Title: Fluid Mechanics for Power Generation
1Fluid Mechanicsfor Power Generation
- P M V Subbarao
- Associate Professor
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- IIT Delhi
An Essential Science for All Thermal Processes
2- As early as 400,000 BC, fire was kindled in the
caves of Peking man.
3The Aelopile Generation of Mechanical Motion
- In 130BC. Hero, a Greek mathematician and
scientist is credited with inventing the first
practical application of steam power, the
aelopile. - Simply a cauldron with a lid, the aelopile had
two pipes that channeled steam into a hollow
sphere. - The sphere, which pivoted on the steam pipes, had
two nozzles situated on opposite sides of its
axis. - Thus, the cauldron was fired, the water in it
boiled, the steam was channeled into the sphere,
and as the steam escaped through the nozzles, the
sphere would spin. - It was a thought the device and a novelty.
4Truths of Modern Life
Using the steam/Gas to make the Electric Power
! Rotating the shaft(Rotor) is the ultimate goal
of any power plant !!! How do you get mechanical
power from Live-steam or Gas? How to get
super energized (Live) steam/Gas ? How do u
generate life in live-steam ? A science of Fluid
Power is basis for all current and future power
generation technologies. This Science of Fluid
Power is called Fluid Mechanics.
5Philosophy of Fluid Power
- Present and future power generation technologies
are based on - Conversion of any natural power into fluid power.
- Transfer fluid power to shaft power.
- Conversion of shaft power into Electric power.
- Basic laws of Fluid power based power generation.
- Impulse principle
- Reaction principle
- Impulse-reaction principle
- Aerofoil theory.
- Every Power Engineer should study FLUID MECHANICS.
6Further Applications of Fluid Mechanics
- Transportation of Fuel.
- Internal supply of fuel and air through the fuel
handling equipment. - Internal circulation of flue gas and steam
through steam generator Condenser. - Operation of all journal bearings.
- Operation of all the pumps, fans compressors.
- Operation of Many control systems.
7Fluid Mechanics
- Associate Professor
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- IIT Delhi
A Science, which devalued the importance of time
8Time A Pseudo Scientific Firm Concept
- A powerful pseudo concept.
- Became an utmost important in engineering and
science after Newton. - Changes with respect to time, in a body is the
core of Engineering. - But Past and Present are more known than the
future. - Past and future are not two distinct entities
like Delhi and Mumbai. - ..
- Present day Engineering and Science is strongly
centered around Time base. - Fluid Mechanics reduces the weight of time in
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10Energy and Power
- The scalar product of force and displacement is
Work. - Capability to execute a work is energy.
- Rate of doing work or rate of change in energy is
Power. - Finally Generation of Power is a temporal act.
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15Newtons Second Law for Flow Device
16Newtons Second Law for Flow Device
Newtons Force
All quantities are invariant in time. Vary in
spacial direction only. Still it is possible to
accomplish Power Generation. More Advanced
systems are more invariant with time.
17Stage of A Turbine
18Sequence of Energy Transactions
Steam Thermal Power
Blade kinetic Power
Steam kinetic Power
Nozzle Losses
Stage Losses
Moving Blade Losses
Isentropic efficiency of Nozzle
Blade Friction Factor
19Fluid Dynamics of Coal Preparation Supply
- BY
- P M V Subbarao
- Associate Professor
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- I I T Delhi
Aerodynamics a means of Transportation
20Major Components of Coal Fired Steam Generator
21Schematic of typical coal pulverized system
A Inlet Duct B Bowl Orifice C Grinding
Mill D Transfer Duct to Exhauster E Fan Exit
22Velocity through various regions of the mill
during steady operation
23Cyclone-type classifier.
Axial and radial gas velocity components
24Centrifugal Classifiers
- The same principles that govern the design of
gas-solid separators, e.g. cyclones, apply to the
design of classifiers. - Solid separator types have been used
preferentially as classifiers in mill circuits - centrifugal cyclone-type and gas path deflection,
or - louver-type classifiers.
- The distributions of the radial and axial gas
velocity in an experimental cyclone precipitator
are shown in Figures. - The flow pattern is further characterized by
theoretical distributions of the tangential
velocity and pressure, the paths of elements of
fluid per unit time, and by the streamlines in
the exit tube of the cyclone.
25Particle Size Distribution--Pulverized-Coal
- The pulverized-coal classifier has the task of
making a clean cut in the pulverized-coal size
distribution - returning the oversize particles to the mill for
further grinding - but allowing the "ready to burn" pulverized coal
to be transported to the burner. - The mill's performance, its safety and also the
efficiency of combustion depend on a sufficiently
selective operation of the mill classifier.
26Mill Pressure Drop
- The pressure loss coefficients for the
pulverized-coal system elements are not well
established. - The load performance is very sensitive to small
variations in pressure loss coefficient.
Correlation of pressure loss coefficient with
Reynolds number through the mill section of an
exhauster-type mill.
27Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
- Fluid mechanics is the science of fluids either
at rest (fluid statics) or in motion (fluid
dynamics) and their effects on boundaries such as
solid surfaces or interfaces with other fluids. - Definition of a fluid a substance that deforms
continuously when subjected to a shear stress.
- Consider a fluid between two parallel plates,
which is subjected to a shear stress due to the
impulsive motion of the upper plate - No slip condition no relative motion between
fluid and boundary, i.e., fluid in contact with
lower plate is stationary, whereas fluid in
contact with upper plate moves at speed U.
- Fluid deforms, i.e., undergoes strain ? due to
shear stress t
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