold crossvalidation Repeat the analysis with
different randomly drawn samples from the data.
Use the tree that shows the best average accuracy
for cross-validated predicted classifications or
predicted values.
5Computational Details
- Specify the criteria for predictive accuracy
- Minimum costs Lowest misclassification rate
- Case weights
- Selecting Splits
- Define a measure of impurity for a node. A node
is pure if they contain observations of a
single class. - Determine when to stop splitting
- All nodes are pure or contain no more than a n
cases - Until all nodes contain no more than a specified
Fraction of Objects - Selecting the right-size tree
- Test sample cross validation
- V Fold cross validation
- Tree selection after pruning if there are
several trees with costs close to minimum, select
the smallest-sized (least complex)
6Computational Formulas
- Estimation of Accuracy in Classification Trees
- Resubstitution estimate
- d(x) is the classifier
- X1 if X(d(xn) jn) is true
- X 0 if X(d(xn) jn) is false
- Estimation of Accuracy in Regression Trees
- Resubstitution estimate
7Computational Formulas Estimation of Node
- Gini Index
- Reaches zero when only one class is present at a
node - P(j/t) probability of category j at node t
- Entropy or Information
8Classification Tree ExampleWhat species are
these flowers?
Petal Length Petal Width
Sepal Length Sepal Width
9Iris Classification Data
- Iris dataset relates species to petal and sepal
dimensions reported in centimeters. Originally
used by R.A. Fisher and E. Anderson for a
discriminant analysis example. - Data is pre-packaged in R dataset library and is
available on DASYL. - Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
Petal.Width Species - 6.7 3.0 5.0 1.7
versicolor - 5.8 2.7 3.9 1.2
versicolor - 7.3 2.9 6.3 1.8
virginica - 5.2 4.1 1.5 0.1
setosa - 4.4 3.2 1.3 0.2
10Iris ClassificationMethod and Code
- library(rpart) Load tree fitting
packagedata(iris) Load iris data - Let x tree object fitting Species vs. all
other variables in iris with 10-fold cross
validationx rpart(Species.,iris,xval10) - Plot tree diagram with uniform spacing,
diagonal branches, a 10 margin, and a
titleplot(x, uniformT, branch0, margin0.1,
main"Classification Tree\nIris Species by Petal
and Sepal Length") - Add labels to tree with final counts, fancy
shapes, and blue text colortext(x,use.nT,fancyT
12Tree-based approach much simpler than the
Classification Tree Iris Species by Petal and
Sepal Length
- Classification with Cross-validation
- True Group
- Put into Group setosa versicolor virginica
- setosa 50 0 0
- versicolor 0 48 1
- virginica 0 2 49
- Total N 50 50 50
- N correct 50 48 49
- Proportion 1.000 0.960 0.980
- N 150 N Correct 147
- Linear Discriminant Function for Groups
- setosa versicolor virginica
- Constant -85.21 -71.75 -103.27
- Sepal.Length 23.54 15.70 12.45
- Sepal.Width 23.59 7.07 3.69
- Petal.Length -16.43 5.21 12.77
- Petal.Width -17.40 6.43 21.08
Setosa -85246243.4-164.5-171.641
Versicolor -7216673.454.561.680
PetalLengthlt 2 .45
PetalLengthgt 2 .45
Virginica -10312643.4134.5211.675
Since Versicolor has highest score, we classify
this flower as an Iris versicolor.
PetalWidthgt 1 .75
PetalWidthlt 1 .75
13Regression Tree Example
- Software used R, rpart package
- Goal
- Applying the regression tree method on CPU data,
and predicting the response variable,
14CPU Data
- CPU performance of 209 different processors.
- name syct mmin mmax cach chmin
chmax perf - 1 ADVISOR 32/60 125 256 6000 256 16
128 198 - 2 AMDAHL 470V/7 29 8000 32000 32 8
32 269 - 3 AMDAHL 470/7A 29 8000 32000 32 8
32 220 - 4 AMDAHL 470V/7B 29 8000 32000 32 8
32 172 - 5 AMDAHL 470V/7C 29 8000 16000 32 8
16 132 - 6 AMDAHL 470V/8 26 8000 32000 64 8
32 318 - ...
System Speed(mhz)
Memory (kb)
Cache (kb)
15R Code
- library(MASS) library(rpart) data(cpus)
attach(cpus) - Fit regression tree to datacpus.rp
lt-rpart(log(perf).,cpus,28,cp0.001) - Print and plot complexity Parameter (cp)
tableprintcp(cpus.rp) plotcp(cpus.rp) - Prune and display tree cpus.rplt-prune(cpus.rp,c
Tree")text(cpus.rp,digits3) - Plot residual vs. predictedplot(predict(cpus.rp
),resid(cpus.rp)) abline(h0)
16Determine the Best Complexity Parameter (cp)
Value for the Model
Cross-Validated Error
Cross-Validated Error SD
1 R2
- CP nsplit rel error xerror xstd
- 1 0.5492697 0 1.00000 1.00864 0.096838
- 2 0.0893390 1 0.45073 0.47473 0.048229
- 3 0.0876332 2 0.36139 0.46518 0.046758
- 4 0.0328159 3 0.27376 0.33734 0.032876
- 5 0.0269220 4 0.24094 0.32043 0.031560
- 6 0.0185561 5 0.21402 0.30858 0.030180
- 7 0.0167992 6 0.19546 0.28526 0.028031
- 8 0.0157908 7 0.17866 0.27781 0.027608
- 9 0.0094604 9 0.14708 0.27231 0.028788
- 10 0.0054766 10 0.13762 0.25849 0.026970
- 11 0.0052307 11 0.13215 0.24654 0.026298
- 12 0.0043985 12 0.12692 0.24298 0.027173
- 13 0.0022883 13 0.12252 0.24396 0.027023
- 14 0.0022704 14 0.12023 0.24256 0.027062
- 15 0.0014131 15 0.11796 0.24351 0.027246
- 16 0.0010000 16 0.11655 0.24040 0.026926
17Regression Tree
Regression TreeBefore Pruning
18How well does it fit?
- Advantages of C RT
- Simplicity of results
- The interpretation of results summarized in a
tree is very simple. - This simplicity is useful for purposes of rapid
classification of new observations - It is much easier to evaluate just one or two
logical conditions. - Tree methods are nonparametric and nonlinear
- There is no implicit assumption that the
underlying relationships between the predictor
variables and the dependent variable are linear,
follow some specific non-linear link function
- Venables, Ripley (2002), Modern Applied
Statistics with S,251-266. - StatSoft (2003) Classification and Regression
Trees, Electronic Textbook, StatSoft, 2003,
retrieved on 11/8/2004 from http//www.statsoft.co
m/textbook/stcart.html - Fisher, R. A. (1936) The use of multiple
measurements in taxonomic problems. Annals of
Eugenics, 7, Part II, 179-188.
21- Using Trees in R (the 30 second version)
- Load the rpart librarylibrary(rpart)
- For classification trees, make sure the response
is of the type factor. If you dont know how to
do this lookup help(as.factor)or consult a
general R reference.yas.factor(y) - Fit the tree modelfrpart(yx1x2,data,cp0.0
01)If using an unattached dataframe, you must
specify data.If using global variables, then
data can be omitted.A good starting point for
cp, which controls the complexity of the tree, is
given. - Plot and check the modelplot(f,uniformT,margin0
.1) text(f,use.nT)plotcp(f) printcp(f)Look
at the xerrors in the summary and choose the
smallest number of splits that achieve the
smallest xerror. Consider the tradeoff between
model fit and complexity (ie overfitting). Based
on your judgement, repeat step 3 with the cp
value of your choice. - Predict resultspredict(f,newdata,typeclass)wh
ere newdata is a dataframe with the independent
- Using Trees in R (the 30 second version)
- Load the rpart librarylibrary(rpart)
- For classification trees, make sure the response
is of the type factor. If you dont know how to
do this lookup help(as.factor)or consult a
general R reference.yas.factor(y) - Fit the tree modelfrpart(yx1x2,data,cp0.0
01)If using an unattached dataframe, you must
specify data.If using global variables, then
data can be omitted.A good starting point for
cp, which controls the complexity of the tree, is
given. - Plot and check the modelplot(f,uniformT,margin0
.1) text(f,use.nT)plotcp(f) printcp(f)Look
at the xerrors in the summary and choose the
smallest number of splits that achieve the
smallest xerror. Consider the tradeoff between
model fit and complexity (ie overfitting). Based
on your judgement, repeat step 3 with the cp
value of your choice. - Predict resultspredict(f,newdata,typeclass)wh
ere newdata is a dataframe with the independent
- Using Trees in R (the 30 second version)
- Load the rpart librarylibrary(rpart)
- For classification trees, make sure the response
is of the type factor. If you dont know how to
do this lookup help(as.factor)or consult a
general R reference.yas.factor(y) - Fit the tree modelfrpart(yx1x2,data,cp0.0
01)If using an unattached dataframe, you must
specify data.If using global variables, then
data can be omitted.A good starting point for
cp, which controls the complexity of the tree, is
given. - Plot and check the modelplot(f,uniformT,margin0
.1) text(f,use.nT)plotcp(f) printcp(f)Look
at the xerrors in the summary and choose the
smallest number of splits that achieve the
smallest xerror. Consider the tradeoff between
model fit and complexity (ie overfitting). Based
on your judgement, repeat step 3 with the cp
value of your choice. - Predict resultspredict(f,newdata,typeclass)wh
ere newdata is a dataframe with the independent
- Using Trees in R (the 30 second version)
- Load the rpart librarylibrary(rpart)
- For classification trees, make sure the response
is of the type factor. If you dont know how to
do this lookup help(as.factor)or consult a
general R reference.yas.factor(y) - Fit the tree modelfrpart(yx1x2,data,cp0.0
01)If using an unattached dataframe, you must
specify data.If using global variables, then
data can be omitted.A good starting point for
cp, which controls the complexity of the tree, is
given. - Plot and check the modelplot(f,uniformT,margin0
.1) text(f,use.nT)plotcp(f) printcp(f)Look
at the xerrors in the summary and choose the
smallest number of splits that achieve the
smallest xerror. Consider the tradeoff between
model fit and complexity (ie overfitting). Based
on your judgement, repeat step 3 with the cp
value of your choice. - Predict resultspredict(f,newdata,typeclass)wh
ere newdata is a dataframe with the independent