Title: Chapter 28 Magnetic Induction
1Chapter 28Magnetic Induction
- Magnetic Flux
- Faradays Lenzs Laws
- Inductance
- Magnetic Energy
3Magnetic Flux
The magnetic flux through a surface is defined by
In the 1830s, Michael Faraday and Joseph Henry
discovered that a changing magnetic flux can
induce currents
4Magnetic Flux
The unit of magnetic flux is T m2, that is, a
weber (Wb)
Usually, an engineer is interested in the flux
through a surface bounded by a wire
5Magnetic Flux
For a constant magnetic field, the flux through
a wire loop of area A is
6Magnetic Flux
For N loops of wire, and a constant magnetic
field, the flux is N times greater that is, it is
7Magnets _at_ CERN
8Magnetic Flux CMS
9Magnetic Flux CMS
10Magnetic Flux CMS
The magnetic field of a solenoid is
For CMS B 4 T I 20,000 A l 12.5 m r 3
11Magnetic Flux CMS
Putting in the numbers for CMS, we get
For CMS B 4 T I 20,000 A l 12.5 m r 3
12Faradays Law
Faraday and Henry discovered that a changing flux
through a wire loop creates an electric
field, which, in turn, induces an emf (a
potential) in the wire
13Faradays Law
The experimental observations can be summarized
in the following law
Faradays Law
14Lenzs Law
The induced emf is such as to oppose the change
that produces it
15Lenzs Law
B2 is the magnetic field caused by current
induced in the wire. By Lenzs law, this field
acts in a direction opposite the
changing magnetic field B1
16Lenzs Law
We use the right-hand rule to determine the
direction of the current I
17Example Induced emf
A conductor moving through a magnetic field will
have an electric field induced in it, given by qE
q v B, that is, E v B
18Example Induced emf
The induced potential difference is then DV E
l v B l, once the current stops.
The magnetic flux through a coil is proportional
to the current flowing through it, so we can
write The proportionality constant L is
called the self-inductance of the coil, whose
unit is the henry (H 1 Wb/A )
Example Self-inductance of a long solenoid
that is,
Consider a changing magnetic flux through a coil
But, since
we find a self-induced emf of
22Magnetic Energy
Consider a circuit containing a resistor R and a
coil of self-inductance L. From Kirchoffs
loop rule, we can write
23Magnetic Energy
Multiply throughout by I and re-arrange
battery power joule heating power in coil
24Magnetic Energy
Therefore, the energy stored in the inductor (the
coil in this case) is found by integrating the
power in the coil with respect to time
25Magnetic Energy CMS
The energy stored in the CMS solenoid is
For CMS B 4 T I 20,000 A l 12.5 m r 3
This is enough to melt 18 tons of gold!