Title: Less WellKnown GeoSpatial Datasets
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2Less Well-Known GeoSpatial Datasets
- Property Value History
- Property Attribute History
- Building Permits
- Population Models
3Less Well-Known GeoSpatial Datasets
- Property Value History
- Property Attribute History
- Building Permits
- Population Models
4Property Value History
- Relevant jocoPub FCs SDE Views
- PropertyValueHistory_PT
- PropertyValueHistoryFlat_PT
- Subdivision_PL_vw1
- Subdivision_PL_vw3
- Relevant Layer Files
- PropertyValueHistory.lyr
- SubdivisionPropertyValue.lyr
(Re-created Nightly)
- One point for each unique combination of current
TaxPropID TaxYear - For most TaxPropIDs, there will be 12 coincident
points (1996-2007) - gt 2,000,000 points
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- Points are located at the centroid of the "best"
polygon for a TaxPropID
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- Current TaxPropIDs
- TaxPropIDs that existed in previous years but do
not exist now are not represented. - Not every TaxPropID that exists now was in
existence for the past 12 years. - Even though a TaxPropID exists now and has
historical value data, that doesn't mean that
that TaxPropID existed in the same configuration
(shape or legal description) over time.
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- One point for each unique combination of current
TaxPropID TaxYear - For most TaxPropIDs, there will be 12 coincident
points (1996-2007) - gt 2,000,000 points 208,000 points
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- One polygon for each unique combination of
current Subdivision TaxYear - For most Subdivions, there will be 12 coincident
polygons (1996-2007) - 32,000 polygons
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- One polygon for each unique combination of
current Subdivision TaxYear - For most Subdivisions, there will be 12
coincident polygons (1996-2007) - 32,000 polygons 3,000 polygons
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26Less Well-Known GeoSpatial Datasets
- Property Value History
- Property Attribute History
- Building Permits
- Population Models
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28Small Community Focus Group
- History is helpful when investigating a single
parcel, but I need to know where ownership
changes (and other property attribute changes)
have taken place without having to investigate
each parcel in my City. - "I would like to be able to receive a report each
month that indicates which parcels in my city
have undergone a change in ownership. And for
our enforcement of our rental licensing
requirement, it would be especially nice to know
when ownership changes on rental properties and
can you help us locate unregistered rental
- New .xls generated at the beginning of each month
(reports updates from previous month). - AllFieldsSummary worksheet
- OwnerNameDetail worksheet
32Less Well-Known GeoSpatial Datasets
- Property Value History
- Property Attribute History
- Building Permits
- Population Models
- 109,000 points
- All Building Permits issued between February 2000
May 2007 (currently) - Source APR
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36Less Well-Known GeoSpatial Datasets
- Property Value History
- Property Attribute History
- Building Permits
- Population Models
37Relevant jocoPub FCs SDE Views
(Re-created Nightly)
- PopulationModel1_PT
- PopulationModel2_PT
- PopulationModel3_PT
- Subdivision_PL_vw2
- Commissioner_PL_vw2
- PLSS_PL_vw1
- PLSSQuarter_PL_vw1
- VotingPrecinct_PL_vw2
- More SDE Views coming
(Re-created Nightly)
(Updated Nightly)
(Updated Nightly)
(Updated Nightly)
(Updated Nightly)
(Updated Nightly)
38Relevant Layer Files
- AddressesResidentialHouseholdSize.lyr
- PropertyResidentialHouseholdSize.lyr
- SubdivisionPopulation.lyr
- CurrPopEstByCommissionerDistrict.lyr
- CurrPopEstBySectionModel1.lyr
- CurrPopEstBySectionModel2.lyr
- CurrPopEstByVotingPrecinctModel1.lyr
- CurrPopEstByVotingPrecinctModel2.lyr
- More layer files coming
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- Logic originally developed by CERI/Steen, but has
been modified subsequently - Each point represents the centroid of a
Residential Parcel Polygon (NumDwellUnits gt 0). - Each point contains the estimated number of
persons residing at the parcel (in a field named
Occupants). - Occupants is calculated by multiplying the
NumDwellUnits for the parcel by the Average
Household Size for the specific CERI ZIP that the
point resides in. This result is then multiplied
by 1 the Vacancy Rate for the specific CERI ZIP
that the point resides in. - Average Household Size and Vacancy Rate is not
only based on CERI Zip, but owner/renter (using
- Developed by Yoder to address currency and
granularity shortcomings of Model 1. - Each point represents an individual residence ...
an address point which resides in a parcel
polygon whose GenLandUse1 (MARC/OP) is SnglFamRes
or TwoFamRes or MultFamRes - or an address point which resides in a parcel
polygon whose LandUse value is 811 (Farm/Ranch
with Improvements) or 100 (Vacant Residential
Land) - Each point contains the estimated number of
persons residing at the Residence (in a field
named Occupants). - Occupants is equal to Average Household Size for
the specific Census Block that this point resides
in multiplied by 1 the Vacancy Rate for the
specific Census Tract that this point resides in.
- Average Household Size and Vacancy Rate is not
only based on Census Block and Tract, but
owner/renter (using GenLandUse1). - The number of Occupants at any given Residence
may be overriden by virtue of an active record
in an Occupants Override table - Nursing homes, assisted living facilities,
college dormitories, jails, prisons
44Use of Models with Custom/Variable Geography
45Use of Models with Pre-Defined Geography
Use of Models with Pre-Defined Geography
47Relevant Layer Files
- AddressesResidentialHouseholdSize.lyr
- PropertyResidentialHouseholdSize.lyr
- SubdivisionPopulation.lyr
- CurrPopEstByCommissionerDistrict.lyr
- CurrPopEstBySectionModel1.lyr
- CurrPopEstBySectionModel2.lyr
- CurrPopEstByVotingPrecinctModel1.lyr
- CurrPopEstByVotingPrecinctModel2.lyr
- More layer files coming
48Use of Models with Pre-Defined Geography
- Developed by Porter in context of 2007 BOCC
Redistricting. - Each point represents an individual residential
building permit (since 2000). - Each point contains the estimated number of
persons residing at the Residence (in a field
named Occupants). - Occupants is calculated in the same manner as
Population Model 2 AHS for Block (1 Vacancy
Rate for Tract) owner/renter considered for AHS
Vacancy Rate. - To estimate population in a particular area, must
add 2000 population to the sum of Occupants in
the area. - Like 1 2, can use with Custom/Variable
Geography in ArcMap or with Pre-Defined
Geography. - Most closely reflects current Census Bureau
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