Energetic Particles in the Solar Atmosphere - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Energetic Particles in the Solar Atmosphere


Flares - relativistic electrons, ion beams, neutrons, pions ... respect to photospheric intersection of coronal magnetic separatrix surfaces (also, Demoulin, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Energetic Particles in the Solar Atmosphere

Energetic Particles in the Solar Atmosphere
  • Introduction
  • Observations and Limits
  • Acceleration Models
  • Particles and Fields
  • Conclusions

Energetic particles in the solar atmosphere
Atmosphere lt 2R? above photosphere Energeti
c having a non-thermal distribution
(e.g. a beam or conic, T gt Tcor)
Several major sources of accelerated
particles Flares - relativistic electrons, ion
beams, neutrons, pions inferred from
hard X-rays, gamma-rays, radio, in-situ
particles CMEs - relativistic electrons,
ion acceleration inferred from
fast-drifting structures in Type II radio
emission, SEPs Solar wind -
non-thermal heavy ion distributions
spectral line widths and in situ ? ion T?
100-200 MK Active regions and quiet
sun - fast electrons Type I radio
noise storms, micro-flares
Flare Electrons
Diagnostics Hard X-rays radio emission
(gyrosynchrotron, plasma emission) in situ
measurements optical and UV lines and continuum
RHESSI/TRACE flare on solar limb
looptop HXR source from Masuda et al (1994)
Flare Electrons - Hard X rays
Hard X-rays produced by electron-proton
bremsstrahlung of electrons ? 30keV
  • Impulsive flares 1036-1037 electrons/s
    accelerated above 20keV
  • total energy in gt
    20keV electrons 1031 ergs
  • Gradual flares electron poor (in situ), but
    still show weak HXR emission
  • acceleration out of thermal distribution to
    100keV in 1s
  • need efficient and continuous replenishment of
  • - typical flare volume will be depleted
    within 1s
  • Highly time variable emission, possibly also
    high spatial fragmentation
  • Coronal acceleration site (Masuda 94,
    Aschwanden 96)

Flare Electrons - Radio
1) decimetric radiation - plasma emission
generated by relativistic electron beams.
Correlated decimetric and HXR time structures
(e.g. Aschwanden et al 1993) point to same or
closely related electron populations
Flare Electrons - Radio
2) cm/mm radiation - gyrosynchrotron emission
from electrons 10keV-few MeV
Nobeyama (17GHz) and Yohkoh HXT Strong cm radio
emission occurs above location of weak HXR
emission and vice versa ? electron mirroring
injection at pitch angles lt 30o
Weak magnetic mirror
Strong magnetic mirror
(cartoon after Lee Gary 2000)
Flare Ions
Diagnostics - flare gamma-ray spectroscopy, in
situ particle measurements Impulsive flares
(in situ) 3He/4He 1 compared to coronal value
5x10-4 (in situ,
?-rays) Ratios Ne/O, Mg/O, Si/O, Fe/O
increased by factor 2-8 over
coronal values Gradual flares (in situ) ?
coronal abundance ratios (?-rays) ?
abundance ratios consistent with impulsive events
  • Ion Acceleration from thermal distribution to
    100 MeV in 1s
  • Proton acceleration rate 1035/s for several
    10s of seconds
  • Protons with E lt 1 MeV unknown
  • Coronal acceleration site?

EUV and UV particle diagnostics
UV/EUV flare footpoint/ribbon emission is well
correlated with high energy HXRs
TRACE 171 / RHESSI 30-50keV
From Fletcher Hudson 01
EUV and UV particle diagnostics
UV/EUV flare footpoint/ribbon emission is well
correlated with high energy HXRs
Impulsive Phase UV/EUV Flare Kernels
Pixels are 325km x 325 km
  • (E)UV kernels can be used to estimate beam
    precipitation areas (like Ha)
  • precipitation areas as small as 1016cm2
  • small bundles of fieldlines active for 1

Energetic particles in quiet sun
  • Lin et al. (2001) find evidence for non-thermal
    particles in very small events
  • (GOES A/B) seen in BATSE data
  • RHESSI shows many similar events - can even be
  • Brown et al (1997) propose a non-thermally driven
    evaporative contribution
  • to microflare intensity increases (i.e. not
    just due to Joule heating)

DC field acceleration
Reconnecting current sheet (e.g. Speiser,
Syrovatskii, Martens, Litvinenko, Somov)
Reconnecting B-field component generates
accelerating E-field in z-direction 1-10
V/cm Particles remain in sheet until drifts or
gyro-orbits take them out Addition of a Bz
magnetises electrons (and protons), forcing them
to follow the field in z-direction
Post-flare arcade
Relates maximum particle energy, and ratio of
species, to global field configuration
Stochastic Resonant Acceleration (e.g. Melrose,
Benz, Miller, Ramaty)
e.g. Turbulent cascade of MHD waves (Miller and
Fast mode ? Electron accn Shear Alfven
? ion accn
Magnetic Reconnection/ Reorganisation
Fast mode waves Shear Alfven waves
  • Ion gyrofrequency
  • First resonances with Fe - low q/m ratio not
    abundant enough to damp waves
  • Later resonances with Ne, Mg, Si sufficiently
    numerous to damp waves
  • Cascade ceases before reaching C, N, O, He
  • (3He/4He ratio requires a separate mechanism)

Other acceleration mechanisms
Approaching shocks - Tsuneta (1997) - Fermi
Current sheet
Other acceleration mechanisms
Approaching shocks - Tsuneta (1997) - Fermi
Fast mode shock from outflow
Current sheet
Other acceleration mechanisms
Approaching shocks - Tsuneta (1997) - Fermi
Fast mode shock from outflow
Current sheet
Slow mode shocks
Other acceleration mechanisms
Collapsing trap - Somov Kosugi (1997) -
betatron acceleration between
moving magnetic mirrors in a collapsing
magnetic trap
Other acceleration mechanisms
Collapsing trap - Somov Kosugi (1997) -
betatron acceleration between
moving magnetic mirrors in a collapsing
magnetic trap
dipolarised field line
Magnetic mirror regions
Particles and Field
  • Ultimately, energy for the accelerated
    particles comes from the re-organisation
  • and dissipation of magnetic fields.
  • Can we relate the evolution of particle
    distributions to the evolution of the
  • flare magnetic field?

Q 1 - understand location and evolution of flare
sources in magnetic field configuration. Below,
Metcalf et al. show location of HXR and WL
sources with respect to photospheric
intersection of coronal magnetic separatrix
(also, Demoulin, Mandrini, Somov, Aulanier..)
Particles and field
Q 2 - examine behaviour of source brightness and
spectrum as flare evolves
Rapidly reconfiguring magnetic fields should in
principle provide a high energy input rate for
acceleration of particles
RHESSI 30-50kev source motions show
photospheric mappings of evolving coronal field
2-D configuration ? - correlation between
source separation velocity and intensity?
(from Fletcher Hudson 2002)
Flux and spectral index
  • No very clear relationship between footpoint
    separation rate and intensity
  • Possible tendency for intervals of high
    separation rate to correlate with flux increases.

  • The Sun is a prodigious particle accelerator
  • Generally, detailed models of (kinetic) particle
    acceleration mechanisms are not
  • integrated with (MHD) evolution of magnetic
  • Pre-RHESSI, information on accelerated electrons
    has been quite rich, but ions
  • and protons are relatively unexplored
  • RHESSI in combination with TRACE and ground-based
  • observations offers opportunities to study
    particles and fields simultaneously
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