Title: Marine
1Marine Aquatic Sensor Arrays Ken
Johnson Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
2General Outline
- Sustained, Integrated Ocean
- Observing Networks
- Observatories Network Issues
- Biogeochemical
- Sensor Systems
3Ocean Observatories Initiative Approved by the
National Science Board for a Future NSF Budget
Includes Coastal Observatories Plate Scale
Observatory Global Mooring Observatory
4Partners University of Washington Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution National Aeronautics
Space Administration, JPL Monterey Bay Aquarium
Research Institute NEPTUNE Canada (IPOST)
5MARS (the Monterey Accelerated Research System).
A cabled observatory in Monterey Bay built with
NEPTUNE infrastructure as a proof of concept.
6Tropical Atmosphere Ocean project Real-time data
from moored ocean buoys for improved detection,
understanding and prediction of El Niño and La
7- Issues -
- Existing ocean observing systems such as TAO
ARGO deal with relatively simple data sets of
well known format - e.g. vertical T Salinity
profiles. - New sensors cannot be easily fit into the
platform or data system. - Data transmission from unattended platforms in
the middle of the ocean is a problem.
ARGO Global Profiling Drifter Array Temp.
Salinity of Ocean Interior
8E.g., the MBARI OASIS System - Now two moorings
in Monterey Bay two in the equatorial Pacific.
The OASIS moorings communicate by ARGOS,
microwave or packet radio. Adding new sensors
becomes a large software configuration issue,
particularly for complicated sensors.
10- M1 Mooring Configuration Schedule
- 07/03 Initial configuration meeting
- 08/02 Final science list
- 08/03 Evaluate configuration
- 08/04 Instruments on hand for testing
- 08/07 Assemble instruments configure - 5
days - 08/14 Configure software - 15 days
- 09/04 Software test - 5 days
- 09/11 Close controller and install - 5 days
- 09/19 Complete system test - 5 days
- 09/28 Data download test - 1 day
- 10/04 Deploy mooring cross your fingers
11Software Infrastructure for the MBARI Ocean
Observing System
Tom OReilly Duane Edgington
12MOOS software
- Application software for sensors, user
interfaces, databases, etc. - Distributed applications are glued together by
smart network infrastructure
13Smart network
- Self-organizing applications are notified by
infrastructure when network configuration changes - E.g., database ingest engine always aware of
available sensors - Enables automatic configuration, remote control,
and autonomous coordination of sensors
14Network configuration
- Just plug the sensor in, and it works!
- Easily replace, remove, or add a new kind of
sensor - Remote update of sensors driver software
- Minimal configuration effort by human operators
lower maintenance cost
15Leading technology candidates
- Java - JINI
- LonWorks
- Universal Plug-n-Play
16- What kind of data will we assimilate in global
observing systems? - Physical, geophysical observations (T, S,
seismicity) - generally sensors are mature. - Chemical - nutrients (nitrate, phosphate,
iron), gases (carbon dioxide, oxygen) - sensors
exist but have not gone commercial. - Biological - bio-optical systems are mature,
but not very specific. DNA based systems are
beginning to appear.
17In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
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20Measurement of pCO2 from Moorings
Gernot Friederich Peter Walz Mike
Burzcynski Francisco Chavez all at MBARI
21El Niño / La Niña Cycle in Monterey Bay
?PCO2 (sea - air) matm
22- DNA Based Detection of Phytoplankton Species
Using the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) - Chris Scholin
- Roman Marin
- Gene Massion
- all at MBARI
NOTE The entire phytoplankton standing stock of
the ocean turns over each 4 days on average!
23Sandwich hybridization bioassay of rRNA in
24(No Transcript)
25Iron (nM) Pseudo-nitzschia
australis (cells/L)
Does iron regulate toxic plankton blooms (e.g.,
Wells et al., Evaluation of iron as a triggering
factor for red tide blooms. MEPS, 69, 93, 1991)?
26MOOS will be operational in 2003 for
biogeochemical studies.