Shading - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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We have learned to build three-dimensional models and to display them. ... Snell's law states that. CS 480/680. 38. Chapter 6 -- Shading ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Shading

  • Chapter 6

  • Introduction
  • We have learned to build three-dimensional models
    and to display them.
  • However, if you render one of our models, you
    might be disappointed to see images that look
  • This appearance is a consequence of our unnatural
    assumption that each surface is lit such that it
    appears to the viewer in a single color.
  • We have left out the interaction between light
    and the surfaces in our models
  • So, we will begin by developing models of light
    sources and the most common light-material

  • We then will investigate how we can apply shading
    to a polygonal model.
  • We then develop a recursive approximation to a
    sphere to test our shading algorithms.
  • We then discuss how light and material properties
    are specified in OpenGL
  • and can be added to our sphere approximating
  • We conclude the chapter with a short discussion
    of the two most important methods for handling
    global lighting effects
  • Ray Tracing and Radiosity

1. Light and Matter
  • From a physical perspective, a surface can either
  • emit light by self-emission (as a light bulb
  • or reflect light from other surfaces that
    illuminate it.

  • The equation for solving this shading is called
    the rendering equation.
  • This cannot be solved in general, so we use
  • Radiosity and ray-tracing are approximations to
  • Unfortunately these approximations cannot yet be
    used to render scenes at the rate we can pass
    polygons through the modeling-projection
  • Therefore, we will focus on a simpler rendering
  • This model is based upon the Phong reflection

  • To get an overview of the process, we can start
    following rays of light from a point-light-source

  • In terms of Computer graphics, we replace the
    viewer with the projection plane
  • Note that most rays leaving a source do not
    contribute to the image and are thus of no
    interest to us.

  • The interaction between light and materials can
    be classified into three groups
  • (a) specular
  • (b) diffuse
  • (c) translucent

  • Specular Surfaces
  • appear shiny because most of the light that is
    reflected is reflected in a narrow range of
    angles close to the angle of reflection.
  • Angle of Incidence is equal to the angle of
  • Diffuse Surfaces
  • reflected light is scattered in all directions.
  • Translucent Surfaces
  • allow some light to penetrate the surface and to
    emerge from another location on the object.
  • Refraction

2. Light Sources
  • Light can leave a surface through
  • self-emission and reflection.
  • When we discuss OpenGL lighting in section 7 we
    shall see that we can easily simulate a
    self-emission term.

  • If we consider a source such as
  • each point on the surface can emit light that is
    characterized by
  • the direction of emission (q,f) (u,t)
  • the intensity of energy emitted at each
    wavelength l
  • Thus, a general light source can be characterized
    by an illumination function
  • I(x, y, z, q, f, l)

  • From the perspective of the surface that is being
    illuminated, we can obtain the total contribution
    of the source by integrating over the surface of
    the source.
  • This can be difficult, so we will consider four
    basic types of sources
  • ambient lighting, point sources, spotlights, and
    distant lights
  • These four are sufficient for rendering most
    simple scenes.

  • 2.1 Color Sources
  • Not only do light sources emit different amounts
    of light at different frequencies, but also their
    directional properties can very with frequency.
  • Consequently, a physically correct model can be
  • However, since we our visual system is based upon
    three colors,
  • for most applications, we can use each of the
    three colors to obtain what the human observer

  • 2.2 Ambient Light
  • In some rooms, such as certain classrooms or
    kitchens, the lights have been designed and
    positioned to provide uniform illumination
    throughout the room.
  • Often this is achieved with light sources that
    have diffusers whose purpose is to scatter light
    in all directions.
  • Florescent lights have covers designed to do this.

  • Making such a model and rendering the scene with
    it would be a daunting task for a graphics
  • Alternatively, we can look at the desired effect
  • to achieve a uniform light level in the room
  • This uniform lighting is called Ambient Light.

  • 2.3 Point Sources
  • An ideal point source emits light equally in all
  • We can characterize a point light source by a
    three-component color matrix.
  • The intensity of illumination received from a
    point source is proportional to the inverse
    square of the distance from the source to the

  • Scenes rendered with only point sources tend to
    have high contrast
  • (objects appear either bright or dark)
  • In the real world, it is the large size of most
    light sources that contributes to softer scenes.
  • Umbra
  • Penumbra

  • 2.4 Spotlights
  • spotlights are characterized by a narrow range of
    angles through which light is emitted.
  • We can construct a spotlight from a point source
    by limiting the angles.
  • For example, we can use a cone

  • More realistic spotlights are characterized by
    the distribution of light in the cone.
  • Usually most of the light is concentrated at the
    center of the cone.
  • The intensity is a function of the angle f
  • As we will see throughout this chapter, cosines
    are convenient functions for lighting

  • 2.5 Distant Light Sources
  • Most shading calculations require the direction
    from the point on the surface to the light source
  • As we move across a surface, calculating the
    intensity at each point, we should recompute this
    vector repeatedly.
  • This is very expensive and is a significant part
    of the shading calculation.
  • However, if the light source is far from the
    surface, the vector does not change much

  • In this case, we are effectively replacing a
    point light source with a source that illuminates
    objects with parallel rays of light.
  • Graphics systems can carry out rendering
    calculations more efficiently for distant light
    sources than for near ones.
  • OpenGL allows both

3. The Phong Reflection Model
  • Although we could approach light-material
    interactions through physical models,
  • we have chosen to use a model that leads to
    efficient computations and to be a close enough
    approximation to physical reality to produce good
    renderings under a variety of lighting conditions
    and material properties.

  • The model uses the four vectors shown here to
    calculate a color for a point p on a surface.
  • n is the normal vector at p
  • We discuss its computation in section 6.4
  • v is the vector from p to the viewer or COP
  • l is the vector from p to a light source
  • r is in the direction that a perfectly reflected
    ray from l would take.
  • This is determined by n and l (calculated in 6.4)

  • The Phong model supports three types of
    light-material interactions
  • Ambient, Diffuse, and Specular.
  • For the total Intensity we write
  • I Ia Id Is LaRa LdRd LsRs
  • where R is the reflection term
  • with the understanding that the computation will
    be done for each of the primaries and each source.

  • 3.1 Ambient Reflection
  • The intensity of ambient light La is the same at
    every point on the surface.
  • Some light is absorbed and some is reflected.
  • The amount reflected is given by the ambient
    reflection coefficient, Raka (0 ka 1)
  • Thus Ia ka La
  • A surface has of course, three ambient
  • kar, kag, and kab
  • and they can be different
  • Hence, a sphere appears yellow under white
    ambient light if its blue ambient coefficient is
    small and its red and green coefficients are

  • 3.2 Diffuse Reflection
  • A perfectly diffuse reflector scatters the light
    that it reflects equally in all directions.
  • Perfectly diffuse surfaces are so rough that
    there is no preferred angle of reflection

  • 3.3 Specular Reflection
  • If we employ only ambient and diffuse
    reflections, our images will be shaded and will
    appear three-dimensional, but all the surfaces
    will look dull, somewhat like chalk.
  • What is missing is the highlights

  • A specular surface is smooth.
  • A mirror is a perfectly specular surface.
  • Modeling specular surfaces realistically can be
  • This is because the pattern is not symmetric, it
    depends upon the wavelength and it changes with
    the reflection angle.
  • The Phong model adds a term for specular
  • The amount of light that the viewer sees depends
    upon the angle f between r and the reflector v

  • The Phong Model uses the equation
  • Is ksLscosaf
  • ks is the fraction of the incoming specular light
    that is reflected.
  • a is the shininess coefficient.
  • As a is increased, the reflected light is
    concentrated in a narrower region, centered on
    the perfect reflector.

4. Computation of Vectors
  • The illumination and reflection models that we
    have derived are sufficiently general that they
    can be applied to either curved or flat surfaces,
    to parallel or perspective views, and to distant
    or near surfaces.
  • Most require vectors and dot products.
  • In this section we see what additional techniques
    can be applied when our objets are composed of
    flat polygons.

  • 4.1 Normal Vectors
  • Plane
  • Typically the definition is given as
  • ax by cz d 0
  • It could also be given as
  • n . (p-p0) 0
  • If we were given 3 noncollinear points, we could
    find the normal by
  • n (p2-p0) x (p1-p0)
  • we must be careful about the order of the
    vectors. Reversing the order changes the surface
    from outward pointing to inward pointing.

  • Curved Surfaces
  • We could go through the math of how a sphere is
  • We could go through parametric equations of a
  • But we are only interested in the direction of
    the normal, so if the sphere is centered at the
    origin, we can say the normal is p

  • In OpenGL we can associate a normal with a vertex
    through functions such as
  • glNormal3f(nx, ny, nz)
  • glNormal3fv(pointer_to_normal)
  • Normals are modal variables.
  • If we define a normal before a sequence of
  • this normal is associated with all the vertices
  • and is used for the lighting calculations at all
    the vertices
  • The problem remains, however, that we have to
    determine these normals ourselves.

  • 4.2 Angle of Reflection
  • Once we have calculated the normal at a point, we
    can use this normal and the direction of light to
    compute the direction of a perfect reflection
  • angle of incidence is equal to the angle of

  • 4.3 Use of the Halfway Vector
  • If we use the Phong model with specular
    reflections in our rendering, the dot product r.v
    should be recalculated at every point on the
  • We can obtain an interesting approximation by
    using the unit vector halfway between the viewer
    vector and the light-source vector

  • If we replace r.v with n.h, we avoid calculation
    of r
  • However, the halfway angle is smaller than the
    angle used for specular computation, so if we use
    the same exponent e in (n.h)e the specular
    highlights will be smaller,
  • so we use a different value of e to fix this.
  • Exercise 6.8 helps you see how much work this

  • 4.4 Transmitted Light
  • Consider a surface that transmits all the light
    that strikes it
  • If the speed of light differs in the two
    materials, the light is bent at the surface
  • Let hl and ht be the indices of refraction
  • Snells law states that

  • Therefore, we can calculate the direction of the
    transmitted light.
  • A more general expression for what happens at a
    transmitting surface corresponds to this figure
  • some light is transmitted,
  • some is reflected,
  • and the rest is absorbed.

5. Polygonal Shading
  • Assuming that we can compute normal vectors,
    given a set of light sources and a viewer, both
    the lighting and illumination models that we have
    developed can be applied at every point on a
  • Consider the polygon mesh shown here. We will
    consider three ways to shade the polygons flat,
    interpolative or Gourand, and Phong shading

  • 5.1 Flat Shading
  • The three vectors - l, n, and v - can vary
  • but for a flat polygon, n is constant
  • if we assume the viewer does not change, v is
  • if the light source is distance, l is constant
  • If all three are constant, the shading
    calculations only need to be carried out once for
    each polygon.
  • In OpenGL we specify flat shading through
  • glShadeModel(GL_FLAT)
  • This can be disappointing in its results

  • 5.2 Interpolative and Gourand Shading
  • If we use
  • glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH)
  • Then OpenGL interpolates colors for other
    primitives like lines
  • The normals are computed at each vertex. Colors
    and intensities of interior points are
    interpolated between vertices.
  • Problem normals are discontinuous at the vertex
  • Solution average them
  • Color plates 3-5 show flat shading up to

  • 5.3 Phong Shading
  • Even the smoothness introduced by Gourand shading
    may not prevent bands.
  • Phong proposed that instead of interpolating the
    intensities, interpolate the normals
  • and then do calculation of intensities using the
    interpolated normal (typically at scan
  • This is much smoother, but at a greater
    computational cost.

6. Approximation of a Sphere by Recursive
  • We have used the sphere as an example curved
    surface to illustrate shading calculations.
  • However, the sphere is not an object that is
    supported within OpenGL
  • Both the GL utility library (GLU) and the GL
    Utility Toolkit (GLUT) contain spheres
  • GLU via quadric surfaces
  • A topic discussed in Chapter 10
  • GLUT via polygonal approximation

  • This section develops a polygonal approximation
    to a sphere.
  • This figure shows an approximation to a sphere
    drawn with this code

7. Light Sources in OpenGL
  • OpenGL supports the four types of light sources
    that we just described, and allows at least 8
    light sources per program.
  • Each light source must be individually specified
    and enabled
  • glLightfv(source, parameter, pointer_to_array)
  • glLightf(source, parameter, value)

  • There are four vector parameters that we can set
  • The position (or direction) of the light, the
    amount of ambient, diffuse, and specular light
    associated with a source
  • For example
  • glEnable(GL_LIGHTING)
  • glEnable(GL_LIGHT0)
  • glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light0_pos)
  • glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_AMBIENT, ambinet0)
  • glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse0)
  • glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPECULAR, specular0)
  • Note that we must enable both lighting and the
    particular source.

  • We can also set a global ambient term that is
    independent of any light
  • We can convert a source to a spotlight by
  • The spotlight direction (GL_SPOT_DIRECTION)
  • The exponent (GL_SPOT_EXPONENT)
  • And the angle (GL_SPOT_CUTOFF)
  • If we have objects that we need to have the light
    interact properly with both sides we may need to

8. Specification of Materials in OpenGL
  • Material properties in OpenGL match up directly
    with the supported light sources and with the
    Phong reflection model.
  • We can also specify different material properties
    for the front and the back faces of a surface
  • All our reflection parameters are specified
    through the functions
  • glMaterialfv(face, type, pointer_to_array)
  • glMaterialf(face, value)

  • For Example
  • Note
  • If both the specular and diffuse coefficients are
    the same (as is of the the case), we can specify
    both by using GL_DIFFUSE_AND_SPECULAR
  • To specify different front- and back-face
  • we use GL_FRONT and GL_BACK
  • The shininess of a surface (the exponent in the
    specular-reflection term) is specified as
  • glMatrialg(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 100.0)

  • OpenGL also allows us to define surfaces that
    have an emissive component
  • This characterizes self-luminous sources.
  • This is useful if you want a light source to
    appear in your image.
  • It is unaffected by any light source
  • And it does not affect any other surface.
  • For example this defines a small amount of
    blue-green emission
  • Glfloat emission 0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0

9. Shading of the Sphere Model
  • We can now shade our spheres.
  • If we are to shade our approximate spheres with
    OpenGLs shading model, we must assign normals.
  • Following our previous approach, we use the cross
    product, and then normalize the result

  • cross(point3 a, point3 b, point3 c, point3 d)
  • d0(b1-a1)(c2-a2)-(b2-a2)(c1-
  • d0(b2-a2)(c0-a0)-(b0-a0)(c2-
  • d0(b0-a0)(c1-a1)-(b1-a1)(c0-
  • normal(d)
  • void normal(point3 p)
  • float d 0.0
  • int i
  • for(i0 ilt3 i) d pi
  • d sqrt(d)
  • if(dgt0.0) for(i0ilt3i) pi/d

  • Assuming the light sources have been defined and
  • void triangle(point3 a, point3 b, point3 c)
  • point3 n
  • cross(a,b,c,n)
  • glBegin(GL_POLYGON)
  • glNormal3fv(n)
  • glVertex3fv(a)
  • glVertex3fv(b)
  • glVertex3fv(c)
  • glEnd()

  • The results f flat shading the sphere done this
    way is shown here
  • Notice the silhouette edge of the sphere showing
    the polygons.
  • We can easily apply interpolative shading by
    setting the true normal at the vertex.

  • void triangle(point3 a, point3 b, point3 c)
  • point3 n int i
  • glBegin(GL_POLYGON)
  • for(i0ilt3i)niai
  • normal(n)
  • glNormal3fv(n)
  • glVertex3fv(a)
  • for(i0ilt3i)niai
  • normal(n)
  • glNormal3fv(n)
  • glVertex3fv(b)
  • for(i0ilt3i)niai
  • normal(n)
  • glNormal3fv(n)
  • glVertex3fv(c)
  • glEnd()

  • The results of this are shown here
  • Although this produced a more realistic image,
    this method is not generalizable.
  • See exercises 6.9 and 6.10 to see where it falls

10. Global Rendering
  • There are limitations imposed by the local
    lighting model that we have used.
  • Consider, for example, an array of spheres

  • Our lighting model cannot handle these
  • It also cannot produce shadows.
  • If these effects are important, than we can use a
    more sophisticated (and slower) rendering
    technique, such as ray tracing and radiosity.
  • Ray Tracing works well for highly specular
    surfaces for example, in scenes composed of
    highly reflective and translucent objects, such
    as glass balls.
  • Radiosity is best suited for scenes with
    perfectly diffuse surfaces, such as the interior
    of buildings.

11. Summary
  • We have developed a lighting model that fits well
    with our pipeline approach to graphics.
  • With it we can create a variety of lighting
    effects, and can employ different types of light
  • Although we cannot create the global effects of a
    ray tracer, a good graphics workstation can
    render a polygonal scene using the Phong
    reflection model and interpolative shading in the
    same amount of time it can render a scene without

  • The recursive subdivision technique is a powerful
    one that reappears in Chapter 11 when curves are
  • This chapter concludes our development of
    polygonal-based graphics.
  • You should now be able to generate scenes with
    lighting and shading.
  • Techniques for even more sophisticated images,
    such as texture mapping involve using the
    pixel-level capabilities of the graphics systems
    are considered in Chapter 8.
  • Now is a good time for you to write an
    application program.

12. Suggested Readings
  • The use of lighting and reflection in computer
    graphics has followed two parallel paths the
    physical and the computational
  • Foley (90) gives a great discussion on these
  • Phong put together his model in 1975
  • Ray tracing was introduced to computer graphics
    by Appel in 1968.
  • Radiosity is based upon a method first used in
    heat transfer (Sie 81) and was applied to
    computer graphics in 1984.
  • The OpenGL Programmers Guide (97a) contains many
    good hints on effective use of OpenGLs rendering

Exercises -- Due next class
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