Title: Chaotic saddles in complex spatiotemporal systems paper
1Chaotic saddles in complex spatiotemporal
systems(paper 51)
- Abraham C.-L. Chian
- National Institute for Space Research (INPE),
Brazil - Rodrigo A. Miranda
- National Institute for Space Research (INPE),
Brazil -
- Centre for Quaternary Research (CEQUA), Chile
- Erico L. Rempel
- Institute of Aeronautical Technology (ITA),
Brazil -
2Chaotic sets
- Chaotic Attractors
- - Set of unstable periodic orbits
- - Positive maximum Lyapunov exponent
- - Attract all initial conditions in a given
neighbourhood - - Basin of attraction (continuous stable
manifolds, without gaps) - - Responsible for asymptotic chaos
- Chaotic Saddles
- - Set of unstable periodic orbits
- - Positive maximum Lyapunov exponent
- - Repel most initial conditions from their
neighbourhood, except those on stable manifolds - - No basin of attraction (fractal stable
manifolds, with gaps) - - Responsible for transient chaos
- Ref Rempel Chian, PRL 98, 014101, 2007
- Rempel, Chian Miranda, PRE (submitted)
3Nonlinear regularized long-wave equation
?t? a?txx? c?x? f??x? - gf - ? sin(x - ?t)
a - 0.287, c 1, f - 6, ? - 0.1 and W
0.65 Periodic BC f(x,t) f(x2?, t) f(x,t)åk
bk(t)exp(ikx), k-N,...,N Pseudospectral
method with N32 Poincaré map Reb1(t)0 and
dReb1(t)/dt gt 0
4Spatiotemporal dynamics
5Energy time Series
E ò?2 a?x?2dx/4p
6Chaotic Sets chaotic saddles chaotic attractors
7Lyapunov exponents and correlation dimensions
Ref Rempel Chian, PRL 98, 014101, 2007
Rempel, Chian Miranda, PRE (submitted)