Title: PPS Arctic
1PPS Arctic
PPS Arctic 2nd Annual Meeting Tromsø 22-23 March
2PPS Arctic 2nd annual meeting
- History of PPS Arctic
- Project structure
- PPS Arctic Protocols
- Collaboration across sites
- Knowledge exchange
- Data policy and management
- Website
- Ways forward
3 History of PPS Arctic
- IASC project
- Tundra-Taiga Interface (TTI) 2000-2005
- (www.iasc.no)
- IPY EOI Arctic Border, January 2005
- (www.ipy.org 360)
- IPY Full proposal PPS Arctic, September 2005
- (www.ipy.org 151)
- Ad hoc meeting at ICARP II, Copenhagen Nov 2005
- Start up workshop, Quebec City 16-18 Feb 2006
- National proposals 2007
- National funding
- 2nd PPS Arctic meeting Tromsø 22-23 March 2007
4History, cont.
5History, cont.
- Present day processes, Past changes, and
Spatiotemporal variability of biotic, abiotic and
socio-environmental conditions and resource
components along and across the Arctic
delimitation zone - Modules
- Global change effects on the arctic-boreal
transition zone and modeling structural changes - Past history and broad scale temporal variations
of the transition zone - Spatial variations in vegetation, land cover and
land use, by remote sensing - Land use and development of the tundra-taiga
interface through the joint perspective of local
traditional and scientific knowledge
6History, cont.
- Present day processes, Past changes, and
Spatiotemporal variability of biotic, abiotic and
socio-environmental conditions and resource
components along and across the Arctic
delimitation zone - Unifying foci defined by
- SPACE The transitional zone between the boreal
forest and the open treeless tundra - TIME The Holocene, the present and the next 100
years - SCOPE Interdisciplinary research, monitoring
change, and sustainable resource use
7 Project structure
- Funded projects
- PPS Arctic Canada (!?)
- PPS Arctic Norway (incl Russia natural science)
- PPS Arctic Russia (!?, social-ecological science)
- UK (!?)
- US-Sweden
- US (Alaska)
- Belgium-Sweden
- Proposed projects
- UK paleoecology
- Nepal structure and regeneration
8? active/proposed
? non arctic
Canada 21 Barents region 9 Alaska 2
Russia 4 ?
9Possibilities within IPY
- Circumpolar approach
- Common time window
- Joined natural and social science approach
- Oceanic vs. continental
- Platform for the future
- New generation of scientists
10Possibilities and challenges during IPY and
Space Many existing sites are situated in the
transition zone between arctic and boreal
regions are we using them in a optimal way for
our circumpolar approach? Time Past, present and
future but do we have a clear focus on
2007-2008, how can it be developed into a
long- term network, and will it be useful for
next IPY? Scope Interdisciplinary research,
monitoring change, and sustainable resource use
but do we have a true interdisciplinary
approach or multidisciplinary? What are our main
integrating possibilities across and among
topics, scientific fields, space and time? What
can be achieved within the restrictions set
by national requirements and funding?
11 Present project structure
- Status of individual projects
- Project development
- Funding situation
- Contribution to PPS Arctic
- Study sites
- Circumpolar variables
12 But first ......
- The PPS Arctic Norway project
- PPS Arctic Norway progress during the 20-21 March
13PPS Arctic Norway
- Project structure
- What have we got so far?
- Collected data
- Analyses
- Funding from RCN
- PhD program
- Postdoc program
- UK contribution
- Russian contribution
14Project structure
- Overall Aim
- To give comprehensive information on status,
spatiotemporal changes and relocation, of the
circumpolar Arctic delimitation zone, and
possible consequences for regional to global
climate - Sub-objectives and Themes
- to characterise the roles of environmental
conditions and disturbances in shaping the
structure and position of the arctic-boreal
transition - to establish accurate ways of relating spectral,
textural, and spatial information in aerial and
satellite images to structural properties of the
boundary and the transition zone
15Project structure
- WP1 Structure, dynamics, and regeneration
capacity of the arctic-boreal boundary - WP2 Characterisation and monitoring of the
arctic-boreal boundary by remote sensing - WP3 Coordination and communication of project
progress and results