Title: LINF2345: Languages and Algorithms for Distributed Applications
1LINF2345 Languages and Algorithms for
Distributed Applications
- Seif Haridi
- Peter Van Roy
- Course organization and objectives
- Course overview
- General concepts
- Language-based distribution
- Some advanced concepts
- Motivation for distributed systems
- Introduction to distributed systems
- Distributed algorithms
- Basic underlying concepts
- Programming language, operating system, and
network basics - Addressing Internet hosts, process on a host,
Web document
3Course organizationand objectives
- Understand some of the fundamental aspects of
distributed systems - Course in three parts
- General Concepts
- Language-Based Distribution
- Advanced Concepts
5LINF2345 organization
- Evaluation
- Test 25 (dispensatory) around the seventh week
- Final exam 50 or 75 (if redo test)
- Project 25
- Web page
- http//www.info.ucl.ac.be/notes_de_cours/LINF2345
- Most material will be put there
- People
- Teacher Peter Van Roy (pvr_at_info.ucl.ac.be)
- Assistant Yves Jaradin (yjaradin_at_info.ucl.ac.be)
- There will be one project, to be done in groups
of two, around the 10th-12th week - Practical sessions will build toward the project
- Exercises to review Oz
- Exercises to introduce Distributed Oz
- What will the project be?
- Maybe a peer-to-peer application, using our
peer-to-peer middleware?
7Lecture structure
- Reminder of last lecture
- Overview
- Content
- Summary
- Reading suggestions
- Lectures are based on mainly the following
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten van Steen,
Distributed systems Principles and Paradigms,
Prentice-Hall 2002. - Randy Chow and Theodore Johnson, Distributed
Operating Systems Algorithms, Addison Wesley
1997, ISBN 0-201-49838-3. - Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi, Concepts,
Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming,
chapter 11, MIT Press, 2004 - Some research papers!
- The books are available in the INGI library
- Research papers will be hand-outs
9Other recommended material
- Coulouris, Dollimore, Kindberg, Distributed
Systems Concepts and Design, Addison-Wesley
(3rd Edition) - M.L. Liu, Distributed Computing, Principles and
Applications, Addison Wesley - Nancy Lynch, Distributed Algorithms
10Questions and using brakes!
- Please do ask questions during the lectures
- repeat an explanation
- give better explanation
- for an example?
- Please say when things go too fast!
- Please say when things go too slow!
11Background knowledge
- I assume some basic knowledge about
- Programming languages knowledge C/Java
- Operating systems knowledge basic concepts
- Networking basic concepts
- Algorithms and data structures
- I will try to be as elementary as possible
- Ask me to explain if I assume something you dont
12Course overview
13Languages and algorithms for distributed
applications (1)
- Part 1 general concepts of distributed systems
- Inter-process communication
- Processes, threads, client/servers, code
migration, software agents - Naming services
- Clocks and synchronization
14Languages and algorithms for distributed
applications (2)
- Part 2 language-based distribution
- Network-transparent distribution
- Review of Oz language
- Practical introduction to Distributed Oz
- Open distribution
- Connecting independent computations
- Foundations of Distributed Oz
- Language entities and their protocols
- Fault tolerance
15Languages and algorithms for distributed
applications (3)
- Part 3 some advanced concepts
- Decentralized (peer-to-peer) systems
- As contrasted with centralized (client/server)
systems - Peer-to-peer library in Mozart
- Introduction to the programming project
- Introduction to distributed algorithms
- Introduction to distributed transactions
- Some systems
- Grid, CORBA, Web Services, Erlang, etc.
16Language-based distribution
- How can we make distributed programming really
simple? - First approximation network transparency
- Second approximation extend with control over
network communication (network awareness) - Third approximation add failure detection
ability and connection ability (fault tolerance
and openness) - (Security is also important, but is outside the
scope of this course)
17Distributed Oz
- Keep same language semantics while executing over
a network - Can this work? Waldo et al say it cant!
- It depends on the language design
- The main problems are state and concurrency
- Global state is very expensive in a distributed
system - A distributed system is naturally concurrent
- The language has to do two things
- Make it easy to program without global state
- Make concurrency easy and efficient
- Both of these are hard in Java but easy in Oz
- You will see how simple it really is!
18Some advanced concepts
- Distributed programs have two extremes
- Centralized (client/server)
- Decentralized (peer-to-peer)
- We will explore this spectrum!
- We will use the peer-to-peer library of Mozart
- Distributed algorithms
- Leader election, mutual exclusion, snapshots
- Can be very subtle in a distributed setting!
- Some systems and middleware
- Grid, CORBA, Web Services, Erlang, etc.
19Examples of middleware
- Distributed systems
- Grid Globus
- Distributed COM
- Web Services
- Erlang
- Distributed coordination-based systems
- JavaSpaces
- Security
- E
20Distributed algorithms
- Model of distributed computations
- Techniques for coordination of processes
- Techniques for high availability
- Fault tolerance
- Reliable group communication
- Distributed agreement
- Techniques for scalability
- Consistency models
- Replication techniques
21Motivation fordistributed systems
22Distributed system and distributed computing
- Early computing was performed on a single
processor. Uni-processor computing can be called
centralized computing. - A distributed system is a collection of
independent computers, interconnected via a
network, capable of collaborating on a task. - Distributed computing is computing performed in a
distributed system.
23Distributed systems
24Examples of distributed systems
- Network of workstations (NOW) a group of
networked personal workstations connected to one
or more server machines. - The Internet
- An intranet a network of computers and
workstations within an organization, segregated
from the Internet via a protective device (a
25Computers in a distributed system
- Workstations computers used by end-users to
perform computing (desktops or laptops) - Server machines computers which provide
resources and services - Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) handheld
computers connected to the system via a wireless
communication link.
26Centralized vs. distributed computing
27Evolution of paradigms
- Client-server Socket API, remote method
invocation - Distributed objects
- Object broker CORBA
- Network service Jini
- Object space JavaSpaces
- Mobile agents
- Message oriented middleware (MOM) Java Message
Service - Collaborative applications
28Cooperative distributed computing projects
- Cooperative distributed computing projects
(also called distributed computing in some
literature) these are projects that parcel out
large-scale computing to workstations, often
making use of surplus CPU cycles. Example
seti_at_home project to scan data retrieved by a
radio telescope to search for radio signals from
another world.
29Why distributed computing?
- Economics Distributed systems allow the pooling
of resources, including CPU cycles, data storage,
input/output devices, and services - Reliability Distributed systems allow
replication of resources and/or services, thus
reducing service outage due to failures - Universality The Internet has become a universal
platform for distributed computing, i.e., it is
available everywhere with substantially identical
30The strengths and weaknesses of distributed
- In any form of computing, there is always a
tradeoff in advantages and disadvantages - Some of the reasons for the popularity of
distributed computing - The affordability of computers and availability
of network access - Resource sharing
- Scalability
- Fault tolerance
31The strengths and weaknesses of distributed
- The disadvantages of distributed computing
- Multiple Points of Failures the failure of one
or more participating computers, or one or more
network links, can spell trouble. - Security Concerns In a distributed system, there
are more opportunities for unauthorized attack. - Programming Difficulty Complex APIs, many issues
that have to be handled at the same time
32Introduction to distributed systems
33What is a distributed system?
34A distributed system
Communication Medium
Communication channel
Node processor/process
35A distributed system
- Set of computing nodes that cooperate in order to
achieve a well defined goal - Nodes cooperate through communication
- Communication is by message passing at the
fundamental level
36A distributed system
- A distributed system is one/more applications
running on a collection of independent computers
that appears to its users as a single coherent
37What is a distributed system?
- Hardware is distributed
- n processing elements (processor memory), PE
- Interconnected by some network
- No shared memory
- Software is distributed
- No centralized OS, each PE has its own copy of OS
- No physically centralized file system
- Means for inter-process communication is message
passing at the lowest level
38Why distributed systems?
- Information exchange (collaborative work)
- Resource sharing (e.g. printer, backup storage,
disk units, etc.) - Resource sharing (applications, information,
media, services) - Cost reduction
- Increase of availability (partial failure)
- Increase of performance through parallelism, ...
39Main characteristics
- No shared memory between nodes
- Each node has its memory
- Communication by message passing
- No global clock
- Each node has its own clock
- Impossible for a node to obtain an instantaneous
global state of the system
40Examples ofdistributed systems
- Airline reservation system
- Bank automated teller machine network
- CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work)
- Intranet
- Internet TCP/IP-based communications
infrastructure - Mobile computing
41A typical portion of the Internet
network link
42A typical intranet
43How are distributed systems built?
- A number of computers connected by a network
- Distribution middleware services layer that gives
a uniform view of the nodes, and hides some of
the network and distribution aspects - Applications on top of the middleware service
layer (using a programming system or combination
of programming systems)
44Middleware view
45Middleware view
- A distributed system is often organized as a
layer on the top of local operating systems
46Goals of a distributed system
- Transparency
- Hide the fact the processes are resources are
physically distributed - Scalability
- Distributed systems should be easy to expand
- Availability
- Distributed systems should be continuously
available - Openness
- Adding new users/components into the system
- Adding new functionality, incrementally and
independently by independent developer teams
- Ideally a distributed application (system) should
look like a conventional centralized system, with
no distinction between local and remote resources - This is the user view
- The developer view is different
- Network aware, knows the cost of distribution of
programming entities (e.g. objects) - Have means to control the distribution behavior
- Access Transparency
- Hide differences in data representation and how a
resource is accessed - Hides heterogeneity of underlying nodes
- Location Transparency
- Hide where a resource/service is located
- Migration Transparency
- Hides that resources/services may be moved to
another location without affecting how they are
- Relocation Transparency
- Hides that a resource may be moved to another
location while in use - Failure Transparency
- Hide the failure and recovery of a resource
- Concurrency Transparency
- Hides that a resources may be shared by a number
of competitive uses/processes
- Size
- Add more users and resources/components
- Distance
- Cope with geographically separate resources and
users - Management
- Spanning over independent administrative
organizations - Local management
52Scalability problems (Size)
Examples of scalability limitations
53Scaling techniques (1)
Offload the server by sending form processing
procedures to the client
54Scaling techniques (2)
- Distributed algorithms
- No process has complete information of the system
- Process decisions are based on local information
- Failure of one process does not ruin the whole
system - No assumptions about exactly synchronized clocks
(no global clock)
55Scaling techniques (3)
An example of dividing the DNS name space into
56Scalability problems (distance)
- Long communication delays
- Programming techniques for Local Area Networks
LAN do not really work for Wide Area Networks WAN - Synchronous communication like a Remote Procedure
Call (RPC) is not suitable - Asynchronous message passing is more appropriate
57Scalability problems (distance)
- WAN has unreliable communication media
- Cannot exploit broadcast communication
- Only point-to-point communication
- Locating a service on a WAN is more difficult
that on LAN - On LAN just broadcast a service identifier, and
wait for response
58Scalability problems (different administrative
- Different and conflicting policies for
- Resource usage
- Management of the system
- Security policies
- WHO has access to WHAT resources
- Can I trust a non local system administrator
59Scalability problems (different administrative
Admin Domain 2
Admin Domain 1
Distributed System DS
- Protect DS from the domains 1 2
- Protect domains 1 2 from the DS
- Example Grid Computing GGF
60Distributed algorithms
61Distributed algorithms
- How to design distributed algorithms
- Study of some fundamental problems
- Analysis of distributed algorithms
- How to achieve fault tolerance in a distributed
system - Fault tolerance ability of a system to provide
useful service despite the failure of some of its
components - Very important for high availability
62Why study distributed algorithms?
- Distributed algorithms are the backbone of
distributed computing systems - They are essential for the implementation of
distributed systems - Distributed operating systems
- Distributed databases
- Distributed communication systems
- Real-time process-control systems
- Transportation systems, etc.
63Classes of distributed algorithms
- Fully decentralized
- Fault tolerant
- More difficult in general
- With a centralized coordinator
- Conceptually simpler
- Single point of failure, bottleneck
- Require efficient mechanisms for selecting a new
coordinator if the current one fails
64Distributed algorithms
- Models of distributed computation
- Causality
- Ordering of events, logical clocks (timestamps)
- Causal communication
- Distributed snapshots
- Detecting stable properties, diffusing
computation - Modeling a distributed computation
- Expressing correctness properties of a
distributed algorithm - Failures in a distributed system
65Distributed algorithms outline
- Synchronization
- Distributed mutual exclusion needed to regulate
accesses to a common resource that can be used
only by one process at a time - Election
- Used for instance, to designate a new coordinator
when the current coordinator fails
66Distributed algorithms outline
- Distributed agreement
- How to get a set of nodes to agree on a value
- Distributed agreement is used for instance,
- To determine which nodes are alive in the system
- To confine malicious behavior of some components
- In distributed databases to determine when to
commit a transaction - (Fault tolerance again!)
67Distributed algorithms outline
- Replicated data management
- A key for high availability is to replicate
components (data/files, servers, etc.) - We shall be concerned with
- Techniques for maintaining replicated data in a
distributed system (database techniques) - Atomic broadcast/multicast
- Membership
68Distributed algorithms outline
- Check-pointing and recovery
- Error recovery is essential for fault-tolerance
- When a processor fails and then is repaired, it
will need to recover its state of the computation
- To enable recovery, check-pointing (recording of
the state into a stable storage) is needed - We will be concerned with techniques used for
this, in the context of distributed systems
- Text book
- Distributed Operating Systems Algorithms
- Randy Chow and Theodore Johnson, Addison Wesley,
1997 - Others
- Distributed Algorithms
- Nancy A. Lynch, 1996
- Research papers
70Basic underlying concepts
71Basics in three areas
- As a prerequisite for the rest of the course, we
introduce some basics from other areas as they
related to distributed systems - Some of the notations and concepts from these
areas will be employed from time to time in this
course - Programming languages
- Operating systems
- Networks
72Programming language basics
73Sequential languages versus concurrent languages
- Most popular languages were designed first as
sequential, and concurrency was added on later - Examples Java, C, etc.
- This makes concurrency complicated!
- Some recent languages make concurrency much
easier - Example Erlang, which is based on message
passing between active objects. This is
important not only for concurrency, but also for
fault tolerance. - Example Oz, which allows programming with
dataflow concurrency - Example E, which uses message passing to make
security easier
74Centralized versus distributed languages
- Most popular languages were designed first as
centralized (running on one machine), and
distribution was added on later - Examples Java, C, etc.
- This makes distribution complicated!
- This is why most distributed programs are
client/servers - Some languages make distribution much easier
- So far, these are research languages (no
widespread industrial use) except perhaps Erlang - This is an old and respectable field Emerald, SR
(1980s), Erlang (early 1990s), Oz (end 1990s),
etc. - A recent development is to support peer-to-peer
applications - Pushed from the applications side, with file
sharing, collaboration applications such as
Napster, Gnutella, Kazaa, Skype
75Concurrency and state
- The basic lesson is that concurrency and state
are difficult when used together in a program - Keep them separate!
- Unfortunately, a distributed system is by nature
concurrent - This points toward message passing, in which
active entities send each other asynchronous
messages, as the right approach since it does not
suppose shared state - State is important for modularity
- Use it for that purpose and not for collaboration
- With care, concurrency and state can keep out of
each others hair - Erlang and Oz (again) are the canonical examples
76Procedural versus object-oriented programming
- In the olden days, when distribution was still
embryonic (early 1980s), languages were divided
into two classes procedural languages and
object-oriented languages. - Procedural languages, with the C language being
the primary example, use procedures (functions)
to break down the complexity of the tasks that an
application entails. - Object-oriented languages, exemplified by Java,
use objects to encapsulate the details. Each
object carrying state data as well as behaviors.
State data are represented as instance data.
Behaviors are represented as methods. - Both of these languages lead to synchronous calls
(RPC and RMI) when extended for distribution - This is highly error prone and non-transparent
- Too simplistic thinking!
77Operating system basics
78Operating system basics
- A process consists of an executing program, its
current values, state information, and the
resources used by the operating system to manage
its execution. - A program is an artifact constructed by a
software developer a process is a dynamic entity
which exists only when a program is run.
79Process state transition diagram
80Example Java processes
- There are three types of Java program
applications, applets, and servlets, all are
written as a class - A Java application program is run as an
independent(standalone) process - An applet is run using a browser or the applet
viewer - A servlet is run in the context of a web server
- A Java program is compiled into byte code, a
universal object code. When run, the byte code
is interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
A just-in-time compiler (JIT) improves execution
81Three types of Java programs
- Applications
- A program whose byte code can be run on any
system which has a Java Virtual Machine. An
application may be standalone (monolithic) or
distributed (if it interacts with another
process). - Applets
- A program whose byte code is downloaded from a
remote machine and is run in the browsers Java
Virtual Machine. - Servlets
- A program whose byte code resides on a remote
machine and is run at the request of an HTTP
client (a browser).
82Three types of Java programs
83Concurrent processing
- On modern day operating systems, multiple
processes appear to be executing concurrently on
a machine by timesharing resources.
84Concurrent processing within a process
- It is often useful for a process to have parallel
threads of execution, - each of which timeshare the system resources in
much the same - way as concurrent processes.
85Thread-safe programming
- Consider two threads that independently access
and update the same data object, such as a
counter - It is possible for one of the updates to be
overwritten by the other due to the sequencing of
the machine instructions in the two threads (race
condition) - This leads to unpredictable behavior that is not
explained by the counters specification
(observable nondeterminism) - To protect against this, a synchronized method
can be used to provide mutual exclusion. The
counter executes inside a critical region, that
can be entered by only one thread at a time.
86Race condition (observable nondeterministic
87Network basics
88Network standards and protocols
- On public networks such as the Internet, it is
necessary for a common set of rules to be
specified for the exchange of data - Such rule sets, called protocols, specify matters
such as the formatting and semantics of data,
flow control, and error correction - Software can share data over the network using
network software which supports a standard set of
- A protocol is a set of rules that must be
observed by the participants - Message formats, meanings of message components
- Allowable sequences of message interchange
- Protocols must be formally defined and precisely
implemented. For each protocol, there must be
rules that specify the following - How is the exchanged data encoded?
- How are events (sending, receiving) synchronized
so that the participants can send and receive in
a coordinated order? - Implementation independence
90Layered network architecture
- Network hardware transfers electronic
signals,which represent a bit stream, between two
devices - Modern day network applications require an
application programming interface (API) which
masks the underlying complexities of data
transmission - A layered network architecture allows the
functionalities needed to mask the complexities
to be provided incrementally, layer by layer - Actual implementation of the functionalities may
not actually follow this structure, i.e., it may
not be clearly divided by layer
91The OSI seven-layer network architecture
92Conceptual layering
- The division of the layers is conceptual the
implementation of the functionalities need not be
clearly divided as such in the hardware and
software that implements the architecture. - The conceptual division serves at least two
useful purposes - Systematic specification of protocols
- it allows protocols to be specified
systematically - 2. Conceptual data flow it allows programs to be
written in terms of logical data flow.
93The TCP/IP protocol suite
- The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet
Protocol suite is a set of network protocols
which supports a four-layer network architecture - It is the protocol suite currently used on the
94The TCP/IP protocol suite (2)
- The Internet layer implements the Internet
Protocol, which provides the functionalities for
allowing data to be transmitted between any two
hosts on the Internet (best-effort packet
routing) - The Transport layer delivers the transmitted data
to a specific process running on an Internet host
(reliable byte stream) - The Application layer supports the programming
interface used for building a program
(application API)
95Network resources
- Network resources are resources available to the
participants of a distributed computing community
- Network resources include hardware such as
computers and equipment, and software such as
processes, email mailboxes, files, web documents
- An important class of network resources is
network services such as the World Wide Web and
file transfer (FTP), which are provided by
specific processes running on computers
96Identification of network resources (naming
- One of the key challenges in distributed
computing is the unique identification of
resources available on the network, such as
e-mail mailboxes, and web documents - Addressing an Internet Host
- Addressing a process running on a host
- Email Addresses
- Addressing web contents URL
97Addressing Internet hosts
98The Internet topology
99The Internet topology
- The internet consists of a hierarchy of networks,
interconnected via a network backbone - Each network has a unique network address
- Computers, or hosts, are connected to a network.
Each host has a unique ID within its network. - Each process running on a host is associated with
zero or more ports. A port is a logical entity
for data transmission.
100The Internet addressing scheme
- In IP version 4, each address is 32 bit long.
- The address space accommodates 232 (4.3 billion)
addresses in total. - Addresses are divided into 5 classes (A through E)
byte 0
byte 1
byte 2
byte 3
class A address
class B address
network address
class C address
host portion
Multicast addresses
reserved address
101The Internet addressing scheme (2)
Subdividing the host portion of an Internet
byte 0
byte 1
byte 2
byte 3
class B address
network address
host portion
A class A/C
address space can
also be similarly subdivided.
Which portion of the host address
is used for the
local host address
is determined by a
- Suppose the dotted-decimal notation for a
particular Internet address - is129.65.24.50. The 32-bit binary expansion of
the notation is as - follows
- Since the leading bit sequence is 10, the address
is a Class B - address. Within the class, the network portion
is identified by the - remaining bits in the first two bytes, that is,
00000101000001, and the - host portion is the values in the last two bytes,
or 0001100000110010. - For convenience, the binary prefix for class
identification is often included as part of the
network portion of the address, so that we would
say that this particular address is at network
129.65 and then at host address 24.50 on that
103Another example
- Given the address, one can expand it as
follows -
- The binary prefix of 1110 signifies that this is
class D, or multicast, address. Data packets
sent to this address should therefore be
delivered to the multicast group
104The Internet addressing scheme (3)
- For human readability, Internet addresses are
written in a dotted decimal notation - nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where each nnn group is
a decimal value in the range of 0 through 255 - Internet host table (found in /etc/hosts file)
- localhost
- falcon.csc.calpoly.edu
falcon loghost - falcon-srv.csc.calpoly.edu
falcon-srv - hornet.csc.calpoly.edu
hornet - hornet-srv.csc.calpoly.edu
hornet-srv - onion.csc.calpoly.edu
onion - hercules.csc.calpoly.edu
105IP version 6 addressing scheme
- Each address is 128-bit long.
- There are three types of addresses
- Unicast An identifier for a single interface.
- Anycast An identifier for a set of interfaces
(typically belonging to different nodes). - Multicast An identifier for a set of interfaces
(typically belonging to different nodes). A
packet sent to a multicast address is delivered
to all interfaces identified by that address. - See Request for Comments 2373 http//www.faqs.org
/rfcs/ (link is in books reference)
106The Domain Name System (DNS)
- Each Internet address is mapped to a symbolic
name, using the DNS, in the format of - ltcomputer-namegt.ltsubdomain
hierarchygt.ltorganizationgt.ltsector namegt.ltcountry
codegt - e.g., www.csc.calpoly.edu.us
107The Domain Name System
- For network applications, a domain name must be
mapped to its corresponding Internet address. - Processes known as domain name system servers
provide the mapping service, based on a
distributed database of the mapping scheme. - The mapping service is offered by thousands of
DNS servers on the Internet, each responsible for
a portion of the name space, called a zone.
108Domain name hierarchy
109Name lookup and resolution
- If a domain name is used to address a host, its
corresponding IP address must be obtained for the
lower-layer network software. - The mapping, or name resolution, must be
maintained in some registry. - For runtime name resolution, a network service is
needed a protocol must be defined for the naming
scheme and for the service. Example The DNS
service supports the DNS the Java RMI registry
supports RMI object lookup JNDI is a network
service lookup protocol.
110Addressing a process running on a host
111Logical ports
host A
host B
Each host has 65536 ports.
The Internet
112Well known ports
- Each Internet host has 216 (65,535) logical
ports. Each port is identified by a number
between 1 and 65535, and can be allocated to a
particular process - Port numbers between 1 and 1023 are reserved for
processes which provide well-known services such
as finger, FTP, HTTP, and email.
113Well known ports
114Choosing a port to run your program
- For programming when a port is needed, choose a
random number above the well known ports
1,024-65,535 - For providing a network service for the
community, then arrange to have a port assigned
to and reserved for your service
115Addressing a Web document
116The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
- Resources to be shared on a network need to be
uniquely identifiable. - On the Internet, a URI is a character string
which allows a resource to be located. - There are two types of URIs
- URL (Uniform Resource Locator) points to a
specific resource at a specific location - URN (Uniform Resource Name) points to a specific
resource at a nonspecific location.
- A URL has the format of
- protocol//host addressport/directory
path/file namesection
118More on URL
- The path in a URL is relative to the document
root of the server. - A URL may appear in a document in a relative
form - lt a hrefanother.htmlgt
- and the actual URL referred to will be
another.html preceded by the protocol, hostname,
directory path of the document .
120Summary (1)
- We discussed the following topics
- What is meant by distributed computing
- Distributed systems
- Distributed algorithms
- Basic concepts in operating systems processes
and threads - Basic concepts in programming languages
121Summary (2)
- Basic concepts in networks
- Layered network architectures the OSI model and
the Internet model - TCP/IP protocol suite
- Connection-oriented communication vs.
connectionless communication - Internet addressing
- Naming schemes for network resources
- Domain Name System (DNS)
- Protocol port numbers
- Web documents and Uniform Resource Identifiers