Title: An Aging Theory for Event LifeCycle Modeling
1An Aging Theory for Event Life-Cycle Modeling
- HUMANS, VOL. 37, NO. 2, MARCH 2007
- Author Chien Chin Chen, Yao-Tsung Chen,
- and Meng Chang Chen
Tseng Chih-Ming 2007/07/24
- Introduction
- Related Works
- Aging Theory
- Event Detection and Tracking
- Empirical Evaluation
- Conclusion
3Introduction (1)
- An event can be described by a sequence of
chronological documents from several information
sources. - The goal of event detection and tracking is to
automatically identify events and their
associated documents during their life cycles
(birth, growth, decay, and death).
4Introduction (2)
- Conventional document clustering and
classification techniques cannot effectively
detect and track sequential events, as they
ignore the temporal relationships among documents
related to an event. - Another difficulty of event detection is context
shifting. During the life span of a sequential
event, the themes of supporting documents may
change frequently.
5Related Works
6Aging Theory(1) -- Definitions
- Xt the total support from its supporting
documents in a time slot t. - Yt g(x1, x2, .., xt, a, ß) the accumulative
support at time t. - a the support transfer factor, decides the
influence of documents on the life of an event, 0
? a ? 1. - ß the support decay factor, governs the pace of
aging , 0 ? ß ? 1.
7Aging Theory(2) -- Definitions
- F(y) energy function.
- 0 F(y) 1, F(y) is a strictly
increasing function of y - To adopt a sigmoid function as our energy
function - F(y) 10y/(1 10y), ygt0
- 0, otherwise.
Redefine F(r yT) s T is the number of time
slots yT is the accumulative support. s
energy value r percentages of an events
supporting documents appear Three aging schemes,
growth only, constant decay (CD), and recursive
decay (RD),
8Aging Theory(3)
- Growth-only aging scheme
- yT aX1 aX2 aX3 .. aXT Si
1,.,T(aXT) - F(r yT) s ? ?
- Constant Decay (C.D.) aging scheme -- To emulate
fading energy, the CD aging scheme subtracts a
constant support ß from the accumulative support
for every time slot.
9Aging Theory(4)
- Recursive Decay (RD) aging scheme
Xt -1
10Event Detection and Tracking(1)
- Both documents and events are represented as a
vector - wt,d tft,d log(N / dft)
- where wt,d is the weight of term t in
document d tft,d is the term frequency (TF) of
term t in document d log(N/dft) is the inverted
document frequency (IDF) of term t N is the
number of documents in the systems corpus dft
is the number of documents in the corpus where t
occurs. - To update the term weights of an event
incrementally. - wt,e (1 - ?) wt,e ? wt,d
- where wt,e is the weight of term t of event e, ?,
in 0, 1, is a parameter that adjusts the
contribution of document d to event e.
11Event Detection and Tracking(2)
- For the CD scheme, the function e.EnergyUpdate()
is defined - e.eng F (F-1 (e.eng) a e.xt - ß)
- For the RD scheme, the function e.EnergyUpdate()
is defined - e.eng F (a (ß F-1(e.eng) (1 - ß) e.xt))
12Empirical Evaluation (1)
- each incoming document is first classified into
its most appropriate category according to 18
13Empirical Evaluation (2)
14Empirical Evaluation (3)
- Without a proper life-cycle model, an event may
be unnecessarily prolonged by merging similar
documents of different events or shortened by
rejecting follow-up documents of the same
events. - In this paper, we have proposed an aging theory
that models the life cycle of an event, and
incorporate it into a traditional single-pass
clustering algorithm to adaptively detect and
track online sequential events.
16The Major Components and Workflow in ACIRD
18 ACIRD Intelligent Internet Document
Organization and Retrieval (IEEE Trans. Knowl.
Data Eng. 2002)