Title: Relativistic hydrodynamics stability and causality
1Relativistic hydrodynamics stability and
- P. Ván1,2 and T. S. BĂrĂł1
- RMKI, Budapest1 and University of Bergen2
- Introduction
- Causality parabolic equations
- Stability Eckart problem
- Separation of dissipative and nondissipative
parts - Conclusions
Zimányi 75 Memorial Workshop07, Budapest
Nonrelativistic Relativistic Local
equilibrium (1st) Fourier, Navier-Stokes Eckart B
eyond local equilibrium Cattaneo-Vernotte,
Israel-Stewart, (2nd) gen. Navier-Stokes
MĂĽller-Ruggieri Ă–ttinger, Carter, etc..
Conceptual issues plaguing relativistic
hydrodynamics Causality first order is
bad acausal second order is good -
causal Stability first order is bad
instable second order is good - stable
3Causality hyperbolic or parabolic? (Fichera
1992, Kostädt and Liu 2000)
? Well-posedness ? Speed of signal propagation
Second order linear partial differential equation
Corresponding equation of characteristics
i) Hyperbolic equation two distinct families of
real characteristics Parabolic equation one
family of real characteristics Elliptic
equation no real characteristics
Well-posedness existence, unicity, continuous
dependence on initial data.
4ii) () is transformation invariant
5Infinite speed of signal propagation? physics -
Hydrodynamic range of validity ? mean free
path t collision time
Water at room temperature Fermi gas of light
quarks at
More complicated equations, more spacetime
dimensions, .
6Stability of what and in what sense?
homogeneous equilibrium (thermodynamics
theory of stability of ) linear and
nonlinear linear necessary condition Eckart
theory instable due to heat conduction
Israel-Stewart theory ? strange
condition ? relaxation to the first order
theory (Geroch 1995, Lindblom 1995)
7Structure of dissipative hydrodynamic theories
Irreversible thermodynamics (standard method,
e.g. B. Lukács)
8Complete Eckart system
lt gt - symmetric traceless spacelike part
9exponential plane-waves (Hiscock and Lindblom,
Stability condition for transverse modes
- root with a positive real part ? instability
- coupling of shear viscosity and heat conduction
Landau frame?
10First or second (or higher) order theory?
Causality speed of the VALIDITY lt speed
of light both for first and second order
Stability Landau choice (q0) is a
temporary escape - entropy production,
multicomponent fluids both for first and second
order Origin of stability problem wrong
separation of dissipative and non dissipative
terms and effects e.g. the choice of velocity
field is not free (e.g. entropy production)
11Separation of dissipation (PV and TSB
flow energy
Separation condition
12Something more
(a) energies total internal flow (mass?) (b)
velocity momentum (heat) flow energy heat
normal with internal energy e, or
q dependence
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15Summary momentum density but heat flow
energy internal energy flow energy
ADDS entropy flux and
can ben justified (thermodynamic theory
construction Liu procedure) linear stability
of homogeneous equilibrium Thermodynamics
? stability of matter
16Thank you for your attention!
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19Balance of entropy
Net balances
thermodynamic stability
hydrodynamic stability
22Nonrelativistic experience a four vector
Energy units of mass
mass velocity (momentum ?) internal
energy velocity-momentum (relativistic?)
23Nonrelativistic spacetime there is time
spacelike, timelike, vectors and
covectors, substantial time derivative
energy-momentum tensor
24mass-momentum vector
total energy-momentum tensor
separation of dissipative and nondissiaptive