Title: New Indicator 14
1New Indicator 14 Frequently Asked
Questions OSEP SPP/APR WebinarJuly 9, 2009
2Revised Indicator 14
- Percent of youth who are no longer in secondary
school, had IEPs in effect at the time they left
school, and were - A. Enrolled in higher education within one year
of leaving high school. - B. Enrolled in higher education or competitively
employed within one year of leaving high school. - C. Enrolled in higher education or in some other
postsecondary education or training or
competitively employed or in some other
employment within one year of leaving high
3Highlight of Changes
- Feb. 2009, significant changes
- Now a New Indicator
- No reporting required FFY 2008 APR due Feb. 1,
2010 (for students who left school in 2007-2008
school year) - Baseline will be reported in FFY 2009 SPP, due
Feb. 1, 2011 - New baseline will represent students who left
school during the 2008-09 school year - New indicator requires reporting 3 percentages
(A, B, C) - Reporting categories are higher education,
competitive employment, some other postsecondary
education or training, and some other employment - Report each student in only 1 of the 4 categories
of the indicator-with higher education as the
highest - This presentation summarizes a new NPSO document
entitled Frequently Asked Questions, Revised
Part B Indicator, Post-School Outcomes, July 2009
4SPP/APR Reporting Timelines
5What is the definition ofhigher education for
the purposes of this collection?
- Engaged in Higher Education means a student who
is enrolled in a 2 or 4-year degreed program
provided by community or technical college (2
year) and/or college/university (4 or more year
6What is the definition ofother postsecondary
- May include but are not are limited to
- Compensatory education programs
- High school completion document or certificate
classes (e.g., Adult Basic Education, General
Education Development (GED)) - Short-term education or employment training
program (e.g., Workforce Investment Act (WIA) - Job Corps
- Vocational technical school which is less than a
two year program - Adult education
- Workforce development
7What does at least 90 days at any time in the
year since leaving high school mean?
- Ninety (90) cumulative days or 3 months of
continuous work at an average of 20 hours per
8What are the Indicator measure denominators?
- For the three measures
- (A, B, and C),
- the denominator equals the
- number of respondent leavers
9What are the Indicator measure numerators?
First calculate the following 1 of
respondent leavers enrolled in higher
education 2 of respondent leavers in
competitive employment (and not counted in 1
above) 3 of respondent leavers enrolled in
some other postsecondary education
or training (and not counted in 1 and 2 above) 4
of respondent leavers in some other
employment (and not counted in 1, 2, and 3
above) Important Note For federal reporting
Leavers should be counted in only ONE of the
above categories. Count the leaver in the highest
category. For Example If an individual is
enrolled in higher education and competitively
employed, count the individual ONLY in higher
education and NOT as competitively employed AND
enrolled in higher education.
- To calculate the indicator percentages, use the
following - A 1 divided by total respondents
- B 1 2 divided by total respondents
- C 1 2 3 4 divided by total respondents
11Here is another way to visualize it
Note Remember that individuals are only counted
once are counted in the highest category.
12Must states set a target for each of the measures
of the Indicator (e.g., A, B and C)?
13We are here to assist! Tools we will
revise Interview Protocols Data Displays
Deanne Unruh dkunruh_at_uoregon.edu 541-346-1424 J
ane Falls jafalls_at_uoregon.edu 541-346-0354 Charlot
te Alverson calverso_at_uoregon.edu 541-346-1390 Penn
y Church pchurch_at_uoregon.edu 541-346-0354 http//