Title: A thermoelectrical model arising in aluminium electrolytic cells
1A thermoelectrical model arising in aluminium
electrolytic cells
M.Carmen Muñiz
Dpt. Applied Mathematics Santiago de Compostela
University (Spain)
2Research group
- This work was done by the research group of A.
Bermúdez - de Castro from 1990 to 1997
- P. Quintela.
- M.B. Cid.
- L. Carpintero.
- I.C. Area.
- P. Salgado.
- E. Seoane.
- It was supported by ALCOA-INESPAL S.A.
- (La Coruña - Spain)
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- A mathematical model for the thermoelectrical
problem. - The weak formulation.
- Finite element discretization.
- The algorithm.
- Numerical results.
- A method to gauge the thermoelectrical model.
- Thelsi3D.
- Theoretical review.
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4The Alcoa-Inespal plant in La Coruña (Spain)
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5The Alcoa-Inespal plant in La Coruña (Spain)
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6The Alcoa-Inespal plant in La Coruña (Spain)
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7Hall-Héroult process
Bayer process
The main chemical reaction of the Hall-Héroult
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8A thermoelectrical model arising in aluminium
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9The ledge a mixture of solid bath and aluminium
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102D view of the part of the cell we model
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11The electric and thermal domains
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12The physical equations
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13The physical equations
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14The physical equations
The electric problem and the thermal one are
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15References thermistor problem
- Cimatti, G.1989 Remark on existence and
uniqueness for the - thermistor problem, Quart. Appl. Math.
- Howison, S.D., Rodrigues, J.F. and Shillor,
.1993 M. Stationary - Solution to the thermistor problem, J. Math.
Anal. Appl. - Antontsev, S.N. and Chipot, M.1994 The
thermistor problem - Existence, smoothness, uniqueness, blowup, SIAM
J. Math. Anal.
- Two additional dificulties appear in this
problem - The domain is not homogeneous, then the physical
parameters - depend not only on the temperature but on
position as well. - The free boundaryThe profile of the legde,
called S.
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16Boundary conditions
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A thermoelectrical model arising in aluminium
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18Conditions at the free boundary S
- S is a priori unknown.
- S is the interface between solid and liquid
phases. - The operation temperature of the bath drops up to
the solidus - temperature
Mushy zone
- Arita, Y., Urata, N. and Ikeuchi, H. 1978
Estimation of frozen bath - shape in aluminium reduction cell by computer
simulation, Light Metals - Taylor, M.P. and Welch, B.J. 1987 Melt/freeze
heat transfer - Measurements in cryolite-based electrolytes,
Metallurgical Trans. B - Bruggemen, N.J. and Danka, D. J.1990
Two-dimensional thermal - Modelling of the Hall-Héroult cell, Light Metals
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19Conditions at the free boundary S
We assume the following boundary conditions at
the free boundary
The greater the slope of S, the greater the heat
- Bermúdez, A., Carpintero, L., Muñiz, M.C. and
Quintela, P. 1993 An inverse - problem related to the three-dimensional
modelling of aluminium electrolytic - cells, Computational Modelling of Free and
Moving Boundary Problems
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20Fixed domain method
We embed this problem into another one with a
fixed domain containing S
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21Fixed domain method
by a test function and integrating we get
Extending T by the operation temperature in the
fictitious domain, and taking into account
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22Weak formulation
We get
Therefore the weak formulation of the problem
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23Fixed domain method
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24Weak formulation
For a solution of this problem, we define the
ledge and the free boundary as
- The theoretical analysis of this problem is
difficult due to - The coupling between thermal and electric
equations. - The nonhomogeneity of the domain.
- The physical nonlinearities.
- The free boundary.
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25Finite element discretization
- The reference finite element a pentahedral
- with vertices
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26Finite element discretization
- The space of real functions defined on the
reference finite - element with basis given by
- The degrees of freedom the values of the
function at the vertices - of the pentahedroms
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27Finite element discretization
Associated to a family of pentahedral meshes
of the domain, we consider the finite element
and denotes the map transforming the
reference finite element into the element K.
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28The discretized problem
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29An iterative algorithm
- Bermúdez, A., Moreno, C. 1981 Duality methods
for solving variational inequalities, Comput.
Math. Appl.
Where is the Yosida regularization of the
Heaviside function given by
Therefore it is quite natural to try the
following iterative algoritm
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30A thermoelectrical model arising in aluminium
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31Isolines for temperature (ºC)
32Numerical results
Isolines for temperature at steel shell (ºC)
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33Numerical results
Isolines for electric potential (V)
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34Gauging the model
Goal to reduce the differences between
thermocouple and heat flux measurements with the
values obtained from the thermoelectrical model.
Thermocouple measurements
Heat flux measurements
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35Gauging the model
Method modify either the thermal conductivity or
the radiation and convection coefficients
Key idea identification of the following
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36Gauging the model
We minimize the cost function
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37Gauging the model
Taking into account the control (c,d,e), the
state of the system TT(c,d,e) is obtained
solving the so-called state equation consisting
on the following boundary value problem
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38Gauging the model
In order to minimize the cost function, we
consider the lagrangian functional
where p is the Lagrange multiplier related with
the constraint given by the state equation.
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40 thelsi 3D
- Generates 2D and 3D meshes of the cell using
Modulef Library. - Computes function h related to heat flux at the
free boundary. - Makes the thermoelectrical simulation.
- Computes the coefficients to gauge the model.
- Plots the results using Modulef Library.
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41Theoretical review
1 A. Bermúdez, M.C. Muñiz and P. Quintela,
Numerical solution of a three-dimensional
thermoelectric problem taking place in an
aluminium electrolytic cell, Computer Methods in
Applied Mechanics and Engineering 106, (1993),
129-142. We numerically solve the thermoelectric
problem using finite elements.
Isolines for electric potential (V)
Isolines for temperature (ºC)
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42Theoretical review
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43Theoretical review
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