Title: Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications
1Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications
2Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
- Sonar mapping of the ocean floor has four
approaches - Depth sounder
- Multi-beam sounar
- Side-scan
3Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
- Depth sounder
- Simple, vertical profile
- Cheap, easy to operate
- Grids required for area coverage
- Can be classified
4Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
- Depth sounder - Classification
- Uses return signal characteristics
- Ambiguous solutions (16million)
- Must be trained
- Grids required for area coverage
5Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
- Depth sounder - Classification
6Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
- Side-scan
- Similar to SLAR
- Positioning difficult
- Fish, cable, processing unit
- Provides picture of the sea floor
7Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
8Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
9Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
10Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
- Multi-beam SONAR
- Multiple beams give a swath coverage
- Records depth and position
- Must be motion corrected
- Can give 100 cover
- Expensive
11Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
12Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR
13Remote Sensing, Principles and Applications SONAR