Title: Please check
1Please check
2Quick questions or quandaries?
- Don't forget to turn in your reading questions
for Snell, 2002. - Drop in office hours tonight. Please come if you
have questions. - Dont forget that you need to make an appointment
if youd like to met with Julia on Wednesday
(1-4) or Thursday (645-745).
4Todays Topic
5Small Group Activity
- Make a chart of "what" should be assessed and
"how" that can be assessed, using big paper and
integrating information from the assigned reading.
6Quick Write
- How could you implement aspects of dynamic
assessment in to your classroom practice?
7Which assessment procedure is best?
- It all depends on what you want to know.
- Dynamic assessment is not intended as a
substitute for existing approaches. Dynamic
assessment is presented as a unique and important
addition to the diagnosticians repertory.
Dynamic assessment responds to questions that are
not addressed by other procedures - (Lidz, 1991, p. xi).
9Want to compare a student with his/her peers?
- Use a norm-referenced assessment.
10Want to compare a students skills with a
pre-determined developmental hierarchy?
- Use a developmentally-referenced assessment (i.e.
11Want to specify a students current level of
performance? (i.e. What the student knows,
understands, or is able to do.)
- Use a criterion-referenced assessment.
12Want to monitor a students progress within a
curricular sequence? (i.e. math, spelling)
- Use a curriculum-based assessment or measurement
(CBA or CBM).
13Want to assess a students response to
intervention or problem-solving skills, or the
most effective means of facilitating that
students learning?
14Dynamic Assessment
- Is based on a different concept of intelligence
from traditional IQ tests it is based on
students learning ability. - Provides information on the students learning
processes (why they might not be learning and
what supports their learning). - Provides a direct connection with intervention.
15Key Characteristics of Dynamic Assessment
- Test teach re-test format.
- Focus on learner modifiability.
- Goal of developing learner-specific and effective
interventions what helps this student learn
16Dynamic assessment was never intended to offer
an alternative basis either for classifying
children or for placing them in special education
(Lidz, 1991, p. 5)
17the intent of dynamic assessment is to improve
understanding of the learner within any
educational setting, as well as inform
interventions within any setting.
(Lidz, 1991, p. 5)
18Looking ahead
19Please take a minute for the minute paper.