Title: Water supply and sanitation governance in the periurban interface
1- Water supply and sanitation governance in the
peri-urban interface - Pascale Hofmann
- Development Planning Unit
- University College London
2Water and sanitation
- Inadequate urban supplies in the world 173
million lack improved water (6) 403 million
lack improved sanitation (14) - Shift from concern with technical improvements to
institutional aspects of service delivery - Consensus about state unable to supply services
on its own
3Population not served with improved water supply
- Improved
- Household connection
- Public standpipe
- Borehole
- Protected well
- Protected spring
- Rainwater collection
Total unserved 1.1 billion
Population not served with improved sanitation
- Improved
- Connection to public sewer
- Connection to septic system
- Pour-flash latrine
- Simple pit latrine
- Ventilated improved pit latrine
Total unserved 2.4 billion
Source WHO Global Water Supply and Sanitation
Assessment 2000
4Access to water in LDCs
5The urban and peri-urban poor pay more for water
6Water consumption depends on collection time
lpcd litres/capita/day
7and income
8Access to water by peri-urban dwellersPolicy-root
ed and needs-rooted practices in the Water wheel
9Access to sanitation by peri-urban dwellers
- Low coverage of underground drainage
- lt5 in Dar es Salaam peri-urban areas
- Alternative sanitation
- septic tanks, pit latrines
- Public toilets
- regularity, sufficiency, affordability, quality
and safety
10Peri-urban ChennaiState and private informal
water storage and distribution
11Peri-urban ChennaiState-provided water storage
12Peri-urban Giza (Cairo)Informal water
13Peri-urban MexicoState-supported water storage
and distribution
14Peri-urban Dar es SalaamPrivate water storage
15Peri-urban CaracasThe State supplies water for