Title: Chaotic Transport in ReverseShear Tokamaks
1Chaotic Transport in Reverse-Shear Tokamaks
- F. A. Marcus, E. C. Silva, Iberê L. Caldas
(University of São Paulo) - T. Kroetz, M. Roberto (Aeronautic Technological
Institute-CTA) - R. L. Viana (Federal University of Paraná )
- Workshop of Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas
- Jülich, 2007
2I - Drift Wave Driven Transport
Chaotic trajectories caused by the particle
drift, due to given poloidal electrostatic waves
and the toroidal magnetic field.
Guiding center drift velocity
Fluctuating potential
Marcus, Ph. D. thesis, IFUSP. Horton, PPCF (1985)
3Drift waves in y (poloidal) direction due to
gradient density in x (radial) direction. Uniform
magnetic field, B, in z (toroidal) direction.
Monotonic Flow Profile Two wave Hamiltonian in
dimensionless variables
4Ion Guiding Center Trajectories for Two Waves
A2 /A1 0.1
A2 /A1 0.8
5Radial Diffusion Coefficient
Values comparable to the measured diffusion
Diffusion coefficient as a function of
the confinement parameter U.
6Reverse-Shear Flow Profile
Two wave Hamiltonian in dimensionless variables.
Reference frame moving with the phase velocity
Phase difference between two waves
Confinement parameter
7Ion Guiding Center Trajectories for Two Waves r
x ?
Confinement parameter radial profile (U x r)
inside the plasma
A2 /A1 0
A2 /A1 0.2
Highest transport at U 0 r 0.8 (plasma edge)
- In tokamaks, nonmonotonic plasma profile reduces
transport. However, plasma wall interaction may
increase with the amplitude of magnetic resonant
modes and damage the tokamak wall. - Previous works
- Nontwist maps in fusion Balescu, Misguich,
Petrisor, Wingen - Escape pattern Evans, Finken
- Transport Spatchek, Abdullaev
9Procedure and Results
- MHD plasma equilibria with nonmonotonic current
profile (with a shearless region). - Resonant perturbations caused by ergodic magnetic
limiters. - Nontwist symplectic maps to describe perturbed
field lines. - Calculation of escape pattern and footprints of
magnetic field lines. - Roberto, Silva, Caldas, Viana, Phys. Plasmas,
(2004, 2006) Portela, Caldas, Viana, Morrison,
IJBC (2007) -
10Equilibrium Magnetic Field Lines in a Tokamak
Lines describe toroidal (?) and poloidal (?)
angles, on toroidal magnetic surfaces.
Integrable field
Field line equation
t (canonical time) ? ? (toroidal angle)
11 Nonmonotonic Equilibria
d?\dI dq\dI 0 at Q 4
Ergodic limiter creates two resonances at Q 4
Radial safety factor profile for the MHD
Coil current Ih . Dominant m/n resonant
perturbation in toroidal geometry (Silva et
al., IEEE Trans. Plasma Science)
12Poincaré Map m/n 4/1 Ih / Ip 8.57 .
Correlation lengths for a grid of initial
13- Poincaré Map m/n 5/1
- Ih / Ip 8.57
Correlation Lengths for a Grid of Initial
14Footprints Correlation Length vs Scape Angle
m/n 4/1
m/n 5/1
- Turbulence induced transport, observed in
tokamaks, can be estimated by considering the
chaotic trajectories caused by the particle drift
due to given poloidal electrostatic waves and the
toroidal magnetic field. - Perturbed magnetic configuration described by
nontwist symplectic maps. - For some high amplitude resonances, magnetic
lines with long correlation lengths reach the
wall in concentrated footprints. -