Title: Student Seminar Subatomic Physics
1- Student Seminar Subatomic Physics
- Herbert Löhner, Olaf Scholten, Johan Messchendorp
- 1st block, semester 1, 2009/2010 Wednesday
1315-1500This course is given in the style of
a seminar with an introduction by the lecturers
and presentations given by the participants. A
topic of high current interest in subatomic
physics will be studied by discussing review
articles from recent literature. Participants
will be supervised by the instructors in
individually arranged coaching sessions in
preparing their specific contribution for the
presentation. - Current topic
- Non-perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics
- Physics at BES-III Literature
- IHEP-Physics-Report-BES-III-2008-001-v1
- (http//arxiv.org/abs/0809.1869v1)
- Editors Kuang-Ta Chao and Yifang Wang
- Website t.b.a
- with current info
2What is BES III
- Detector at the BEPCII accelerator in Bejing
- BEPCBejing Electron Positron Collider at the
IHEP (Institute of High Energy Physics) - Operates at Ecm2.0-4.2 GeV,
- tau-lepton en charm-quark production
- CERN courier, june 8, 2009 100 million ?(2S)
- http//cerncourier.com/cws/article/cern/39149
31.1 The Status of the BEPC
42.1 The double ring structure of BEPCII
5BESIII detector
Magnet - 0.4-0.5 T existing BESII magnet - 1
T Super conducting magnet
MDC small cell He gas ?xy130 ?m
sp/p 0.5 _at_1GeV dE/dx6
TOF ?T 80 ps Barrel 100 ps
EMCAL CsI crystal sE/E 2.5 _at_1GeV ?z
0.5 cm/?E
Muon ID 9 layer RPC
Trigger Tracks Showers Pipelined Latency
- Adapt to high event rate of BEPCII
- 1033cm-2 s-1 and bunch spacing 8ns
- Reduce sys. errors to match high statistics
- Increase acceptance
Data Acquisition Event rate 3KHz Thruput
50 MB/s
6Physics interest (1)
- 3 families
- quarks
- leptonen
7Physics interest (2)
What is structure states???
- 1/mc may serve as perturbation parameter
- Charmed states are distinct in Energy
- CP-violation laboratory
- (shows primarily in decays)
8Student Seminar, Grading Criteria
- Preparation
- Making use of proposed literature
- Incorporating additional literature
- Understanding of the subject matter
- Depth of the presentation
- Structure of the presentation
- Presentation
- Formulation of stimulating questions
- Answering questions from audience
- Presentation technique
- Quality of slides
- Time management
- Participation
- Presence during seminar hours
- Active participation during seminar hours
- Contributing questions before the seminar
sessions - Answering questions at the end of seminar sessions
Final written exam, based on presented
material vrijstelling mogelijk bij voldoende
resultaat wekelijkse deelname
9Seminar Preparation Timeline
- week
- N-3 discuss outline material
- N-2 present overview presentation
- give the group a tutorial reference (5
pages) - N-1 1st trial presentation
- N Monday 2nd trial presentation
- N Wednesday Presentation
10- Topics / chapters
- 2 The BES-III detector and offline software
9 - 21 - 3.1 Monte Carlo Generators
- 3.3 Particle Identification
- 3.4 Kinematic Fitting
- 3.5 Partial Wave Analysis 60 - 70
- 3.6 Dalitz-plot Analysis Formalism 70 - 77
- 4 Physics Processes and Radiative Corrections
- 5 Hadronic fragmentation 103 -
109 - 6 R values and precision test of the Standard
Model 111 - 132 - 7 Experimental tests of QCD
- 9 - 9.3 Meson spectroscopy (conventional
mesons, glue balls) 173 - 200 - 9.4 - 9.6 Meson spectroscopy (hybrids,
multi-quarks, molecules) 200 - 232 - 10 Baryon spectrum 233 - 250
- 11 Physics of soft pions (PCAC) 251 - 265
- 13 Theoretical Frameworks of Charmonium Physics
(NRQCD) 295 - 303 - 14 Charmonium Spectroscopy 305 - 324
- 15 Charmonium transitions 15.1-15.2 Hadronic and
radiative tr. 327 - 344 - 15.3-15.4 channels for new
exp.s 344 - 364
11Hadronic fragmentation
- Figure 5.3 (a) String fragmentation in
time-longitudinal phase-space by a set of new
pairs (qq or qqqq) production, hadrons (mesons
M and baryons B) form at the vertices - (b) the vertex V divides the n-body string
fragmentation into two clusters that contain n1
and n2 hadrons with squared invariant masses s1
and s2.
12R values and precision test of the Standard Model
- Figure 6.1 Rhad versus cms energy. Measurements
are shown with statistical errors. The relative
uncertainty assigned to the parameterization is
shown as a band and given with numbers at the
bottom (from Ref. 43). - Running of the EM coupling constant
13Meson spectroscopy (Glue Balls)
- Figure 9.1 The mass spectrum of glueballs in
pure SU(3) gauge theory. The masses are given
both in terms of r0 (r-10 410MeV) and in GeV.
The thickness of each colored box indicates the
statistical uncertainty of the mass.
14Meson spectroscopy(hybrids, multi-quarks,
- Figure 9.24 The ?'pp- invariant mass for J/? ?
??'pp-. The generated signals and backgrounds
are normalized to 3 109J/? events and are added
15Baryon spectrum
- Figure 10.3 Various pictures for internal
quark-gluon structure of baryons (a) qqq, (b)
qqqg hybrid, (c) diquark, d) meson-baryon state,
(e) pentaquark with diquark clusters.
16Physics of soft pions (PCAC)
Figure 11.7 The Kp invariant mass recoiling
against a K. The crosses are data and histograms
represent the PWA fit projection. The shaded area
shows the ? contribution.
17Non-Relativistic QCD Effective Field Theory
Table 13.1 Different recent determinations of
mb(mb) and mc(mc) in the MS scheme from the
bottomonium and the charmonium systems. The
displayed results either use direct
determinations or non-relativistic sum rules.
Here and in the text, the indicates that the
theoretical input is only partially complete at
that order.
18Charmonium Spectroscopy
Figure 14.1 Predicted and observed spectrum of
charmonium states (Table 14.2). The solid lines
are experiment for reasonably well-established
charmonium states.
19Charmonium transitions
Figure 15.4 Radiative transitions between
charmonium states below the open charm threshold.
Figure 15.5 Hadronic transitions of ?' to other
charmonium states.
20Radiative decays Alpha(S)
Figure 17.1 Direct contributions in the weak
coupling regime. The solid green line corresponds
to the calculation for the central region at NLO,
which should be reliable up to z lt 0.7 . The blue
dot-dashed line corresponds to the calculation
for the upper end-point region, which is expected
to provide a reasonable model for 0.7 lt z lt 0.9.
The red dashed line is the curve obtained by
21D0 - D0 Mixing
Figure 25.1 Standard Model box diagrams of
flavor-changing neutral currents contributing to
D0 - D0 mixing at the quark level.
22CP and T Violation
Table 26.1 Measurements of CP violating
asymmetries in neutral D decays in different
23- Topics / chapters
- 2 The BES-III detector and offline software
9 - 21 - 3.1 Monte Carlo Generators
- 3.3 Particle Identification
- 3.4 Kinematic Fitting
- 3.5 Partial Wave Analysis 60 - 70
- 3.6 Dalitz-plot Analysis Formalism 70 - 77
- 4 Physics Processes and Radiative Corrections
- 5 Hadronic fragmentation 103 -
109 - 6 R values and precision test of the Standard
Model 111 - 132 - 7 Experimental tests of QCD
- 9 - 9.3 Meson spectroscopy (conventional
mesons, glue balls) 173 - 200 - 9.4 - 9.6 Meson spectroscopy (hybrids,
multi-quarks, molecules) 200 - 232 - 10 Baryon spectrum 233 - 250
- 11 Physics of soft pions (PCAC) 251 - 265
- 13 Theoretical Frameworks of Charmonium Physics
(NRQCD) 295 - 303 - 14 Charmonium Spectroscopy 305 - 324
- 15 Charmonium transitions 15.1-15.2 Hadronic and
radiative tr. 327 - 344 - 15.3-15.4 channels for new
exp.s 344 - 364
24- Schedule Student Seminar Subatomic Physics 2009
Non-perturbative QCD - date Topic Speaker(s) Coach
- 2 sept. Introduction OS
- 9 sept. Panda meeting in FZ Juelich
(preparation of subjects, no seminar) - 16 sept. Detector properties Ganesh Tambave
JM - Vanni Jothi
- 23 sept. Meson spectroscopy Hanna Renkema OS
- (conventional mesons, glue balls) Meike Door
- 30 sept. Meson spectroscopy Samuel Hoekman
T. HL - (hybrids, multi-quarks, molecules) Zorione
Herrasti - 7 oct. D0 - D0 Mixing Niels vd Vegte
- Roel Tempelaar OS , JM
- 14 oct. Charmonium transitions Hans Kuipers
25History of Charm
- First Evidence Charge current operator and
splitting of KL and KS - Data suggested mc 2 GeV (In these days the
quark model was not yet accepted!!) - 1971 First evidence for charmed mesons in
cosmic-ray emulsion experiment. - 1974, october Discovery of Charmonium, J/?
(Jpc1--) by Ting (BNL) and Richter (SLAC), a
state at 3.1 GeV with a very narrow width. -
- 1974, D-mesons as narrow states in Kp
- Since spectrum of Charmonium and charmed mesons
26Physics of Charm
- aim
- set context for this lecture series
- subject
- role of charm in standard model
27Physics interest
- high precision measurements,
- CKM matrix elements related to charm weak decays,
- decay constants fD and fDS compare with QCD
predictions - Dalitz decays of three-body D meson decays,
- searches for CP violation in the charmed-quark
sector - D0D0-oscillation parameters
- absolute decay branching fractions
- lepton-number violating, flavor violating and/or
invisible decays of D-mesons, - charmonium resonances