Title: Charles University Prague partner no. 16 CUP
1Charles University Praguepartner no. 16 (CUP)
- J. ZahradnÃk, J. Janský, V. Plicka
Acknowledgement Joint operation of BB stations
with UPatras. Phase data from CRL and waveforms
from NOA.
2Deliverable 12
Data base for selected stations of CUP (WP1)
Running at seis30.karlov.mff.cuni.cz
3Present status 6 CUP instruments jointly
operated with UPATRAS at 3 sites
- 2 stand-alone (SERG, MAMO)
- 1 satellite (LOUT)
- each one with CMG-3T and 5T (weak strong)
4Loutraki partof the new BB satellite
network Upatras ORFEUS !
Trillium and CMG
5Problems of the stand-alone stations (in red)
Common to 3T and 5T, caused by the recording
system, or simply the power brake.
6Problems of the stand-alone stations (in red)
Common to 3T and 5T, caused by the recording
system, or simply the power brake.
7Relative time shifts between 3T and 5T
indpendent GPS for 3T and 5T insufficient error
Relative shifts had to be measured from the 3T
and 5T records.
8possible problem of digitizer or simply connector
of the GPS antenna
9possible problem of digitizer or simply connector
of the GPS antenna
10SER long-period disturbances due to a sudden
local tilt
They had to be removed by a special procedure.
M3.5 10-20 km
11D. Cervinkova, Bc Theses
12Deliverable 16
New software for source-parameter inversion
- moment-tensor inversion (weighted least squares)
- optimization of the source position and time
(grid search) - multiple point-sources (iterative deconvolution)
13ISOLA code (Fortran Matlab) multiple
point-source moment tensors
a user-friendly software
distributed through a web page
14 Routine moment tensors for EMSC
15The main application in 3HAZUsing SER MAM
and 5 NOA stations for6 eventsM 4in the
16Studied events (Mw 3.4 to 4.7) status presented
at ESC, Sep 2006
Corinth Gulf
17Present status 3 solutions for each event
18Final (?) result consistency of waveforms,
polarity, location
19Final (?) result consistency of waveforms,
polarity, location
10 km
7 km
10 km
80 km
2020050529 an easy case , Mw4.7 depth 80 or 90 km
Optimum depth
Location depth
Foc. mech. is similar !
and the first-motion polarities are satisfied
2120050529 an easy case
2220021203 a difficult case, Mw3.4 depth 1 or
10 km ?
polarity OK
polarity not OK
Optimum Depth 1km
Location Depth 10 km
Foc. mech. is dissimilar !
polarities are satisfied at the location depth
for secondary correlation max. then foc. mech.
is similar to depth 1 km
23(No Transcript)
24 250.08-0.15 Hz final solution
Depth 10 km (consistent solution, but less good
waveform fit)
260.15 - 0.20 Hz long wave trains
The trains do NOT imply the shallow depth. Even
the source depth of 1 km and low-velocity
layers do not explain them
2720021203 a difficult case depth 10 km rather
than 1 km
- Problematic seismic moment
- 1km 0.8e14 Nm
- 10km 1.4e14 Nm
- A further increase possible
- due to crustal model
- due to low frequencies
Location Depth 10 km
2820031118 Mw4.2, difficult broad-band clipped,
strong-motion OK
and the first-motion polarities are satisfied
2920031118 a difficult case
a very poor fit
and the first-motion polarities are satisfied
3020031118 Mw4.2, difficult (unstable when
varying parameters)
and the first-motion polarities are satisfied
3120031118 (Mw4.2) vs. 20011224 (Mw4.2)wrong
Timing problem is NOT due to crustal model !
and the first-motion polarities are satisfied
3220031118 further validation ?
SER at lt 20 km a near-field effect detected and
partially modeled (see the ramp between P and
3320031118 a larger moment ? (a slow component
suggested by P. Bernard)
Moment 5-times larger (due to a slow
event) cannot be excluded !
Fast Mo1e15Nm, dur lt 0.5 sec Slow Mo4e15Nm,
dur 6 sec
3420031118 a larger moment ? (a slow component
suggested by P. Bernard)
Synth fast
Observed ( ? in statics)
Synth fastslow
Moment 5-times larger (due to a slow event) can
neither be excluded, nor confirmed !
Fast Mo1e15Nm, dur lt 0.5 sec Slow Mo4e15Nm,
dur 6 sec
- Routine moment tensors for the Corinth Gulf
events in cooperation with the Patras BB
satellite network - Who needs the moment tensors ?
- Source complexity, simulation of strong-ground
motions for future events in the region, ?
36Deliverable 95
New software for near-real time seismic alarms
37 Turkey Flat, USA Site Effects Test Area Blind
Test of Predicted Ground Response of a Shallow
Stiff-Soil Site to the September 28, 2004 M6.0
Parkfield Earthquake
- Charles R. Real and Anthony F. Shakal
- California Geological Survey
38Sep. 28, 2004, Parkfield, M6fault and slip
after Ji, C. (Caltech)
39M6 Parkfield, 2004 strong-motion map reality
and our model
40Slip inversion a new task of CUP
(participation in the blind experiment of the
SPICE project)
41Solution with ISOLA software
Two slip patches
42Comparing inversion result with (confidential)
true slip distribuion
43Confidential input and 5 solutions
443HAZ attracted students
- D. Cervinkova Bc Theses (removing
- long-period disturbances) defended
- P. Adamova MSc Theses (ISOLA software,
applications) defended - J. Burjanek PhD Theses (kinematic and dynamic
source models) under preparation