Title: ATST Scattered Light Issues
1ATST Scattered Light Issues
- How will mirror microroughness likely impact the
coronagraphic performance of ATST? - How do these limitations compare to what we can
expect from dust and other particulate
contamination on the mirror surface? - How frequently will the ATST primary mirror need
to be cleaned to maintain acceptable
coronagraphic performance?
2The ASAP Model
- Define a set of parallel rays representing a
point source at the position of the suns center. - Introduce these rays onto a scatter surface
just in front of the primary mirror (M1).
Scatter the parent rays into a half-degree cone
centered on the specular direction. - Add a scatter function to M1 that represents a
clean, polished surface, or a surface
contaminated by dust.
3Sample Positions
4Mirror Signature from Microroughness
Typical scatter versus angle for a clean,
polished glass surface
5In Direction Cosine Space
Plotting log10 sin ? sin ?0 versus log10
6The Harvey Model
Figure courtesy of Gary Peterson, Breault
Research Organization.
7RMS Microroughness and Harvey
The single RMS roughness parameter (?) contains
insufficient information to completely
characterize the BSDF of the polished surface,
even assuming a power-law relationship.
8Ranges of Slopes
All four curves integrate to yield the same total
integrated scatter predicted for a 20 Ångstrom
RMS surface.
9Results for 20 Ångstrom Microroughness S 1.5
? 1.0 Microns
10Results for 12 Ångstrom Microroughness S 1.5
? 1.0 Microns
11Scatter due to Contamination (dust)
Figure courtesy of Gary Peterson, Breault
Research Organization.
12MIL-STD 1246C
The number of particles per square foot with
diameters greater than s microns is given by
log(n) 0.926 (log(c))2 - (log(s))2
s particle diameter (?m) c cleanliness
level n number of particles per
square-foot with diameters greater than s
Courtesy of Gary Peterson, Breault Research
13The Mie Model for 0.01 Coverage(Level 230)
14UKIRT Emissivity data
15Scatter Versus Time
16Scatter Versus Time Apache Point
Rate of change 0.04 per hour!
17(No Transcript)
18Power Spectral Density
Figure courtesy of Gary Peterson, Breault
Research Organization.
19Profile of a Star