Title: Goal: tracking Pt30...50MeVc in heavyion collision .
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4Goal tracking (Pt30...50MeV/c) in heavy-ion
collision .
. charged track reconstruction for
primary particles in . _at_ low momenta
(MS up to (10-20) mrad per Si layer) pt
gt30MeV/c high multiplicity events
(combinatorial background) .
Horizontal granularity (0.44-1.0)mm .
non-uniform magnetic field for 2D
Spectrometer . _at_ analog read-out
5How particle is going ?
6How particle is going ?
7How particle is going ?
8How particle is going ?
9MS - Banana
10Templates and their fitting/parametrization("larg
e plane" case)
11Momentum Resolution
12Track reconstruction steps
13Comparison to Optimal Track Fitting (OTF)which
reproduces the results of the global LSM fit
B1 Tesla
14Momentum resolution for SBTM and OTF
15Vertex Resolution for SBTM and OTF
16Angular Resolution for SBTM and OTF
17Residuals for detector with ideal space
resolution, (how close is SBTM model to actual
18Silicon Pad detectors for measuring charged
particles (Multiplicity and Tracking/PID)
Plastic Scintillator for Triggering and TOF
- 137,000 Silicon Readout Channels
- 1,300 Scintillator Readout Channels
19PHOBOS Si Spectrometer _at_RHIC _at_BNL
20Implementation for real spectrometer with
complex geometry.
. charged track reconstruction for
primary particles in multi-layer
Tracker with externally provided Vertex
(K.Wozniak) . _at_ low momenta (MS up to
(10-20) mrad per Si layer) pt gt30MeV/c
high multiplicity events (combinatorial
background) . Horizontal granularity
(0.44-1.0)mm _at_ . non-uniform
magnetic field (for 2D Spectrometer) . _at_
analog read-out (!!! _at_ limited granularity !)
21Multiple Scattering in 300 ?m Si wafer
22How particles are going ?
23Essential points
24Banana Center, ?_banana, ??MScone, P, ??P,
Length, angles
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26Test Sample for playing ...
27AultgtAu collision at sqrt(s_NN) 200 GeV
283D - event
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31Momentum Resolution for MC (PHOBOS)with exact
32N_track vs N_hit for AuAu 200G
33Computing time for reconstruction vs N_hitsNO
SEEDS. (Xeon 3GHz)
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- Global method for primary track reconstruction
with narrow search window with potentially
better parameters resolutions. Robust. - MC/GEANT based accumulation of Templates (could
be non-uniform B) (Mean, ? instead of
Covariance Matrix a priory to reconstruction ) - "Low momentum 80/160/230 MeV/c" tracks could
be reconstructed in high multiplicity
events with MS (10...20)mrad/layer. - Tracks in the Magnet could be reconstructed
without "Straight Region" planes/seeds) - Occupancies up to (25-30) (narrow roads) .
- Having Analog Read-out, one could survive in
high occupancy case. - Ghost cleaning algorithm based on Analog
read-out allows many hits sharing
(Nsh ltNpl-2...3 ,which are close to the end of
the track) - Combinatorial i,j sort out is shortened after
(1-2) "lost hits in planes" - and because of narrow Banana and String
widths. - Could be implemented into Firmware (model is
close to the hits)
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39Double Metal, Single sided, AC coupled,
polysilicon biased detectors produced by ERSO,
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