Data Transmission Techniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Transmission Techniques


We can make sounds, wave flags, post signs, or use hand gestures. ... Suddenly the telegraph sounder begins clacking a pattern of long and short signals. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Data Transmission Techniques

Data Transmission Techniques
  • MSIT 126 Computer-based Comm. Systems and
  • Lecture 4

Communication and Signals
  • A signal is any change in a measurable condition
    that is used to represent information.
  • There is an almost endless number of ways we can
    send signals however, they all require that we
    use some sort of energy to make a change that can
    be detected by someone or something.
  • We can make sounds, wave flags, post signs, or
    use hand gestures.
  • All of these can convey information, as long as
    both the sender and recipient agree on the
    meaning of the signal.

Communication and Signals
  • If we want to move data between computers, we
    must use a signaling method that machines can
    easily understand and that can span distances.
  • Thus, data networks use three types of
    electromagnetic energy--electricity, light, and
    radio waves--to transmit signals.

Communication and Signals
  • Regardless of the type of energy used to carry a
    signal, all signals can be categorized according
    to one of three basic characteristics
  • Analog or digital
  • One-way (simplex) or two-way (duplex)
  • Timed (synchronous) or not timed (asynchronous)

Analog and Digital Transmission
  • Analog and digital are the two ways we can use a
    flow of energy to carry data.
  • As our various communication systems become
    computerized, more and more signals are being
    transmitted digitally.
  • However, some key communication systems continue
    to use analog.
  • If a data transmission must travel across many
    networks, such as a file downloaded from your
    favorite World Wide Web (Web) site to your home
    computer, the signal may be converted from
    digital to analog, and back again.

Analog Transmission
  • "Analog" means a signal is carried as a pattern
    of continually changing waves.
  • For example, the sounds you hear are caused by
    waves through the air.
  • Audio, video, and data signals are carried on
    electromagnetic waves.
  • Analog transmission is commonly used in
    commercial radio and television broadcasting,
    cable television, and the telephone line that
    serves your home.

Analog Transmission
  • There are two basic qualities of an analog
  • Frequency refers to the number of times per
    second a wave swings back and forth in a cycle
    from its beginning point to its ending point.
    Think of frequency as the number of wave crests
    or cycles that passes a fixed point during a
    particular period of time. Therefore, frequency
    is measured in cycles per second or hertz (Hz).
    In sound waves, frequency determines the pitch of
    a sound. In visible light, frequency determines
    the color.

Analog Transmission
  • The electromagnetic spectrum includes a wide
    range of frequencies, from infrared (low
    frequencies) through visible light, to
    ultraviolet, microwaves, and beyond (high

Analog Transmission
  • Amplitude refers to the height of a wave, or how
    far from the center a wave swings. Generally
    speaking, amplitude describes the power of a
    signal. The frequency does not change, but the
    amplitude does. If this is a sound wave, the
    pitch would remain constant, while the loudness
    would change.

  • We transmit analog signals by first establishing
    a constant, consistent wave form called a carrier
  • We then use the signal pattern to change the
    carrier wave's amplitude, frequency, or both.
  • Another device, such as a radio receiver, can
    then extract the signal by detecting the way the
    carrier wave has been changed.
  • This process of altering a carrier wave to
    represent information is called "modulation."

  • If we hold the frequency constant and vary the
    amplitude, this process is called amplitude
    modulation (AM).
  • If we hold the amplitude constant and vary the
    frequency within a fixed range, the process is
    called frequency modulation (FM).

Analog Bandwidth
  • Each frequency or range of frequencies can carry
    a separate signal.
  • For example, radio and television stations all
    use radio waves to transmit information however,
    each individual signal is carried over a
    different frequency.

Analog Bandwidth
  • The more frequencies a transmission medium can
    handle, the more channels of information it can
  • Each assigned slice of frequencies is called a
  • Therefore, the information-carrying capacity of a
    transmission path is called its "bandwidth."
  • The bandwidth of an analog channel is expressed
    as the difference or span between its lowest and
    highest frequencies.

Analog Bandwidth
  • We generally use the term "broadband" to describe
    an analog communication medium that has a wide
  • A single broadband connection, such as a
    television cable, can support many channels by
    assigning each one to a separate frequency.
  • However, not all analog transmission is
  • Some analog links, such as the telephone line to
    your home, may be capable of carrying only one
  • The term is also used to describe high-capacity
    digital connections.

Digital (Baseband) Transmission
  • Instead of a pattern of continually changing
    waves, digital signals are transmitted in the
    form of binary bits information represented as a
    series of 1s and 0s.
  • The term "binary" refers to the fact that there
    are only two values for a bit on or off, high or
  • "On" bits are depicted as 1 and "off" bits are
    depicted as 0.

Digital (Baseband) Transmission
  • When bits are transmitted over wires, a 0 is
    represented by the absence of electricity or a
    low voltage.
  • A 1 is represented by the presence of electricity
    or a higher voltage.
  • A digital signal can travel in any direction down
    a wire.

Baseband transmission
Digital Signals Over Analog Links
  • We can also transmit digital data over an analog
    transmission system by representing binary bits
    as different patterns of analog waves.
  • For example, a sudden change of amplitude or
    frequency could represent a "1."
  • Either type of modulation (FM or AM) can be used
    to represent digital bits.

Analog modulation
Digital Signals Over Analog Links
  • If you connect to the Internet over a standard
    telephone line, your modem converts (modulates)
    your computer's digital data patterns to the
    analog signals used on your telephone line.
  • (The term "modem" is the shortened version of

Digital and analog signal
Digital Signals Over Analog Links
  • Data networks, both small and large, use purely
    digital transmission.
  • Baseband is relatively simple, less costly than
    broadband (analog), and yet still very fast.
  • Thus, it is far more widely used than broadband.
  • Although potentially much faster and able to span
    longer distances than baseband, broadband
    requires a modem at each end of a link, which
    increases the cost of every device attached to a
    local area network (LAN).

Digital Bandwidth
  • Unlike a broadband link, which can transmit
    multiple analog signals (each on a different
    frequency), a baseband link can usually only
    transmit a single signal at any particular
  • Thus, the bandwidth of a digital channel measures
    the number of bits it can carry per second.
  • Digital bandwidth is commonly measured in
    kilobits (thousands of bits) per second (Kbps),
    megabits (millions of bits) per second (Mbps),
    and gigabits (billions of bits) per second (Gbps).

One-Way or Two-Way Transmission
  • Thus, we have categorized communication according
    to whether it uses digital or analog signals.
  • A second characteristic of communication
    describes whether signals may flow in one or two
    directions simultaneously.
  • In data networking, we use three terms to
    describe the way signals flow across a channel

One-Way or Two-Way Transmission
  • Simplex--A signal may flow in only one direction.
    A commercial radio station uses simplex
    communication, because listeners cannot transmit
    radio signals back to the station.
  • Half-duplex--Signals may flow in either
    direction, but not simultaneously. For example, a
    two-way radio allows only one user to speak at
    any one time.
  • Full-duplex--Signals may flow in both directions
    simultaneously. A telephone is the best example
    of full-duplex communication. One wire brings a
    signal from the telephone company to your home,
    and a second wire carries a separate signal from
    your home back to the telephone company. Thus,
    you can both hear and speak simultaneously.

Signal Timing
  • We can also categorize communication according to
    the way it is organized or coordinated
  • Synchronous--The communicating parties or
    endpoints use time to organize communication. In
    a data network, two communicating computers use
    each clock "tick" to detect whether a digital bit
    is a 1 or 0. For example, as each time interval
    passes, a computer checks the network cable to
    see whether the voltage is high (binary 1) or low
    (binary 0). Because the timing determines the
    meaning of the signal, it is essential that the
    endpoints synchronize their clocks before sending

Signal Timing
  • Asynchronous--Bits are not transmitted on any
    strict timetable. For example, a computer modem
    typically uses 8 bits to represent one character
    or letter. To indicate the start of each
    character, the sending modem transmits a "start"
    bit to alert the receiving end to the incoming
    signal. After the final bit of the character is
    transmitted, the sending modem transmits a "stop"
    bit to indicate the end of the character. This
    process is repeated for each character the modem
    transmits. Thus, the receiving modem must stay
    synchronized to the signal only for the length of
    time it takes to transmit 8 bits. If the sending
    and receiving clocks are slightly out of
    synchronization, these short data transfers will
    still be successful.

Signaling Standards
  • Imagine for a moment that you are alone in a
    telegraph office a century ago.
  • Suddenly the telegraph sounder begins clacking a
    pattern of long and short signals.
  • You know a message is coming in, but what does it

Signaling Standards
  • If you are like most people today, you do not
    have the slightest idea what the signal means.
  • However, if you are a trained telegraph
    operator, you understand Morse Code, which
    represents each letter of the alphabet by a
    different pattern of sounds.
  • Beyond that, you can recognize that different
    parts of the signal identify the sender,
    recipient, and body of the message.
  • You know that some special-purpose signals
    identify high-priority messages, or simply tell
    all listening telegraph operators when one of
    them steps out for lunch.

Signaling Standards
  • A network device, like a telegraph operator, is
    only aware of the changing patterns of a signal
    coming down the wire.
  • If that signal is to carry information, the
    signal must follow some sort of rules that define
    the structure and content of a message.
  • Most important, both the sender and receiver of a
    message must agree on what rules to use.

Signaling Standards
  • Data networks use many different types of rules
    for signaling.
  • Some low-level rules define how to modulate a
    digital signal onto an analog wave form.
  • Rules at higher levels define the communication
    between applications, or the content of
    electronic mail (e-mail) messages.
  • These rules are called "protocols.
  • Signaling rules and protocols are developed by
    working groups of technical professionals.
  • These associations put an enormous amount of
    effort into creating these technical standards
    and specifications, because they make network
    telecommunication possible.

  • The International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
    is an intergovernmental organization that
    develops international telecommunication
  • ITU standards, called "recommendations," make it
    possible for many types of electronic
    communications to occur across national borders.
  • Because the advantages of standards-based
    interoperability are obvious to all members, ITU
    recommendations are generally adopted by vendors.
  • ITU is organized into three sectors, each one
    focusing on a major area of communications
  • ITU-R--Radiocommunication Sector
  • ITU-D--Telecommunication Development Sector
  • ITU-T or ITU-TSS--Telecommunication
    Standardization Sector

  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
    Engineers (IEEE) is a world-wide society of
    technical professionals. In addition to promoting
    the development of electrical and electronic
    theory and methods, IEEE working committees
    develop and publish many important standards for
    communications, computing, and telecommunications.
  • One of the best known IEEE standards is the 802
    series that defines the operation of LANs. For
    example, 802.3 defines Ethernet networks, while
    802.5 defines Token Ring networks. Each standard
    describes one aspect of a system's operation,
    such as data transmission protocols, physical
    signaling, or the construction of cables or

  • The Electronic Industries Association (EIA) is a
    U.S. national trade organization that publishes
    hardware-oriented standards to guide its member
    companies. EIA consists of various
    product-oriented groups, such as the
    Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA)
    that focuses on electronic products for data
  • EIA and TIA have taken the lead in providing
    industry-wide open standards for network wiring
    components and installation. Of particular
    relevance are the RS-232 standard for modem
    communication, and the Commercial Building
    Telecommunications Cabling Standard (EIA/TIA-568)
    (being renamed EIA/TIA SP-2840), which provides
    users and vendors precise guidelines for network
    wiring installation.

  • The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
    is a U.S. voluntary organization that develops
    and publishes standards for many types of
    industries, including data communications,
    programming languages, magnetic storage media,
    office systems, and encryption. An ANSI committee
    also develops the National Electrical Code (NEC),
    a set of U.S. safety specifications for
    electrical circuits.
  • ANSI members include large companies, government
    agencies, and professional organizations. Like
    ITU recommendations, ANSI standards are
    nonbinding, but widely adopted.

  • Just as ANSI membership is composed of other
    organizations, ANSI itself represents the United
    States as a member of the International Standards
    Organization (ISO) and International
    Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).
  • Thus, ANSI standards are usually similar to ISO
    standards, differing only when unique aspects of
    North American systems need to be considered.

Different Signals, Different Media
  • Data networks transmit signals using three types
    of energy, and each one of these signals travels
    over a particular type of physical medium
  • Electrical current over copper wire
  • Light pulses over plastic or glass fiber
  • Radio waves through free space
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