Title: Analysis of ECG using Wavelets
1Analysis of ECG using Wavelets
- By Aditya Saurabh
- 2001001
2What to diagnose? Ischemia!
- WHO prediction By 2020, 75 of deaths due to
non-communicable diseases and Coronary Heart
Disease (CHD) will top the list. - Physionet Challenge of 1000 and IEEE paper for
the best classifier. - Indo-Russian project for IIITA Development of
new methods in search for spatiotemporal
descriptive features in the Cardiac signals and
images. To be specific, in this project we will
target to find new spatiotemporal descriptive
feature mining non-invasive biomedical
signals/images to relate Ischemic Heart Diseases
caused by Coronary Artery Blockade. - Myocardial Ischemia precedes lethal arrhythmia
3The normal electrocardiogram
So much information in our heart beats!! I
thought it only lub-dubbed
4Creation of Ischemic template
- Myocardial ischemia- a shortage of blood flow and
oxygen that is not quite severe enough to
permanently damage the muscle. Ischemia is the
precursor of CHD. - Effect on ECG ST elevation/depression, T
inversion, Q prominence. - Three stages of coronary artery blockage and thus
increasing myocardial damage - Ischemia with inversion of T wave
- Injury with shift of ST segment
- Infarction or muscle death, recognized by the
appearance of Q wave and decrease in amplitude or
disappearance of R wave.
5Other findings
- increase in the QRS amplitude
- subtle prolongation of QRS duration
- QRS axis shifts
- and/or T-wave morphology changes
- prominent mid-QRS peaks in the frequency range of
40100 Hz
6Template example
7Why Wavelets?
- The complements of nature?
- Soft Computing solve NP complete problems by
giving up precision decrease dimensions,
decrease complexity. - Wavelets where to give up precision.
Wavelets facilitate to look at information from
different distances
8The process
Pattern Recognition
Reduce the data yet Increase information
Create Feature Vector
9A Lead V4 ECG
Age 65 Sex M Mixed angina Inferior
myocardial infarction 3-vessel
disease Medications verapamil Recorder type
ICR 7200
There are 12 leads for our body of which 4 are
10Looking at different details (DWT)
Data reducing, yet information increasing
11Much more details CWT
Mexican Hat
- Collection of Data
- Download and understand the long term ST database
from physionet.org - Preparation of Data
- Parse and Clip the ST Episodes
- Create the mapping structure
- Detection of QRS Complex
- Understand the signature of R peaks on wavelet
basis - Apply DWT to segment ECG into R-R intervals
13Data Preparation
14Appearance of zero crossings
15Detection of QRS Complex
- Detection of R peak
- A robust method for R peak detection is proposed
using the Detail Coefficients of level 1 DWT of
the signal using haar wavelet. - Steps
- Get the detail coefficients of level 1 dwt with
haar wavelet, say cd1 - Normalize cd1 by dividing with its maximum value
- Find the zero crossings of normalized cd1 using a
filter of -3 0 3 - Threshold the filtered values with tau2
- Find the windowed maximum of the generated
signal, join the two max if they exist in a
window of 25 samples. Say the max index is i. - 2(i-1) gives the location of R peak in the
original signal, since we were processing the
sub-sampled dwt. - Q inflection point
- S inflection point
16R peak detection example
17An erroneous signal
18Failure of the detection algorithm
19Ischemic Observation
20Non-Ischemic Observation
21Feature extraction using CWT and ischemia
- Steps
- CWT using the Mexican hat wavelet is calculated
for the signal. - The just previous inflection point before the
detected R peak gives the Q valley, just next S. - Mean Mi of the CWT coefficients at scales of 8-12
for the QRS complexes are calculated. The mean of
these Mis, Mbar and their standard deviation is
taken as two features. - The two features are considered for
classification using ANN and Clustering.
23Scope for Future Work
- The following extensions to my work should be
fruitful - The ischemic template could be used to construct
the problem dependent wavelet and applied to the
electrocardiogram signal to detect ischemia. - Continuous Wavelet Transform can be used to
completely segment the ECG as well using phase
and absolute values. - Many other feature extraction techniques could be
implemented for disease detection. - A supervised classification using modified neural
networks could be explored by exploiting my
feature extraction process.
- 1) http//www.physionet.org
- Surehka Palreddy, Ph. D. University of Wisconsin,
ECG BEATS DATABASE Description, 1996. - http//www.tararokpa.org/diagnose.htmlpulse.
- W. Sweldens, The lifting scheme A custom-design
construction of biorthogonal wavelets," Appl.
Comput. Harmon. Anal., vol. 3(2), pp. 186-200,
1996. - W. Sweldens and P. Schroder, Building your own
wavelets at home," Tech. Rep. 19955, Industrial
Mathematics Initiative, Department of
Mathematics, University of South Carolina, 1995,
(ftp//ftp.math.sc.edu/pub/imi 95/imi95 5.ps). - I. Daubechies, Ten Lectures on Wavelets, CBMS-NSF
Regional Conf. Series in Appl. Math., Vol. 61,
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
Philadelphia, PA, 1992. - Marc Thuillard, Wavelets in Soft Computing,
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2001
The first link is always the best one!
25Thank You Any Questions?
Opposites seem to contradict but complement each